Saturday, January 30, 2016

Happy February!! Warmer Week, but Things are Getting Busier!

Most of us thought we were experiencing a heat wave last week! :-)  Temperatures were between -1 and 7 degrees Celsius rather than -19 to -7 degrees which we had experienced the week before!  Kids and teachers were delighted that we did not have any indoor recess this past week!

It was a very busy week, and it is going to continue to be busy in February!  By the way, Happy February to you - 29 days this February!  Enjoy!

One of the frequent happenings at an international school - especially here in Seoul - is that parents are here for several years (we always love it when they can stay longer) and then their country or business will give them a new assignment in another city and country.  Two precious little girls had to leave this past week.  Neomi and Leona are being relocated and their mother made a point to invite me to the class party where the girls would be able to say "hasta la vista" to their classmates and teachers.  The girls wanted Mother to specifically invite Mr. Garman to come and write in their "Friendship Book" and enjoy some cake and get some hugs!  Both girls will be missed!  They always had a nice smile for me.  I got to know them and their mother because of meeting them many days after school when Mother came to pick them up after finishing their After School Activity.  Please pray for this family as they relocate.

          GGG with Leona and Mrs. Miller, grade 1B teacher.

GGG with Neomi and her mother at the party!

Neomi with some of her classmates and a mother 
getting ready to enjoy some cake at the party!   

And yes, After School Activities began in full force this past week.  Over 350 of our 460 Elementary cherubs are involved in an activity or two (some three or four) this quarter.  Thanks for praying for the ASA program - especially for next year.  I was informed this week of the staff member on YISS staff who will probably be taking over this major responsibility.  He and I met on Friday so that I could begin sharing with him all that needs to happen to make the program run as smoothly as possible.  After an hour, I had to leave to begin dismissal procedures for the Elementary School.  He left my office looking very overwhelmed. Please pray as these transition meetings continue.

Tuesday I was asked by our Elementary Chaplain, Ms. Johnson, to be part of a skit in Elementary Chapel.  I was John the Baptist in "An Interview with John the Baptist."  I enjoyed being part of this lesson and for the remainder of the day, I was greeted by the cherubs with "Hello John" or "Hi, Mr. Baptist Man." :-)  You will notice from the pictures that I refused to wear my animal skin costume.  Didn't want to frighten the children with my hairy chest, etc.  I couldn't locate any locusts or some Korean silkworm larvae to eat. :-)

Ms. Johnson and "John with a Locust" in Chapel.

Tuesday was also the special day for Kindergarten!  It was the 100th Day of Kindergarten!  This is always a major celebration for them with many activities all centered around the number "100."  The kindergarten teachers, Ms. Regnier, Ms. Han, and Mrs. Bongiovanni, did a great job with the assistance of a number of parent volunteers in organizing some very successful fun learning 100th Day activities.  Ms. Regnier asked me once again to read a book to the kids about the 100th Day.  I always have a fun time with this.

GGG reading the 100th Day story to the Kinder cherubs on the 100th Day of Kindergarten!

The Kindergarten cherubs in the lobby of YISS.  They have their 100 Day Hats on and many were afraid to look up to the second floor where I was taking the picture.  Their hats kept falling off when they looked up! :-)

On the other days I continued to be busy working on After School Activities' projects as well as assisting in interviewing for some elementary teaching positions that are open at YISS for 2016-17. In addition, I was assisting with two interviews for two positions at the International Christian School - Pyeongtaek for next year.

Then on Friday was the PTO's Newcomers' Coffee in the morning!  This is an event the YISS PTO plans at the beginning of each semester for new parents who have enrolled at YISS.  I always enjoy these special times of meeting the new parents and getting to know them a little.   Friday's group was not as large as the one in August so I was able to get to know more of the parents.  Always a great time!

Some of the PTO members mingling with the new parents to YISS at the Newcomers' Coffee.

