Sunday, August 2, 2015

And the Heat Goes On!!

Am I thankful for air conditioning that works?  Oh YES!!  Again this past week the heat and humidity continued in full force!  So grateful for an air conditioned school, office, and apartment where I can enjoy a break from the heat and humidity we are experiencing in Seoul!  It was another busy week of new staff orientation, preparations for After School Activities, adjustments, changes, and meetings.  New staff have completed their orientation and the returning teachers will join them Monday morning for a week of All Staff Orientation and Back to School sessions for new families as well as returning families.  Lots to do and lots of adjustments and changes.  Your prayers will be appreciated!

I am enjoying getting to know our new teachers and administrators!  They seem like a great group. This past week was a busy one for them as they dealt with sessions on technology, school policies, Korean culture, school culture, immigration details, and preparation of their classrooms.  In addition, they were getting all the details finalized for their housing as well as just getting acquainted with the community around YISS and just taking time to enjoy the city and all that there is to do. 

CFO, Mr. McCarthy, sharing in one of the orientation sessions
      with new teachers about school Business Office policies.

Most of the new elementary staff chatting with our new elementary principal, Mrs. Sara Willetts, in the new elementary office.  From left to right: Mrs. Willetts, Ms. Candy Swift (ELL teacher), Ms. Meridith Johnson (Elementary Chaplain), Mr. Charles Chan (Elem. Ed Tech teacher), Ms. Domenique Roberts (Grade 3A teacher), Ms. Tori Palmer (Grades 3-5 Music teacher), and Mrs. Mary Hannah (Grade 3D teacher).

Some of the new teachers at one of the lunches at YISS last week!

On Monday evening, each of the schools (elementary, middle, and high school) took their new teachers out for a dinner.  We took our new elementary teachers and their families to one of our favorite places, On the Border!  What a great time of fun, food, fellowship, and joy we had together! It was so fun to get to know the new staff even better during this special time.

A view of the new elementary staff at our dinner at On the Border
                                 on Monday evening!

A view from the other end of the tables of our new elementary staff along with the two veteran Assistant Elementary Principals! :-)

My new server-friend at On the Border!  This is Joy, a server at
On the Border.  He was our server and did a superb job!  I asked
why he selected Joy as his English name.  He said because he  
wanted to show passion of happiness and joy as he served!  

One of the delightful and delicious dishes some enjoyed at OTB!

This one is mine! :-)  I love their Sizzling Chicken Fajita Salad!

Each summer there are facilities changes made at YISS; many of them are not communicated until the last minute.  Most of us are becoming accustomed to these surprise changes, but it is still difficult!  As I was in my office working on the After School Activities program for Quarter One, our new principal came in to announce that the Elementary Gym would not be available for use at least the first two weeks of school!  All of sudden during the summer, it was discovered there was something in the floor or ceiling (I am confused as to which) did not meet the government's code.  I noticed there was a problem when I was walking around checking rooms.  The Elementary Gym doors were locked and I looked in the windows of the doors and saw a real mess!  I knew that it was not going to be ready for school on August 10.  And sure enough, this announcement last week confirmed it.  There are many situations that need to have a Plan B, C, and D ready for August 10 and be in place for at least 2 weeks.  Your prayers would be greatly appreciated as we work through these various issues and seek to come up with a plan!  You can also be praying about the After School Activities program that could possibly be impacted by all of this if the gym is not ready by August 28 - the beginning of after school activities.

This is a picture of the ASA Sports activity from last year in the
 Elementary Gym!  Right now the gym looks nothing like this.
I share this picture and the one below as reminders to pray that
  the problem with our gym can be repaired quickly so we can 
              use it for Phys. Ed. classes and ASA!

Above is a picture of the gym from another angle in the gym. 
 Just a reminder for prayer for a quick repair so we can use!    

As you think of us this weekend and the coming week, please pray for the returning staff as they return to set up their classrooms and unpack boxes and attend various orientation sessions throughout this week.  We are adding a new fifth-grade section so that now we will have four sections of each grade from Grades 1 through 5; still only 3 sections of kindergarten.  The fifth-grade classes are moving from the 3rd floor on one wing to where the third-grade classes were on the first floor.  This is a good change for numerous reasons, but it still creates one other change for those teachers.  This, however, was a change that was planned ahead of time and teachers were ready for it.

I traveled to Songtan, South Korea on Saturday to visit my wonderful friends, Tony and Sue Kuhn. They are serving at the NICS school in Pyeongtaek.  It was so good to see them.  I was able to see their new apartment!  Tony also took me to see the new location for the SYME program.  Some of you may remember that my first two years in Korea took place at Royal Plaza in Songtan at SYME (School of Youth Ministries in English).  I taught English and Bible to Korean university students who were planning to attend a Bible college or university in the USA.  This new facility will be great for SYME and I think it is a good change for the program.  

Tony and Sue took me to eat at Ashley's, a restaurant change in Korea that features a huge buffet of all sorts of food as well as a steak if you wish to add that.  Ashley's was a favorite of mine when I was teaching at SYME, so it was great to return to this great restaurant and enjoy a wonderful feast and great fellowship with the Kuhns!

Here I am with Sue and Tony Kuhn at Ashley's in Pyeongtaek!

 This is my first trip to the Buffet!!  Oh sooooo tasty!!

After we enjoyed a delicious lunch, Tony and Sue took me to see their new apartment.  It is great!  I also had the joy of meeting Chloe, their beautiful little dog!!  It took a little time, but Chloe finally warmed up to me.  We had so much fun!

Tony and Sue in front of their new apartment building.  They love it!  Their apartment is on the third floor!

Here I am getting acquainted with their doggie, Chloe!
 It took a little time, but she began to warm up to me.
She had a couple "accidents" from excitement before
                    becoming too acquainted!

Another pic of Cloe and me becoming friends!

I am pretty sure that she has warmed up to me!! 

For lunch on Sunday I had the joy and pleaseure of meeting a former YISS student, Alliot.  Alliot is now at school in the Washington, DC area, but loves keeping in touch with me.  He is back in Korea with his family visiting relatives and friends and he, his sister, and mother stopped by YISS last week to see several teachers and Alliot wanted to set up a time to have a meal and conversation with me.  We agreed on Sunday and had a great lunch/bunch at one of my favorites, and one that Alliot wanted to try, The Flying Pan Blue!  We had a most amazing chat and following lunch, Alliot went with me to YISS. He wanted to check out the new additions to the school as well as talk some more.  Please keep praying for this delightful young man as he returns to George Marshall High School in McClean, Virginia to begin his sophomore year.  I am praying that through our continued interaction that this young man will become a follower of Jesus.

Alliot and I at The Flying Pan Blue preparing to enjoy a very tasty lunch!  What a fantastic conversation we enjoyed!!

            Alliot enjoyed the Spicy Mushroom Cream Pasta!

GGG enjoyed the Brioche French Toast with Grilled Bananas - 
becoming one of his favorites!                


Thanks so much for your encouraging emails, comments, notes, prayers, and support!  They are greatly appreciated!  Prayers for this coming week are especially valued!  And then August 10 the cherubs return for another exciting year at YISS!

Love, Gregg

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