Saturday, June 18, 2016

Enjoying New Experiences in Pyeongtaek!!

It has been a week of new experiences in my new surroundings in Pyeongtaek.  There is one experience of the past week that is not so enjoyable, but needed to be accomplished.  That was unpacking the many boxes and arranging the items in new locations in the apartment and at my office at ICSP.  There are still a number of boxes to be unpacked and sorted, but I did make a huge dent in this task.  I am hoping to complete most of this on Monday and Tuesday prior to my departure for a respite in the USA.

As I was unpacking boxes and bags on Tuesday, I realized that four fall/winter jackets, five sweaters, and three of my very favorite pullover jerseys were missing.  I had one of the ladies in the school's Business Office contact the moving company and they said they delivered everything they packed and loaded. I had watched them pack these particular items and watched as they loaded that box on the truck.  So I knew they had been packed and loaded.  As you may remember, until June 20, I am sharing the apartment of the outgoing director.  When the moving company brought my belongings to Pyeongtaek, I wasn't at the apartment yet.  So Mr. Newman had placed my suits, shirts, bags of clothing, etc. in various closets in the apartment.  I told him that I could not locate this one particular bag of items. I came home and searched high and low in every room and could not locate the missing items.  I had several people praying.  On Thursday evening, Bob came out of his bedroom with a large yellow plastic bag and asked me, "Are these the items you are missing?"  I looked in the bag and was so excited as I saw all of the missing items!!  They had been hiding under some large items in a closet in the one bedroom.  Even though I searched that bedroom, I never saw this bag.  So, the lost has been found and GGG is so grateful! :-)

*  Tuesday evening:  One of my first new experiences in my new neighborhood was to return to some brisk walking.  Brisk walking is not a new experience, but walking in my new neighborhood (Anjeong-ri) was a new experience and I enjoyed every minute of it!  I think if I can get a good podiatrist back in Chambersburg this summer to get my toes free of some nasty corns/callouses, and get shoes that really fit me, these experiences will bring even more enjoyment.  I love walking and really enjoyed seeing a lot of the main street and some side streets in Anjeong-ri!  I found a grocery store that has almost everything I need!  I found a Mexican restaurant, El Gitano's and later in the week ate at it with Bob Newman!  Very similar to Chipotle!  I walked 2.72 miles on Tuesday and then walked 3 miles on Wednesday evening while bettering my average time.  Please pray that I will get some relief from my feet problems so that I can walk on a more regular basis when I return from my visit to the States.

 *  Wednesday Lunch:  Wednesday, I had the pleasure of reuniting with my wonderful friend from SYME days, Mike Nicholes! Mike and his family are now ministering at an English-speaking church in Pyeongtaek. The church is called "Exciting Dae Kwang Church." From what Mike told me, "dae" in Korean is "big" and "kwang" in Korean is "light." Rather cool name for a church. I am considering fellowshipping with this church community.  After visiting the church building, Mike took me to "Spoons," a Shabu Shabu Buffet restaurant near the church.  I loved this new restaurant experience!  Look forward to returning to the church and Spoons! We had such a great time of conversation, fellowship, and very tasty food!

My friend from SYME days, Mike Nicholes, and I preparing to eat a delicious Shabu Shabu buffet meal at Spoons in Pyeongtaek!

  One of my plates from the buffet + the plate of 
delicious meat that we are about to boil and enjoy!

The tasty meat and veggies being boiled for our eating pleasure!   

*  Thursday and Friday: Another new experience was a visit to the Navy Federal Credit Union on the US Army Base at Camp Humphreys in Anjeong-ri!  I accompanied Bob Newman and Mylene Haselman (ICSP Business Manager) to the base and the CU in order to remove Bob's name as a signatory for the bank account for the school. This was another experience where God was very much involved.  At first, we didn't think I qualified to be a signatory at the Navy Federal CU on Camp Humphreys.  I was told if I had a blood relative who serves, or had served, in the military or with the Department of Defense as a civilian, I could qualify.  My brother was so kind to send me the necessary paperwork to show that he was retired from the DOD.  It's a long story, but I am grateful that all was able to be worked out and as a bonus, I was even able to become a member of the Navy Federal Credit Union which has some benefits that will be of help to me as I serve here in Korea. (The final paperwork was completed on Friday morning after receiving the documents from my brother!  Thanks, Jared!)

