Saturday, December 10, 2016

Christmas Break Coming; Quarter Two Finishing!

What a busy week!  Middle School and High School teachers were very busy preparing students for Quarter Final Exams, which will be on December 14, 15, and 16.  Elementary teachers were preparing final quarter grades as well as working on various Christmas projects and taking some special field trips! We welcomed a new staff member to our community.  Mrs. Ti Na Lee accepted our offer to become our Librarian in January 2017.  Mrs. Lee will replace our current Librarian, Mrs. April Mooney, who is scheduled to bring a precious new life into the Mooney family in January. Mrs. Lee will also be assisting with some of our elementary students with a few ELD classes.

We also interviewed a young man for the position of ELD Coordinator/Teacher on Monday.  We were delighted with his credentials and experience and his desire to begin with us in January.  We felt that this was the person God brought to us to assist us in this immediate need.  After indicating how excited he was to be in this position, he came to me on Thursday.  I was expecting that he would go with Mrs. Helen Lee, the administrative assistant who handles all of the visa paperwork for new staff.  However, he informed me that after talking with his wife + some of his family back in the USA, he believed that God was telling him that he should not take the position at this time.  It was a bit of a discouraging day for me and we are back to still needing an ELD Coordinator/Teacher as soon as possible.  We certainly would value your prayers.  If you know of anyone who would be interested, please contact me.  Thanks.

Several weeks ago, one of our parents had been to a meeting of PIEF (Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation).  While there, one of the directors discovered that her children go to ICS-Pyeongtaek.  He said that one of the things they do as a foundation is to provide opportunities for international families to learn more about Pyeongtaek and South Korea.  He did not know about our school and was very excited.  The parent came to the school and told me that PIEF would like to provide Field Trip opportunities for our students.  The administration, teachers, and I were very excited - especially since the group said they would provide transportation to and from the sites as well as entrance fees and a lunch for all of the students.  It was short notice for our teachers, but we were able to organize with PIEF three field trips that happened this past week.  On Monday, Grades 2, 3, and 4 traveled to the Korean Folk Village in Suwon and had a fantastic time learning about Korean culture.  On Tuesday (the field trip that I was able to go on), Kindergarten and grade 1 students traveled to the COEX Aquarium in Seoul.  We had a wonderful time at this large aquarium!  Then on Wednesday, students in Grade 5 as well as high school students, who are taking a History course, traveled to the Korean War Memorial Museum.  I have been there before and really like it.

Monday at the Korean Folk Village:

Here are the student in Grades 2, 3, and 4 at the Korean Folk Village with a silly pose!

Some of the cherubs playing some traditional Korean games!

              Students enjoyed the traditional Korean dances!

They brought out our Librarian, Mrs. Mooney, to take part in one of the dances! :-)

Here are some of the cherubs of Grade 3 enjoying a photo with some
of the dancers.                                       

The PIEF provided a very delicious Bulgogi (grilled marinated beef) for our cherubs and teachers and chaperones!  I heard it was quite good!

Tuesday at the COEX Aquarium:

Here we are at the COEX Aquarium!  These are cherubs in Kindergarten and Grade 1 with their teachers, teacher assistants, and parents!  Another great field trip experience provided by PIEF!

Love this picture of this Kinder cherub amazed at the fish!

Two first graders enjoying one of the many hands-on experiences
                 provided for them at COEX Aquarium!

This little man loved getting inside the mouth of this creature! :-)

You should have heard them squealing when they saw the penguins!

PIEF, once again, provided a Korean lunch for our cherubs and adults.  This one was Bibimbap!

      Mr. Kuhn and Ms. Hunter eating with one of our cherubs!

These three beautiful first grade cherubs were assigned to me for the day!  They are FULL OF LIFE AND ENERGY!!  :-)  I loved every minute of being with them!

Another favorite picture showing Ms. Hunter asking some of her first-grade angels about these sea creatures!  She had spent classroom time prior to the trip to prepare her students for the experience by studying about some of the life in the sea!

Telephone booth made into an aquarium! :-)

The director of PIEF contacted ICS-P and said that he would like to speak with me after the Christmas Break to offer us additional trips in 2017!  We are excited!  He even said that it is possible to take a group of teachers from our school on a trip to see some sites!  We would love this - especially for new teachers and staff who come to the school.  It will help them to get acquainted with Korea!  These Field Trips are a real blessing to us since we have a very tight budget and can't offer as many learning experiences with Field Trips.  To be able to get trips such as the ones we experienced at NO cost is tremendous!  We are so grateful!

I was also invited on Monday to observe Grade 5 students present their research projects on diseases that they have been studying in health and Science.  I was able to get there to hear two of the groups present their projects.  I thought they did a great job of research and then preparing excellent presentations using technology very well!  It was a great opportunity to have them also gain experience in presenting material orally to a group.  Here are two pictures of two presentations that I was able to hear.  Their wonderful teacher, Mrs. Sigler, is right beside them giving encouragement just by her smile.  She then led the class in a Q & A plus discussions of each presentation.


