Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sunday Sunset, Spiders & Cobwebs, Special Opportunities!!

November began with a beautiful sunset here in Seoul!  I love to observe God at work with sunrises and sunsets!  So beautiful!  I had just returned from Bangkok and spent last Sunday refreshing and recovering from a red-eye flight from Bangkok to Seoul.  I was reminded of all the special opportunities God continues to give me with many students who have crossed paths with me over the years + future opportunities of serving Him!  Here is the sunset that one of my friends at YISS captured on her camera last Sunday evening!


I began the week refreshed and ready for the opportunities of the first week in November!  So much going on at YISS this past week.  It was the first full week of After School Activities for Quarter Two.  All went well with a few minor exceptions.  Students are enjoying the new activities as well as some of those that are repeated almost every quarter.

It was also the week of SEW (Spiritual Emphasis Week) in the elementary school - one of my favorite times of the year!  John and Diane Windle returned once again to YISS to the delight of our students and teachers.  I believe they started their special ministry at YISS in 2003 and have continued to come every two years to share with our elementary students.  As soon as our elementary chaplain shows some pictures of the Windles and their puppets several weeks prior to their arrival, the kids who were present the last time start getting excited and sharing the anticipation with those students who are new to YISS.  Our kids and teachers love the Windles and their special ministry. They do an amazing job with their puppets, music, and stories that capture the attention and interest of our kids.  In addition to three different assemblies each day, Tuesday through Friday, the Windles were able to get into 18 of our 22 elementary classrooms for personal times with students in their classroom settings.  There were some great times of interaction.  This year they centered in on Daniel with the theme of "Upside Down Kingdom."  Oh, how I wish you could have been here to observe the excitement in the singing of our kids as well as their attention and their excellent questions. Please pray that God will continue to work in the lives of many of our children so that they will decide, like Daniel, to follow the Lord!

   Banner on the YISS auditorium stage stating the
theme for this year's week of SEW: "Upside Down."

Diane and John Windle leading the kids in one of their favorite songs, Living in the Kingdom Upside Down.

Some of the students and teachers involved with trying to figure out   
the "upside down" message on the screen to introduce this year's SEW!

Hairy and Diane interacting with the kids!  Oh, how they love when Hairy and the other puppets come out!

Here is John interacting with students as they come
      into the auditorium for the SEW Assembly!

Hairy and Diane with one of our students during one
of the quiz times during SEW!             

I believe it was Wednesday evening when I came home to my apartment and found this huge spider enjoying my dwelling.  I noticed the beginning of a very intricate cobweb in the corner of the little area where the washing machine is located.  That same day I received some mail from my friends, Douglas and Deborah, from Virginia.  I had not opened the letter until I had taken care of Mr. Spider (maybe a Ms. Spider?) and said goodbye to him before flushing him down the toilet.  When I opened it, I found the latest reflection writing from Deborah Goshorn-Stenger!  It was titled, Cobwebs!  Just what I needed for this week!  I had allowed cobwebs to form in my heart and they were very sticky!  As I read Cobwebs, I paused and talked with the Lord and reflected on all that He has done and reminded myself that this work at YISS or wherever I am is NOT about me!  Thank you, Deborah!  Here is what Deborah had written:

Recently I have been made aware of an opportunity that a friend made known to me and said that I should consider.  I really don't know what will happen, but I am asking God to remove any cobwebs from my heart so that He can give me clear direction as to this opportunity.  I would value your prayers for this.

I always take advantage of special opportunities to enjoy "Whipped Cream!"  On Friday, I was invited by Grade 4 students to come to their Market Day.  Students have learned about my vice and usually someone chooses to bring whipped cream for their little booth.  They are fairly certain that Mr. Garman will purchase some! :-)  Friday was no exception and after some negotiating, I was able to purchase a cup of whipped cream to put on top of my chocolate chip cookie, purchased from another fourth grade vendor.  Market Days with whipped cream are always so much fun!! :-)

     Some of the 4th grade vendors on Friday at Market Day!