I have a particular prayer request for one of our Physical Education teachers.  The teacher has confided in me to pray so I will not share the name of the teacher.  God knows the teacher and will hear your prayers.  This teacher has been having some dizziness and nausea.  Last week the teacher had a CT scan and an MRI + the neurologist had the teacher wired so that the specialist could check out the heart rate of the teacher for one day of normal activities.  The teacher was to find out more results this weekend.  The neurologist said initially that the cerebellum was affected and there was a "shady image in the cerebellum that indicated a lack of blood fluid in that region."  Would you please for this person as the results are shared this weekend?  Thank you!

Friday afternoon I received a text message from my new Chinese friend, Lu Chuan Qing, who is studying at Namseoul University in Cheonan.  I met Chuan back at the end of November when I was taking the subway on Line 1 to Pyeongtaek.  I didn't get off at the right stop for a transfer and as everyone was getting off the subway car, I was looking very bewildered and Chuan came along beside me and in his broken English, he said he knew where I was going and he would make sure I got on the right subway.  We started talking and then met in Seoul when he came up for an orthodontist visit.  This past Friday Chuan was coming to Seoul again to see the orthodontist before he flew to China on Saturday for a Lunar New Year break.  He wanted to meet if possible.  We met at a Thai restaurant, Wang Thai, in Itaewon and had another wonderful conversation.  He is excited about seeing his parents and his girlfriend back in China.  Please continue to pray that I will have continued opportunities to meet with Chuan and continue to share about the Lord. 

GGG with Li Chuan Qing at Wang Thai on Friday evening!

           Chuan wanted the Thai Chicken and Crab
                              Fried Rice!

      I love the Thai Red Curry and Chicken!!!!           

My wonderful friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin, has been very busy and our schedules have been so busy, it has been difficult to get together and chat.  He texted me and invited me to one of the many Strawberry Buffets that many hotels in Seoul have for about three months to celebrate the wonderful strawberries that Korea produces.  Our schedules were both open and he was able to get a reservation at the Seoul InterContinental Hotel COEX at the very large COEX Mall in Seoul! What a fabulous time at a very scrumptious buffet which included strawberries prepared very creatively!  The afternoon buffet was packed with strawberry taste treats as well as a salads and mini-sandwiches. Yeongmin and I enjoyed many trips to the buffet and neither of us ate any dinner later that evening!  As usual, we enjoyed some excellent conversation as well as some very delicious strawberry treats!

Waiting to go to the Buffet.  Our reservation was for 2:45.

GGG and Yeongmin enjoying some great conversation and many trips to the Buffet!

       The Chef presenting me with my personal
              Strawberry Flambe.  So delicious!

Chocolate covered strawberries!!  Soooo good!!  

The Macaroon Tree with many other strawberry treats underneath and beside.

             Strawberry Bread Pudding!  Loved this!

Yes, even Strawberry Pizza!

More things strawberry!                     

Strawberry Cheescake!  You will have to check out my Facebook page if you wish to be tortured more.

This week I am going to close by asking you to continue to pray for me as I continue to work to finish well at YISS and continue to work on transition things for the new position as Director at ICS-Pyeongtaek.  In February, I will travel to the international headquarters of NICS (Network of International Christian Schools) in Southaven, Mississippi for two conferences.  One of them will be the New Directors' Training.  This is training for all new directors to NICS.  Combined with this is the ALC (Annual Leadership Conference).  This is for the directors and some other key leaders at the various NICS' schools.  During this conference, there is also a Job Fair at one of the large churches in the area.  Mr. Charlie Mooney, one of principals from ICS-P, will be coming from ICS-P to join me to represent ICS-P at the conference.  Charlie will be handling most of the presentations concerning ICS-P and I will be observing and learning!  Your prayers will be appreciated as I travel and participate.  I leave on Saturday, February 13, and will return to Seoul and YISS on February 28. Please pray that I will be able to get all of my responsibilities covered at YISS for this time when I am away.

Thank you so much for your continued love, care, encouragement, prayers, and support.  I really appreciate all you do for me.  Enjoy a great month of February!

Love,  Gregg

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