Saturday, December 31, 2016

2017 Begins After a Week of Special Visits + Some Urgent Prayer Needs! Happy New Year!!

Yes, 2016 has come to a close.  Where did this extremely interesting (interesting is a safe word) year go?  So much happened and I am not planning to recap my year in this post! (I know that makes you happy!) :-)  This last week of 2016 was certainly busier than I expected and included some unexpected happenings impacting some wonderful friends of mine.  I believe I will share the events of the week beginning with Monday and going from there.


The week began and I thought I would be able to spend the day starting to organize my statements, receipts, etc. for the preparation of my income tax return.  I actually enjoy organizing all of the documents needed for the return, BUT am thrilled that I have a dear friend, Stephen Boush, a former CFO at YISS who also works with teachers and administrators with IRAs and tax returns.  He is so calm and patient with me.  I was also planning to use the day to relax and reflect.

I was especially wanting to spend time praying for my dear friend, Gunmo and his wife, Sujin. Gunmo had planned to meet with me prior to Monday, but called to say that he would not be able to meet.  He had to go with Sujin and her mother to the doctor for some tests before Sujin's mother's surgery.  Gunmo then told me that a cerebral aneurysm had been discovered in Sujin's Mom at a previous appointment.  They believe they caught it in time and have arranged for surgery (a coil embolization) on January 3 at Seoul National University Hospital.  Surgery was originally scheduled for January 9, but Gunmo informed me on Saturday that it will be January 3.  That is the date they really wanted. I know that both Gunmo and Sujin would appreciate your prayers now as her Mom prepares for the surgery, and then on January 3.  The surgeon said that there is always a risk, although lower in Sujin's Mother's particular case, when this surgery is performed. Thank you for praying for my dear friends!

Here is a photo of Gunmo and Sujin on their Wedding Day.  Just thought you might like it as a reminder to pray for them and Sujin's Mom - especially on January 3!

Another unexpected "joy" on Monday was paying for my first, and hopefully last, traffic violation! In Korea, almost all traffic violations are captured on video cameras and then pictures sent by registered mail to your apartment with your payment amount.  My registered letter for my parking violation (I apparently parked where I wasn't allowed to park) arrived at my apartment when I am at work. It took a number of phone calls, translations, etc. to find out where I had to go to pick up the registered mail. After going to City Hall in Pyeongtaek, I discovered I had to go to the Post Office, but I didn't know which one. :-)  The City Hall lady was wonderful.  She found out and wrote the address in Korean for me so that I could show the Taxi driver.  I went on Monday and after taking a number at the front reception area, I was informed that I had to go up two floors.  I went there and the registered letter with delightful pictures and time stamps of my violation was given to me.  I took it to the bank and they were able to help me pay it very quickly.  I discovered that parking in the wrong place can be expensive!  My violation cost me 32,000 Won!  That is about $27.00 in USD.  So much fun!  NOT! :-)  One of the reasons I never wanted to drive in Korea is finding a convenient parking place!  I think I now have found some that are legal. :-)

Yeppers, that is my car, but I am still trying to figure out where this is.  I know the pictures were taken on December 12 between 5:27 PM and 5:48 PM, but I can't remember where it was. :-)


Tuesday was a much better day! My good friend and colleague at ICS-Pyeongtaek, John Richards, met me at the main gate of Camp Humphreys to get me on the Army Base to do some banking at the Navy Federal Credit Union and purchase some goodies at the Commissary on base.  I was very grateful for this and treated John to a delicious lunch at the Alaska Mining Company restaurant on Base.  We had a very nice time of fellowship and catching up.  John spent a lot of his Christmas Break without his wife.  Pam had gone back to the States for Christmas because of a new grandson. She has returned and I know John is very happy! :-)

John Richards and GGG at the Alaska Mining Company Restaurant at Camp Humphreys!

  I enjoyed this Cajun Salad with chicken, 
          shrimp, and smoked sausage!

John enjoyed the Country Fried Steak with mashed   
potatoes and veggies!                      


As many of you know, I have been enjoying times together with a former ICS-P student, Chris Haynes, who is now planning to attend Appalachian Bible College.  He came to know Christ as his Savior after graduating from ICS-P and is so excited about following the Lord.  Chris's sister, Shannon, is back in Pyeongtaek for a Christmas Break.  Shannon is 14 years old and attending a boarding school in Malaysia near their father.  Chris has been trying to get her together with me since she has been home and we were finally able to do that on Tuesday.  Chris, Shannon, and I met at AK Plaza and enjoyed some very delicious food at one of the unique restaurants in AK Plaza.  We had a wonderful conversation and then they invited me to watch a new movie, Rogue 1: A Star Wars Story. We enjoyed a great time.  Please pray for Chris as he is now working on getting his I-20 visa from the US Embassy in Seoul to go study at ABC.  You can pray for Shannon as she departed on Friday to return to Malaysia.

GGG, Shannon, and Chris preparing to enjoy our delicious burger specialties!

       Shannon enjoyed the "Cook Your Own" Beef!  Very tasty!

Chris and I enjoyed already prepared beef burgers served like this!


