Saturday, November 14, 2015

Gratitude and Celebrations!!

The many activities of this week helped me to reflect on those people and things for which I am thankful! It was a week where I enjoyed many celebrations as well!  In the midst of a lot of pain in two toes, I was able to celebrate others and share gratitude to many who have impacted my life especially during this past week.  That caused me to pause and remember many from my family and my friends who have been used in numerous ways to impact me positively throughout my life so far. When I started to reflect on the special celebrations and the many who have caused me to grow in positive ways, the pain in my two toes didn't seem to matter so much.

November 11 in the USA is a time when we pause to reflect on those who have sacrificed to serve and protect our country in our Armed Forces.  During this week I learned something about one of the students I had in one of the  fifth grade classes I taught way back in the early 1970's at Guilford Hills Elementary School.  His name is Randy, and he posted a photo on Facebook of himself dressed in the uniform of the U.S. Army.  I did not know that Randy had served in the Army for over 23 years!  He was such a delightful boy in fifth grade and we reconnected through the FB platform.  Because of that picture, I was able to thank Randy and we have begun an amazing dialogue about the impact I had on his life and how grateful he is.  One never knows the impact - either positively or negatively - that little comments made or just in how we treated someone without saying anything has helped that person in his/her life.  I was thanking Randy for serving our country and protecting me, yet he helped me to see the beauty in relationships - even when we think that our impact wasn't very big.  I have been thanking the Lord for so many people this week!

In South Korea, November 11 is Pepero Day!  It is a day that is similar to Valentine's Day in the USA.  Peperos are these sticks of a yummy snack in all kinds of flavors.  The original purpose of the Pepero Day was to exchange peperos with each other in hopes of becoming taller and thinner! Today, the purpose is to exchange peperos to show affection for loved-ones and friends.  At YISS man children will exchange with students and give to their teachers and/or principals.  I usually receive more than I need or want, but it has not helped me to become taller and thinner. :-)  My friend, Dancing Boy Andrew, came to the office with one of his friends, Zachary, to give me two Pepero sticks with a note.  Then I asked Andrew to do a Pepero Day Dance for me.  On the spot he made up a dance and asked me to join him in learning it.  You can take a look at it on Facebook. :-)

Above are the two Pepero sticks that Dancing Boy Andrew and Zachary gave me with their little note. :-)

Thursday was a special day when the school has a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon for those who volunteer to help at YISS through the PTO or in some other way in classrooms with teachers.  I have always been so impressed with the PTO at YISS and Thursday was a special day of saying thanks to them.  So much fun and I always enjoy interacting with the volunteers and thanking them for their amazing service to our students.

Some of our parent volunteers at the Appreciation Luncheon!

 A group of Dads (I always love when the Dads come) at one of the tables.  They allowed a dew Moms to join them! :-)

Headmaster Johnson at this table with several mothers.

Some of the yummy food enjoyed by the volunteers.

More tasty food that was available for the wonderful volunteers!

The PTO President welcoming all the volunteers to the luncheon.

A special quartet from the Middle School provided some beautiful music during part of the luncheon.

Grade 2A and all of the fourth grade sections had special celebration times this week.  Ms. Minor, Grade 2A's teacher, has been working diligently with her cherubs on "telling time."  This is something that causes some difficulty for children.  She has worked so hard at coming up with various stories to help her children understand how to use the hour and minute hands to tell time correctly and in various ways.  Friday was the day when various teachers and principals agreed to wear a watch on their wrist that Ms. Minor had made and each had a different time set on it.  Students could politely ask a teacher wearing one of these watches to show the watch to the student and the student was to tell them the correct time and then write it down on their papers.  Ms. Minor had put little watches on various objects and at various locations in her classroom and hallway.  It was so much fun to see the students working diligently and having fun learning how to tell someone what the correct time is!  Great time for celebrating!

Ms. Minor had placed mini clocks all around her classroom and 
outside the classroom.  Each one had a different time and students
went on a hunt and placed the time they thought was accurate on
                                              their paper.

She had this one on the corner of her desk.  Others were near the broom and dust pan + many out-of-the-way places.