This is Webb, the vendor I bought a yummy chocolate chip cookie from so that I could put my whipped cream on it!

Getting ready for my first bite after talking the whipped cream vendors
into selling me a cup of whipped cream.  One of the vendors is at the  
bottom right of the picture.  I love her expression!!             

My first bite!!

         Photo right after my first bite of my yummy taste treat!!

I continue to develop relationships with students at YISS in the elementary school as well as in the middle school and high school.  It seemed that this week God just really brought a number of these students into my life in many different ways.  One young man, is now studying in Riverside, CA and continues to communicate with me like a son would talk with his father. Matthew was one of the first middle school students I met when I arrived at YISS and I have a real heart for this young man.  He battles depression, but seems to be doing well at this point.  He is planning to return to Korea for Christmas Break and wants to get together.  Please keep praying for this wonderful young man.

Another former YISS student, Alliot, left YISS a year ago to go to a school in Virginia.  Alliot and I have had some amazing conversations. He believes in God but still does has not received Jesus as Savior.  On Facebook this past Thursday Alliot sent me a private message and wanted my input of a video that had a clip of a debate on "Science and Religion." He wanted to know what I thought.  He remembered our conversations last August when he returned for vacation in Korea. We talked about God and creation and all sorts of things.  I am so excited that Alliot asked me about this.  I wrote back and he thanked me for what I said.  He wants to meet in person when he visits in Seoul again or when I come to the States the next time. I love this young man and long for him to accept Jesus. Please pray as the Lord continues to give us opportunities to share together.

Here I am with Alliot when he was back in Korea last August.

We also celebrated the birthday of our Elementary Counselor, Mrs. Hooper, in the middle of this past week.  It has been great to have a counselor dedicated to working with our elementary cherubs. Lauren Hooper has been wonderful for our students, giving great assistance to teachers and parents.

Here is the Elementary Office Staff celebrating Mrs. Hooper's birthday in the Elementary Office this week with yummy Piz Burger meals.  From left to right: Mrs. Willette, Principal; Mrs. Hooper, Elementary Counselor; Ms. Henspeter, Elementary Media Specialist; Mrs. Roll, Assistant Elementary Principal; and Mrs. Yoo, Administrative Assistant.  

Saturday was a special day as I was able to meet with some wonderful Korean friends.  Saturday for lunch I met with Daris and Clara.  I met them through my great friend, Gunmo, and we continue to develop a great relationship.  They told me about two weeks ago that Clara is pregnant with their first child!  They are so excited!  Daris is going to have to head to California for some study soon and they would really appreciate prayers for all the details concerning that as well as the health of Clara and the little one she is carrying.  We enjoyed a great time of fellowship and food at Los Amigos, Clara's choice.


Then Saturday evening I met my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin Baek! I always love our times together.  Your continued prayers for Yeongmin would be greatly appreciated. We met for dinner at a new place near my apartment.  It is called Siraeok.  We enjoyed a delightful time of conversation and some good Kalbi (marinated beef short ribs) and all of the side dishes! After dinner, Yeongmin helped me understand the very big document that I was given by the maintenance man at my apartment complex.  It is the 2105 Population and Housing Census.  Both Yeongmin and Jungmin told me to not worry about it so much.  Glad to receive the help from Yeongmin Saturday evening.

Here we are at Siraeok Restaurant preparing to eat our Kalbi meal!

Just want to thank you for your continued love, care, emails, regular mail, packages, prayers, and support.  I am so excited to have received several boxes of knitted scarves and caps for our Compassion Club's "Bundle Up" project at Seoul Station.  Thanks so much to my sister, Gae, and my friends from Mercer Christian Academy, Ken and Judy Kiesler, for the great packages.  I understand there will probably be some more shipments from a few more friends and family.  Have a great November!

Love, Gregg

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