Saturday, July 30, 2016

A New School Year; a New School; a New Position! "Vulnerability Can Be Scary!"

As I got off my Delta flight in Seoul last Saturday evening, I suddenly realized that I was having a harder time leaving my family and friends in the USA.  I realized that on Monday morning I would be heading to the International Christian School of Pyeongtaek (ICSP) to begin a new school year, at a new school, and in a new position!  I was scared!  I was feeling very vulnerable!  So much was going through my mind!  I want to be loved and accepted for who I am (probably all of us do), but I fear that if people truly knew me, they would reject me and I could get hurt.  What if they found out I'm not smart enough...good enough...capable enough...kind enough...and the list goes on!

After going through customs and collecting my package, I went through the door that took international passengers into the area where they would be picked up by waiting friends.  And there they were, my friends, Tony and Sue Kuhn, with smiles on their faces ready to extend love and encouragement to me and listen to me.  God continues to bring into my life people who allow me to be vulnerable and share my heart.  I often forget the many dear family and friends who have given me this privilege.  They hear me share my struggles and are like those Paul describes in Ephesians 4:2 - "Be patient, bearing with one another in love." Throughout this past week, God has brought many of the ICSP community alongside me to help me with the many situations that faced me throughout the week.

I arrived early to ICSP on Monday morning following a battle with the Internet connection and TV connection in my new apartment.  I took my security card out of my pocket and did what I was told to do in order to enter the school.  I was following the instructions, but the door would not budge. After several attempts, I pushed on the left door and it opened.  The left door is to always be locked and not able to be opened by the security card.  I went in and went to my office to find everything I had organized before I left for the States in June all over my desk.  And shortly a security officer from the security company arrived and wanted to know who I was and why the alarm went off. After explaining what I had done and showing him identification, he told me what the problem was and then left.  Needless to say, it was not a great beginning to my first official day! :-)

But with the assistance and love of many of the staff, all is back in order and the office is in decent shape and I am no longer afraid to use my security card to get in.  I am so thankful to a number of the staff at ICSP who took time to reach out and listen and help.  And the Lord continues to teach me so many lessons - especially to quit stressing and feeling like I have to solve everything.  I am finding it is so excellent to be able to be vulnerable with dear family and friends!

Before I write anything else, I realize I have not sent any pictures of the school where I will be Headmaster.  Here are some photos of the school and the surrounding area.  Those of you who have followed my posts will see that I am no longer in Seoul! :-)  Enjoy!

The International Christian School of Pyeongtaek!  Main entrance to our school.

Another view of ICSP from the right side.  You can see a playground area for children as well as part of the newest building, our ICSP Gymnasium (used for the first time last year).

Main entrance to the ICS-P Gym!  This has been a great addition!

  Another view of the Gym with the classroom building behind it 
                                             to the right!

This is another view of the Gym.  The main entrance is on the left 
   of the photo.                                         

My office - almost completed!

  This is what you see all around ICSP!  Rice fields!  They are so
                                   green right now, too!

More rice fields!

Some more rice fields + in the distance you can see a retirement  & 
nursing care center.  Some of our students volunteer at this center! 

Another view of the rice fields with one of the main highways in the background.

                        Another view of the rice fields!

On Tuesday morning, the Field Leadership Team (FLT) at ICSP (Mylene Haselman, Charlie Mooney, Tony Kuhn, Helen Lee, and GGG) met to finalize our plans and schedule for the New Staff Orientation August 1 -5 and the All Staff Orientation August 8-12.  We also planned for the two days for teachers prior to the official beginning of the school year on August 17.  It is going to be a very busy three weeks and your prayers are greatly appreciated.  All of our new staff have arrived and I am excited about the teachers God has brought to ICSP for 2016-17.  Still lots to plan and do so please keep on praying!

Wednesday was a great opportunity for us at ICSP!  Last year one of the parents asked our Business Manager, Mylene, why ICSP was not represented at the Job Fair at Camp Humphreys, the US Army base within 15 minutes of the school.  Mylene said that we have tried to come but those in charge said that our school would not be able to be represented.  The parent came back in a few days and said that ICSP was invited to the Job Fair that was scheduled for July 27!  So that is where the FLT went on Wednesday from 10 Am - 1 PM.  It was a great experience!  The director of the overall program said that we would be invited back on a regular basis.  ICSP is looking for a few substitute teachers and a Librarian who would begin in January.  We had about 16 people stop by and we had some excellent discussions with them.  There were about four or five who would be great for substitute teachers and there was one who would be a fantastic candidate for Librarian.