As students arrived on Friday, each found a wrist watch on her/his
seat.  This is where they began their "Telling Time Scavenger Hunt!"

Ms. Minor had asked about 12 teachers and administrators to wear a wrist watch with a different time set on it.  If a student met up with an adult wearing a wrist watch, he/she would ask to see it and then tell the time to the person and write it on their paper.  This is grade 1B teacher, Mrs. Miller, with her wrist watch.

Grade 4 has been working on writing stories using writing techniques used in the Readers' & Writers' Workshop curriculum.  The kids are loving reading and actually enjoying writing stories.  It has been exciting to see the improvement in their writing since the beginning of the year.  Thursday was a day they invited others to come in to celebrate the stories they had written.  There were so many wonderful stories!  It was exciting to see the stories of students who were struggling to write two sentences at the beginning of the year.

One of my favorite lines (from the stories I read) was written by Hugo.  His story was about a character who struggled (with the help of a friend) through a bad first day of school.  In it Hugo wrote, "Finally it was my turn to speak.  I stood up slowly, trying to hide myself, but I couldn't do that so I stood up sloppy and then straight.  I whispered to the class, 'My name is Goko and I am from Japan.' "  What an excellent job Hugo did crafting his story!  He wrote in a way that showed what was happening, and even hinted a little about how he was feeling, rather than simply telling what was going on.  I felt  that I was there...that I was Hugo's main character having to do something that made me nervous and uncomfortable.  I was very impressed!

The pictures I was given for the 4th Grade Writing Celebration were not so good.  This is one of them that shows two proud young ladies showing part of their stories.  They really were quite good!

Thursday evening after school I went to visit Dr. Park.  He is becoming a close friend of my feet! :-) I actually enjoy talking with him each time I go.  This visit he needed to do some laser surgery on the corn/callous (or something that is very painful) on the inside of one of my left toes.  It smelled like he was cooking a bad dinner for me once he started the laser work. :-)  I will go to see him again this coming Thursday to see what needs to happen next.  It is still a bit painful - mainly from the laser work, but I continue cleaning it and putting the ointment on it.  Thanks for praying.  I am trusting that it will improve even more before I return to visit the good doctor!

Friday was the close of our second full week of After School Activities.  I am already beginning work on activities for Quarter Three.  Thanks for continuing to pray for this major undertaking.  There are some busy weeks ahead before Christmas Break.  Many Elementary Christmas Concerts, Compassion Club's "Bundle Up" Project, Progress Reports for Quarter Two, Field Trips, teacher observations, and the list goes on. :-)

Friday was a delightful end to a busy week.  I was able to attend the annual concert of the Yonsei University Male Choir Glee Club.  I have become friends with the conductor, Eric Lee.  It is almost like I am a celebrity of some sort when I arrive at the concert.  Former Glee Club members, as well as current ones, who I really do not know, but they know me, come running up to me and thanking me for my great support and encouragement of them.  The concert was the final one for Conductor Lee. He will now move on to another graduate school to get his doctorate.  He is always able to bring out the best blend and the most amazing dynamics in the groups he conducts.  Please pray as I meet with Eric on Tuesday for dinner.  This will be the first time we have met for dinner and Eric wants to talk about a lot of things and get my perspective on them.

The front cover of the program for the Yonsei University Male Choir's November 13th concert!

Here are the men ready to sing the fourth section of their concert!

The men with their very gifted conductor and two beautiful skilled accompanists.

Saturday was a busy and relaxing day.  I had lots to do as far as shopping and getting a number of projects completed.  I also enjoyed a nice time with my great friends, Tony and Sue Kuhn, at Sweet East!  A great time of enjoying yummy funnel cakes and great conversation and laughter. Please pray for Tony and Sue as they serve at International Christian School in Pyeongtaek.  We had a very refreshing time together!

Here we are at Sweet East drinking our coffees and hot chocolate
                        while waiting for our funnel cakes!

I had asked Hans, the delightful worker at Sweet East, if he could 
add extra whipped cream.  He was happy to make me happy! :-)

Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, your love, your notes, your emails, your prayers, and your support.  I trust that you will enjoy the rest of November.  

Love, Gregg

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