*  Friday Dinner:  After completing the paperwork at the Navy Federal CU on Friday morning, I spent most of Friday at ICSP starting to get my office in shape.  Lots of unpacking to do and trying to get things situated for my use.  The on Friday evening I went to Anjeong-ri with my wonderful friends, Tony and Yvonne Kuhn, to dinner for a new restaurant experience at Puffin Restaurant - located near the main gate to Camp Humphreys!  We enjoyed some great conversation, laughter, and very delicious food!  Thanks so much for introducing me to this delightful new food place in the Pyeongtaek area!

Here I am with Tony and Yvonne Kuhn at Puffin Restaurant preparing to enjoy our meals!  

      Yvonne selected the very delicious Snapper!

Tony and I each ordered Lasagna - sooo cheesy and yummy!      

*  Saturday Morning:  Saturday morning I was invited along with the outgoing Headmaster at ICS Pyeongtaek, Bob Newman, to a fantastic breakfast at the Haselman home! Mylene Haselman had prepared a very scrumptious breakfast and we had a great time of conversation and laughter with her husband (Steve), daughter Ianne), and assistant. Mylene is an accomplished cook and is the key to all of the very yummy meals prepared for student and staff at ICSP.  It was great to enjoy the very tasty breakfast and fellowship on Saturday morning in the Haselman home.  It was good to get to know their daughter, Ianne, who will be senior at ICSP this coming year.  Ianne began in Kindergarten at ICSP and will be able to say she completed 13 years of education at ICSP next May!

Preparing to enjoy a very delicious breakfast in their lovely home!  Clockwise beginning on the left: Ianne, Mylene, Steve, GGG, and Bob!

The sign above the refrigerator in Mylene's kitchen!  

   Bacon, Corn Beef Hash, Eggs, Pancakes, fresh Blueberries!! :-)

Homemade, freshly baked Blueberry scones!!  Oh soooo good!!  

The outgoing Director/Headmaster, Bob Newman, will depart very early on Monday morning to head to the Incheon Airport in Seoul to return to Florida to be reunited with his wife, Cynthia, who had to return earlier because of family situations requiring her to be there.  Please pray that Bob will have a safe journey and a great reunion with his wife and family.  Your prayers for me would be appreciated as well as I will be attempting to finish all of the unpacking and rearranging in the apartment and ICSP office on Monday and Tuesday.  I will also be packing for my journey to the USA.  I will leave early Wednesday morning with my excellent friend, Tony Kuhn, who has offered to take me to the airport.  I am looking forward to being home for a little bit, but I am also going to be doing some work which I will need to do in order to be ready to begin with our returning and new staff at ICSP.  I am so thankful for some key staff who have been assisting me in this transition: Tony Kuhn, Charlie Mooney, Mylene Haselman, Helen Lee, and Tia Guinn.

Thank you for being so faithful with your love, care, encouragement, emails, prayers, and support. Your prayers on Wednesday, June 22, as I travel from Seoul to Washington Dulles Airport would be greatly appreciated.  Enjoy your week!


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Getting Settled in Pyeongtaek!

It has been a very interesting week!  I finished six years at YISS on Wednesday afternoon!  I am hoping that I was able to complete the clearing out of my computer at YISS.  At least they gave me the all clear when I checked out.  And the "settling in" process began in Pyeongtaek!

Wednesday evening one of the dear families at YISS had arranged to transport me with a few remaining belongings (the movers had taken 95% of everything on Saturday) to my the apartment of my wonderful friends, Tony and Yvonne Kuhn, in Songtan.  I am very grateful to the Kang family for their generous offer to transport me.  It was much better than taking the bus or train.  Thanks to Binnie and Noah for the great trip to Songtan.  What a great time of fellowship and saying "hasta la vista" to this dear family.

   My buddy, Noah posed with me in my Itaewon
  apartment after taking the last couple bags to the
        Kang van.  (His mother took the photo.)

Noah and his mother with me in front of the Kuhns' apartment in Songtan upon our arrival on Wednesday evening!

Saying farewell to Noah and his mother after unloading the van.  

Bright and early on Thursday morning, Tony transported me to ICS-Pyeongtaek where I met with the current headmaster, Bob Newman, and connected with a few teachers and students.  At 8:40 AM, the Assistant to the Headmaster, Helen Lee, went with me to the Pyeongtaek Immigration Office.  We were escorted by Mr. Song, a gentleman who has served the longest at ICSP.  I am finding that both of these individuals are such assets to the school, and particularly to me.