The Commander of Camp Humphreys welcomed all of those who were representing various organizations at the Job Fair and gave some very interesting facts about the growth of the city of Pyeongtaek.  It is predicted that the city of Pyeongtaek will grow from its present population of 470,000 to 1,000,00 in one to two years!!  The number of military personnel at Camp Humphreys will grow from 12,000 to 46,000!!  ICSP has already had some new students from Camp Humphreys and with this growth, many more can be expected.  Our enrollment for 2016-17 is now at 134, for which we are grateful.  It continues to increase and it would be great for even more for this year.

GGG with two of our Field Leadership Team, Mylene Haselman (Business Manager) and Helen Lee (Administrative Assistant) at the Champ Humphreys' Job Fair.  Both are key positions at ICSP.  I have been blessed by both of these ladies as they are so willing and eager to assist me!

Some of the representatives at the Job Fair as well as some of those who were looking for jobs! 

Saturday morning, I was invited by Tony and Sue Kuhn to go with them to COSTCO in Cheonan, a city about 40 minutes from Pyeongtaek.  I got a COSTCO Korean membership card in July 2010 but after two visits, I never went again.  I was always be run into by lots of people (often the Korean cleaning ladies).  I got tired of having my heels bruised by the carts of very pushy shoppers in the Seoul COSTCO stores.  I found that going early - as soon as it opens - is the ideal time and it is not so crowded.  The Kuhns and I had a great time and then enjoyed a light lunch at the COSTCO Food Court.   I will be going again!  Oh, and yes, I did get my three cans of Whipped Cream!! :-)

Some of the many shoppers at COSTCO on Saturday!  It looked like many families made it a total family outing!

Food Court area at COSTCO!

Sue Kuhn ran quickly by this display in the meat section.  She didn't want to see this huge fish! :-)

My friends, Sue and Tony Kuhn, enjoying lunch at COSTCO.  Tony was acting crazy.  I think he doesn't like having his picture taken. :-)

Sunday, following the worship service at Exciting Dae Kwang Church, I was finally able to connect in person with an old friend from SYME days!  After studying at Word of Life Bible Institute and Moody Bible Institute, Justin Lim, is a teacher and administrator at an English Academy near Suwon. I was so happy to finally get together with this excellent friend.  What a great time of catching up we had!  Justin insisted on treating me to dinner.  We ate at one of my new local favorites, Puffin Restaurant near the main gate of Camp Humphreys.  We had such a wonderful conversation and I am excited to see how Justin is eager to serve the Lord.  I know he would value your prayers.

Justin and GGG enjoying our tasty dinners and stimulating conversation at Puffin Restaurant on Sunday!

Thank you very much for your continued encouragement, emails, love, care, regular mail, prayers, and support.  Your prayers for these next three weeks will be greatly appreciated.  I have many projects that need to be completed by August 15 in order to meet the deadline of the NICS Home Office.

I will leave you with one last photo.  This is a photo of my new apartment building.  I am in a complex called Eden Apartments.  I really like my Apartment #302.  my apartment is on the 3rd floor and at the front of the building.  I will try to have more pictures of the inside of my apartment in future posts.  There is an extra bedroom!  Just case you would like to come and visit or we can put you to work as a volunteer or in a full-time capacity as well! :-)

Thanks again!  You really are very special to me!

Love, Gregg


  1. Will be praying and lol about the extra bedroom.

  2. Thank you for sharing about your vulnerability and worries. You are one of those people that I have always seen as so rock strong. I am sure that you are in so many ways, but it was encouraging to me to read as you shared them so honestly. Praying for the transition into the new school year and new place to be calm and peaceful for you.

  3. Thank you for sharing about your vulnerability and worries. You are one of those people that I have always seen as so rock strong. I am sure that you are in so many ways, but it was encouraging to me to read as you shared them so honestly. Praying for the transition into the new school year and new place to be calm and peaceful for you.

  4. God always provides. I’m glad that you were able to so well fit into your new position, especially in another country! I don’t know if I could do the same as easily. The school looks beautiful as well – modern, large, and safe. You should be proud to be the headmaster of such an impressive place of education.

    Nicholas Taylor @ Vancouver Business Brokers