Another great day! After trying several times to meet, I was finally able to catch up with my dear friends from SYME days.  It was so special to meet David and Annie Kim and their growing family in Pyeongtaek at Ashley's Buffet!  David and Annie have two children ( a boy and a girl) right now, but on January 24th Annie will have a C-Section to give birth to another son!  They are all very excited and I know they would value your prayers.  Please pray for this wonderful family as they serve the Lord together in South Korea.

Here we are at Ashley's Buffet getting ready to enjoy the scrumptious buffet!  So many choices!  What a great time we had!

Here is the David and Annie Kim family!  Another little boy will arrive on January 24th!

My first plate of taste treats!

Thursday evening I was able to meet with the High School Principal of ICS-P, Charlie Mooney.  We wanted to get together just to talk about a lot of things concerning ICS-P for the 2017-18 school year. Charlie will become the K-12 Principal next year.  We had a wonderful dinner at a Thai Restaurant! And guess what?  GGG forgot to take pictures! :-(  The food and the fellowship were both very excellent!  You may remember that Charlie's wife, April, is expecting their first natural born child, a little girl in the next couple weeks.   I know they would value your prayers as they prepare to be the parents of three; they already have two adopted children.

This is a picture from December 16 when the FLT + met.  We were enjoying lunch at Puffin Restaurant.  Charlie and April Mooney are on the far right. On the left are Tony Kuhn and Jon Greener.


I was invited to go to Seoul with my excellent friends, Tony and Sue Kuhn, on Friday!  They had just returned from a Christmas and Anniversary trip to Guam and we enjoyed a subway train ride to Itaewon to enjoy the delicious food at one of our favorite eating establishments, The Original Pancake House!  We had a delightful time of fellowship traveling to and from Itaewon as well as during our time at The OPH and then at one of my favorite bookstores in Itaewon, What the Book?!  I believe Tony and Sue would value your prayers as they seek the Lord's direction for their next place of ministry.  Tony was offered a teaching position in Guam, but they have a number of things they need to decide before accepting any offer.  Thank you for praying for them.

GGG with Tony and Sue Kuhn at The Original Pancake House in Itaewon.  Getting ready to enjoy our food and fellowship!

My plate of Strawberry and Banana Crepes with a side 
     of sausage and two dishes of whipped cream! :-)

Sue's delicious Potato and Egg Hash with pancakes!

Tony enjoyed the Country Fried Chicken & Gravy  
with a side of OPH's famous thick-cut bacon!       

When I arrived home to my apartment on Friday evening after the visit to Seoul, I received word from one of our Middle School teachers and Athletic Director at ICS-P, Jon Greener, that his mother and Step Dad were involved in a head-on collision in Montana. Both were killed almost instantly and taken Home to heaven.  Jon and his wife, Tina along with their two children have been going through many heartaches the last couple months.  Many of you have been praying for them.  You may recall that Tina's mother has been undergoing treatments for breast cancer.  I shared with you that Jon had an incident at one of our Professional Development sessions back in November.  The doctors thought it was a mild stroke at first, then maybe a slipped disc; they are still not sure what it was.  Then the children were sick and then Jon got the flu.  He had an injury when he was conducting the ICS-P boys' basketball practice.  During the Christmas Break, Jon twisted his ankle getting out of bed and was laid up for a few days.  It just seemed like it was one thing after another and then he received the news of his parents being killed.  I spoke with Jon by phone Friday evening and he was in shock. Tina loved his parents very much and felt like a daughter.  She is taking it very hard! Their two children are also having a difficult time with this sudden loss of their grandparents.  I know the Greeners would really value your prayers right now!  The staff is collecting some money to help with travel expenses so that they can go home for the memorial service and be with family members. Please pray for them as arrangements are being made.  Please pray that we will be able to collect sufficient funds to help them make this journey.  Thanks so much.

Jon shared this photo of his Mother and Step Dad when he was home to visit them.

Here are Jon and Tina at a Christmas dinner recently.  Thanks for your prayers.

Although this first week of 2017 is still a week of vacation for staff and students, it is going to be busy.

1) I would appreciate your prayers for our FLT as plans are made to help Mr. Greener and his family.

2) Your prayers for the FLT as we work on ideas that can help out our budget are greatly appreciated. It is very tight at present since a number of students

3) We still have an immediate need for an ELD (ESL) teacher/coordinator.  This would actually help us increase our enrollment.

4)  I just received the first rough cut of a promo video that my wonderful friend, Jordan Ingram, prepared for ICS-P!  He and his wife were in Korea back in October and he videotaped many hours of footage for the preparation of the video.  He has done an outstanding job and now our FLT needs to make any adjustments, corrections, recommendations, etc. to Jordan for a final cut!  We are excited and are praying that this will be greatly used to increase enrollment.

5) There are a few reports for our NICS Home Office that I need to be working on throughout this week and the next.

That will do it for this week.  Thank you for reading all of this.  Thank you for your love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and support in 2016!  You are greatly appreciated!  I trust that 2017 will be a wonderful year for you and your family!

Love, Gregg

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