Upon arrival at the Immigration Office, Mrs. Lee took a ticket and we began the wait to see one of the immigration clerks and show them all of the documentation needed for the renewal of my Visa. After waiting only a few minutes, Mrs. Lee, went to one of the windows and asked if she could see the person she had spoken with a couple times in the weeks prior to Thursday morning.  (I later discovered that this man is the #2 person at the Pyeongtaek Immigration office.) Shortly, this gentleman appeared and Mrs. Lee introduced him to me and presented him with all of my documentation.  They spoke a few minutes.  He left and soon returned and he and Mrs. Lee talked some more.  He returned the documentation and it indicated that I was cleared and all I needed to do was to go to the Revenue Stamp window and pay 60,000 Korean Won.  Mrs. Lee and I went to the window, showed the paperwork from the top official, and paid the fee.  The lady returned my Visa card with the renewal stamp, new address, etc. to Mrs. Lee.  She was so excited because it can take anywhere from 5 to 15 days to get everything approved and get the renewed card!  I was excited too! Many of you had been praying and within an hour, we had my renewed Visa + it was renewed for two years!!  Usually, the visas are renewed for only one year.  This was a huge answer to many prayers!  Thanks to all of you who were praying.

Here I am with two amazing ICSP employees, Mr. Dong and Mrs. Lee, after our return to ICSP from the Pyeongtaek Immigration Office.  (A bit blurry because the photographer was really happy with the fast Visa renewal process.) :-)

Mr. Song wanted to have a photo with the outgoing Headmaster, Mr. Bob Newman, and the incoming Headmaster, GGG.

Later on Thursday, Mr. Newman invited me to go along with him to share a farewell lunch with the Korean staff at ICSP.  We had a great time with a new food experience at the AK Plaza in Pyeongtaek.  Mr. Newman had prepared little gifts for each of the Korean staff and we all enjoyed a great meal and great fellowship!

  Picture of one of the main beef dishes using the Hot Stone to grill
 the meat right on your main plate.  You take some of the beef from
the ball of meat and cook it on the hot stone then enjoy it with some
 eggs and cheese!  The vent (at each table) is used to pull the smoke
                              away from other customers. 

This was my choice - already cooked beef with veggies and mashed
 potatoes and sunny side up egg! Yummy, but I wish I had selected 
the choice pictured in the first photo.                    

Then on Thursday evening, it was time for the ICSP Kindergarten graduation.  What a fun time!  ICSP's Kinder Graduation is actually a celebration dinner.  I am sorry that I did not get any photos of the amazing food that was prepared from scratch right at the school.  (The workers prepare some of the most delicious food!)  The little cherubs had chosen their own processional music.  They chose the Star Wars' Theme music!  Everyone loved it.  It was a great evening of celebration, fellowship, and food!

Parents, staff, and friends gathering for the Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony/Dinner.

Following the procession of the Kinder cherubs, each took a seat in the front of the audience while their teacher, standing on the right, and the teaching assistant, standing on the left, begin to lead the kids in some of their favorite songs from the year.

During the ceremony, the children took one of the little books they had written in their Reading and Writing class and read them to their families.  It was so cool to see them reading their writings to their parents!

I am currently staying at the apartment of Mr. Newman.  Once Mr. Newman concludes his term at ICSP, I will take over his apartment.  Bob suggested that I stay at home on Friday and start unpacking and settling into the apartment.  That is what I did!  I made a huge dent in going through many of the boxes the movers packed (along with those packed by JiSang and me).  Bob had already unpacked my suits and dress shirts!  During the unpacking, I accidentally picked up a package that was near my boxes, but when I opened it, I realized it was not mine.  As I unwrapped the package (wrapped in bubble wrap), a very heavy and beautiful ceramic candle holder fell right on to my right foot attacking my toe that resides right next to my big toe!!  Oh man, did it hurt!  That night the black and blue set in.  It feels better today, but looks a bit nasty.  Here is a picture.  I am sure you will be so excited! :-)


On Saturday evening, the staff at ICSP had a Farewell Picnic for all staff in order to say farewell to those staff leaving ICSP this year as well as sharing some wonderful memories and enjoying some great food and fellowship!  It was a nice time to get more acquainted with the delightful staff with whom I will be working in the coming year.  Enjoy some pictures of the ICSP Farewell Picnic!