Mr. Coyner has been working with our seniors on their applications for various colleges and universities.  Usually he has not been able to be present in the mornings at ICS-P because of his radiation treatments, but he will come around lunch and continue with meetings with seniors throughout the afternoon - even after most students have gone home.  He shared an exciting email with all of us this past Wednesday.  We had our first scholarship award for one of our seniors! Sara has been awarded a merit scholarship to the Duquesne University's School of Pharmacy in the amount of $18,000 plus a campus housing award of $4,000!

Just for you who are praying for Ben, he spoke with me last week concerning his radiation therapy. Recently he has noticed a loss of taste.  Most food has no taste for him.  He still has many treatments before they give tests to see if the tumor in the tongue has diminished sufficiently to avoid removal of part or all of the tongue.  He also is getting more tired of late.  Thank you for continuing to pray for Ben.

Student Council's Christmas Door Decoration contest came to a close on Friday.  For about two weeks students in elementary school, middle school, and high school have been encouraged to decorate their homeroom door (MS or HS) or Family Group Mentor's classroom door for elementary students.  The theme that Ms. Gaul, Student Council Advisor, and her Student Council officers decided for this year was "The 12 Days of Christmas."  Each Family Group or MS/HS homeroom was given one of the days and they were to be creative and decorate their classroom door based on the theme, the day, and our school.  Most did a really great job!  I was asked to be one of the judges and I loved doing that.  I am going to post some of the pictures I took of some of the best doors! Enjoy! The students and teachers had fun!

  This door was the #1 door for the Elementary
  Family Groups!  Ms. Hunter is their mentor!
They even had a video presentation on the iPad
                 in the window of the door!

12 Drummers drumming!

The pipers were some of our teachers and some

One of the HS doors.  I love the Turtle Doves!! :-)

      This was the #1 winner for the MS/HS

Mrs. Cho's classroom door was one of the Elementary Family Groups!

And 10 Ladies Dancing from Grade 5!      

Our Girls' Basketball team coached by Ms. Dather and Mr. Edwards, continues his undefeated season!  They had an away game on Friday with Korea Kent Foreign School (KKFS) and came home with their sixth straight victory, leaving them still undefeated!  They are excited!  No pictures since I was not able to go to the away game.

Saturday evening was a special event!  It was the ICS-P Staff Christmas Party!  Almost all of our staff were able to attend this festive evening with lots of great food and wonderful fellowship.  The oven was fighting with me on Saturday morning, but it finally gave in and allowed me to make some delicious Glazed Pecans for the event!  There were so many yummy taste treats!  I love the group of teachers and staff who serve together with me at ICS-P.  Thanks for your prayers for all of us!

Here are two "bad" girls, Ms. Hunter and Ms. Lee posing with one very "bad" boy at the ICS-P Staff Christmas Party! :-)

Ms. Hunter, Ms. Johnson, and Ms. Lee!

        GGG with a solo shot at the ICS-P Staff Christmas Party!

Tables looked so nice!

The Christmas Buffet - so many yummy treats!


A new Chicken recipe that Mrs. Haselman is trying out.  I hope she makes it often!!

More delicious goodies on the Buffet Line!                 

And yes, some more!

Some of the staff are already eating and some are still filling plates!

This is my plate of scrumptious delights!

I even got to play Santa for all of the staff children!

This little guy came racing to the front as soon as his name was called!  He was soooo excited!

This is Lil Jon Edwards receiving his gift!  I love this picture!  I enjoyed playing Santa although I was sad that Mr. Richards was not able to come because of sickness.  He had a Santa outfit and a great beard!

Here is an update from Mr. Jon Greener.  Many of you have been praying for him.  He traveled to Seoul this week to have an  MRI and then a reading by the doctors.  Here is his report that he shared with all of us at ICS-P this week:

"Praise: MRI was clear, so it officially wasn't a stroke or slipped disk!
Prayer request: my right hand is still partially numb & tingly as I type this (& my entire right side is still a bit off); the cause is officially a medical mystery & the neurologists & spine doctors are baffled as to why my tingles continue...
Happy to have two of the big, scary/painful causes off the board, but disconcerting to have half of your body feel "off" for a week & have its cause (& end) remain a mystery...
Thanks again for your prayers-- keep praying for Tina too, not knowing the cause or clear treatment for her hubby is driving her nuts.."
Thank you for continuing to pray for Jon.

I trust that you and your family are preparing for a great Christmas!  Enjoy some great times remembering the birth of Lord Jesus Christ!  Thank you very much for your faithful encouragement, love, care, emails, regular mail, prayers, and support.  Your prayers are particularly appreciated for this busy last week before the Break.  Please be praying for an ELD Coordinator/teacher, too.  Thanks so much.

Love, Gregg

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