Well, I was going to finish my post, but after I went to church in Songtan this morning, I came back to the apartment and checked to see if the Internet connection in the apartment was working.  Bob Newman and I have been having a bit of trouble with it over the weekend.  It was back up and working and I decided to check messages on Facebook.  There is one part of the "Messages" section that I discovered had "filtered messages.  I did not know they were there until today.  I found several private messages for me, one of them dated April 13 from a young man, Grayson Greco, a former student at Mercer Christian Academy when I was Headmaster there.  I was completely blown away by his private message.  I am still overwhelmed and thanking the Lord for working in this young man's life.  Here is the message I received:

"Mr. Garman, I'm not sure you will remember me, but I was once a student at MCA. One day in late April 2002, I was in your office with my parents. That day you expelled me from the school upon recommendation from the board due to an unrepentant breach in school policy. Your memory might be jarred now. I was very bitter at that time as a young man for reasons I won't bore you with. I was also unrepentant to God for my sin. I was certainly not a follower of Jesus. Anyway, six years went by and, praise the LORD, He gave me space to repent and turn to him. Since that day—literally that very day, September 11, 2008—I felt the need to ask for your forgiveness for the disrespect I showed you that day in your office. I dreaded it really, asking your forgiveness. I felt it was a legalistic burden in a way. I can't fully explain it. But alas the LORD again gave me time to mature in my faith and today I was reminded of that burden that I needed to ask your forgiveness. Well, I say all that to finally, after nearly 15 years, ask for your forgiveness. I hope that you can give glory to the Father for His conviction of sin and miraculous salvation of sinners as you read this. After all, Soli Deo Gloria. —A Hopefully Reconciled Brother in the Faith, Grayson Greco."

What a wonderful way to finish my Sunday afternoon in Pyeongtaek.  Please pray for Grayson as he seeks to follow the Lord!

That's it for this week.  Thank you very much for your continued love, care, encouragement, prayers, and support.  I have especially appreciated them during these last couple weeks of leaving YISS and moving on and settling in at ICSP!


Saturday, June 4, 2016

And the 2015-16 School Year at YISS is Now History!!

Happy June to each of you!  June 1 was an "Early Release" day and the final day for the 2015-16 school year at YISS!  So many farewells to students, parents, teachers, and staff made it a very emotional week for me.  I have been overwhelmed and humbled by the many comments from students, parents, and teachers throughout the entire school as they shared with me so may encouraging and humbling messages - and in so many different forms.  Wednesday at the Elementary Staff closing lunch I was given a beautiful tribute via video that had some very funny memories from students, teachers, and administrators (some surprise video visits).  Then on Friday at our Final All Staff Gathering in the auditorium, I was surprised by a tribute from the headmaster, Mr. Ray Johnson. At the close of his comments, I was moved to tears when all of the YISS teachers and staff stood to give me an ovation.  I was left speechless and humbled by the outpouring of love and encouragement from those who have been my colleagues for six years.

There were numerous visits from students and parents throughout the week - even after the last day of school.  On Wednesday when the YISS Yearbooks were distributed to students, there was this seemingly endless line of elementary cherubs extending out of my office while children waited to speak with me and have me write in their yearbooks.  I believe I was glued to my office chair for almost two hours.  What a special time I had with these delightful cherubs!

Here is "Dancing Boy Andrew" in my office getting his yearbook signed.  He did a quick "Yearbook Dance" but I wasn't quick enough to have it caught on video! :-)

Another highlight of the week was our Kindergarten Graduation ceremony on Tuesday evening! They chose the theme Tell the World! for this year's ceremony and they did such a great job!  I had the honor of closing the evening in prayer. It was so wonderful that we were able to close the year with parents and students and visitors hearing about the love of Jesus and how we should be telling the world about His love for us!

This was this year's theme!  Such a great way to end the year for our Kinder cherubs!

Here are the Kinder cherubs on stage as our headmaster, Mr. Johnson, welcomes the audience and then has an opening prayer for the evenings festivities!

Throughout Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I was visited by students and parents in my office or at a restaurant or in the hallways at school.  They wanted to express how much they were going to miss me and wanted to come and just let me know.  I will share some of those experiences in pictures for you below.

   A Friday visit from two YISS young men who just graduated.
                            Daniel, GGG. and Tomas!  

Brendan stopped by on Friday as well!  We have been building a relationship since he entered in Grade 5.  Can't believe he will be a Junior at YISS in the Fall.

Here I am with one of the key leaders in the YISS PTO.  Mrs.    
Stephanie Manni has been involved in the YISS PTO since the   
family arrived when Michaela was in Grade 1.  She stopped by to 
personally tell me thanks for all that I have done for Michaela and
her family!                                            

Friday evening I enjoyed a fantastic time with this family at the Maple Tree Restaurant!  Ryan and Jayne are the parents of my buddy, Max!  They have been such an encouragement to me.  They wanted to express their thanks for taking care of their son so well.  I am going to miss them so much!

Max created a thank you card with our picture on the front.  Inside he had written a beautiful thank you for all I did to help him grow at YISS.  The family presented me with this handsome tie. (They know I have this addiction for shirts and ties!) :-)

While enjoying my late breakfast (after the movers left my apartment) on Saturday at the Original Pancake House, this group of YISS elementary students came racing to my table and wanted to sit with me for a picture. We had a nice time chatting and laughing.  Going to miss them so much, too.

Saturday morning, June 4, the Moving Company from Pyeongtaek arrived promptly at 9:00 AM to pack the remaining belongings (clothing, kitchen stuff, some furniture, bedding, wall hangings, appliances, etc.).  Two men did an outstanding job!  The one came in and went from room-to-room with me making sure what they were to pack and what they weren't to pack.  Then when his partner came up to the apartment, he took him around and gave him the details.  At 10:35 AM, they had everything packed and loaded on the truck and were gone!  Now we will see if everything is in good shape when I get down to Pyeongtaek on Wednesday night after finishing my final day at YISS.

  Some of the boxes and other goodies in the front room ready for 
                                            the movers.

Some of the kitchen stuff.  There were still things in the cupboards.  They did all of the packing of the coffee mugs and breakable items!

Preparing the boxes for the suits and shirts!      

Items to go from the bedroom - everything but the bookshelf, bed, and fan.

The mirror, piano, and my reading chair all set to get wrapped and
                                    loaded on the truck!

I am excited, yet nervous, about my first days at ICS-Pyeongtaek beginning on Thursday at 8:00 AM. Here are some things you can be praying for:

*  At 8:00 AM on Thursday, I will go with the Admin. Assistant, Helen Lee, to the Pyeongtaek Immigration Office.  I need one more document from the NICS Home Office and if it is there and all my other documents are in order, Mrs. Lee said that things should go forward and I would have my renewed Visa Alien Card before I travel to the USA on June 22.  Please pray that this will all work out!

*  I will be working closely with the current Headmaster, Mr. Bob Newman, for two weeks on transition things.  ICS-P is still in session so I will also be involved with students and teachers.  I had met some of the ICS-P students on several of my previous visits in the last two months and  I already have a burden in my heart for a quartet of young high school students.  I would appreciate your prayers for these young men as well as other students I will be getting to know at the close of this year + all of the teachers.  Here is a picture of four ICS-P students you can be praying for:

Here are the four ICS-P young men: From Left to right - Ju Young, Nic, Jason, and Joshua.  Thanks for praying for me, and them, as I seek to get to know them better!

*  Pray that I will be able to transition well and be able to unpack everything and get it organized at the new apartment, as well as at my office at ICS-P.  Please pray that I will be able to get all other details worked out as far as car insurance, registration, getting around the Pyeongtaek area, getting to know the school community, etc.

In addition to the packing and moving on Saturday morning, I also was able to meet with my dear friend, Gunmo, and a former SYME student, Joonsoo (Carlos) Lee, who is back in Korea for a few weeks to have his knee and ankle checked out.  He is currently studying at California Baptist University and is home to find out if he needs to have surgery.  I know he would value your prayers.

Gunmo and I enjoying some excellent coffee, chocolate, conversation, and laughter. 

Another photo, but our faces are a bit dark because of the sunlight. You can see a nice view of Namsan Tower from this coffee shop right beside the apartment I am leaving.

GGG and Joonsoo preparing to eat some yummy Mexican food at Los Amigos.

Joonsoo enjoyed beef burrito!

And I enjoyed my chicken quesadillas!

I will have an updated address for you soon.  Thanks so much for all of your prayers at this time as I say my "Hasta la vistas" at YISS and transition to ICS-P.  Your love, care, encouragement, prayers, and support continue to mean so much to me!  Happy June!

Love, Gregg