Sunday, January 8, 2017

Special Surprises & Special Encounters Begin 2017!!

Although it was the last week of our Christmas Break at ICS-P, this first week of January 2017 was one of many special surprises and encounters for me!  On Monday, I went into my office at ICS-P to work on a few items that needed attention before starting back up on January 9.  While I was there, I spoke with one of our wonderful ladies in our ICS-P Business Office!  Several people from back in the States kept asking me if I received mail from them.  I realized that I did not receive any mail because no one was going to the Post Office to check and pick up mail ever since December 16.  So I asked Mrs. Tia in our Business Office if she could give me the address for the Post Office and if they would be able to give me any mail if I went and picked it up.  She wrote out the address in Korean and decided I would try to locate it on Tuesday!  Because I am already a little late at getting this post out for this week, I think I will just highlight each day and the delightful surprises and encounters I had during this busy week.


The first encounter on Tuesday happened when I went to AK Plaza to park my car and then stop at Starbucks for some coffee before trying to figure out the best way to get to the Post Office using the Korean address.  After picking up my order at the pick-up counter, I went into the room where you can sit at a table and enjoy your coffee while working.  As I entered, I heard a voice, "Hello, Mr. Garman!"  I looked around and there was a lady I had seen once at Dae Kwang Church but never really met her.  She knew me and said, "I am Snow Park."  Immediately, I knew the name.  She and her husband, Dr. William Kwon, recently returned from Canada to open a coffee shop and an acupuncture clinic in Pyeongtaek.  I sat down and she asked what I was doing on my days off from ICS-P.  I said I was trying to find the Post Office to pick up mail for ICS-P.  She said, "Oh, when you are finished with your coffee and work, I can walk with you to the Post Office.  Only five minutes from here."  During our chat, she asked about enrollment at ICS-P for her daughter, Yebin, who is an eighth-grade student at a school in Vancouver, Canada.  She and her husband are planning on bringing her to Korea to be with them and she was interested in checking out ICS-P.  I was excited because we need new students!  As we continued chatting, she mentioned about her husband's acupuncture clinic.  After hearing about my problems with my toes and feet, she said, "I think my husband may be able to help.  After the Post Office, we can walk there and meet him. He is not a strong believer and is in need of some male friends now that we are back in Korea."

So, after finishing our coffees, we went to the Post Office and I signed for all of the packages and mail that had arrived for ICS-P.  Three of the packages were for me!!  I told the Post Office clerk that I would be back in an hour to pick them up and load them in my car.  They agreed and Mrs. Park and I left to go make an appointment with Dr. Kwon!  I had a delightful visit with this wonderful couple over a nice cup of coffee at the Yukon Cafe'.  Then Dr. Kwon took me into his office and gave me a battery of tests on some really cool equipment, explained the results, and then said he would try some small needles on my right toe and right pinky.  He said that he believes one of my big problems in my feet is blood circulation.  So I enjoyed my first acupuncture treatment.  I returned to the clinic on Friday afternoon for another treatment and he also is treating the left toe problem with bee venom. We shall see if this helps with the pain.  Another great thing is that I found out that Aetna Global Health Insurance covers acupuncture in Asia for diagnosis and pain management!

Here I am with Snow Park and her husband, Dr. William Kwon in the Yukon Cafe' - right next to the acupuncture clinic.

After the treatment, I went back to get my car and went to the Post Office to pick up my goodies!  I received some special Christmas gifts from some wonderful people.  It was so much fun unpacking and unwrapping these gifts and opening some delightful Christmas cards as well.

One package was from my dear friends, Francie and Ginger Park, from Chocolate Chocolate in Washington, DC!!  So yummy!!

Here are the chocolate packages opened!

Another group of packages from my dear friends, Deborah & Doug!

Unwrapped packages from Doug and Deborah!  Thanks so much! 

      Packages from my one sister, Julee and her 
                          husband, Leigh!

Unwrapped packages!!  K-Cups and my own Whipped Cream Maker!!

And a Charlie Brown New York Yankees' Christmas sweatshirt!!!  Thanks so much!

Later on Tuesday evening, Charlie and April Mooney announced the arrival of Cora Elizabeth, on January 3 at 11:05 PM!  Charlie is the HS Principal at ICS-P and April was the Librarian until December 16.  Now she will be staying at home to care for Cora.  There two adopted children, Gavin and Addie, are in elementary school at ICS-P.  Please join me in welcoming Cora to God's world!

Cora Elizabeth Mooney!!!!


Today I spent the morning at the office and then relaxed and refreshed in the afternoon.  I was invited by Steve and Mylene Haselman to their home for a very delicious Lamb Chop dinner!!  We had a great time of fellowship while enjoying a quite yummy dinner.  Mylene is our Business Manager at ICS-P.  The Haselmans' daughter, Ianne, is a senior at ICS-P, and her brother, Louis, is currently doing an internship in Australia.  Louis and his girlfriend, Nicky, were home for a quick break with their parents, Mylene and Steve.

Left to right: Ianne, GGG, Nicky, Louis, Mylene, and Steve preparing to enjoy a wonderful feast!

       Table setting - all set for a wonderful evening!

My first plate with a fantastic lamb chop!         


Today I spent a couple hours in the office, got a haircut, and had a late snack with Tony Kuhn at JJ's Diner.  We had some things to discuss concerning ICS-P + just enjoy some great fellowship.  Please pray for Tony's wife, Sue, who was struggling with a nasty cold and aches.  I think she is doing better, but your prayers are appreciated.

After a snack and conversation with Tony, I met my wonderful friend from Dae Kwang Church, Chris Haynes. He said his mother gave him her card to take me to Ashley's Buffet for a nice dinner and excellent chat. Chris was approved for his I-20 visa to study in America at Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia.  We were talking about all that he has to do to get ready for this next experience.  Chris leaves this coming Wednesday to head to ABC to begin the second semester.  He is a bit nervous at beginning in the middle of a year as well as going to a place he has never been. Please pray for Chris as he packs and prepares.  He is a little nervous about meeting his roommate and just not knowing exactly what to expect.  We had a great time of sharing.  I am so excited for this young man as he begins his studies at ABC!

Chris and GGG enjoying a delicious Ashley's meal and great fellowship!

My first plate of delicious treats!


I decided to spend the morning cleaning my apartment and then a quick stop at ICS-P to take care of a couple things.  Then I went to meet two more wonderful church friends, Bailey and Edwin.  I always enjoy seeing them on Sundays at church.  I have been working with Bailey on preparing applications and essays for various graduate schools in the USA.  They took me to a new restaurant, for me, in Pyeongtaek.  It is called "Alice Kitchen."  They specialize in Italian food and it was very delicious.  We had a fantastic time talking, laughing, and eating.  These two young men are very busy both in the English Ministry (Dae Kwang Church) as well as the main Korean church that sponsors the English ministry.  I know they would value your prayers.

GGG with Bailey and Edwin (far rightat Alice Kitchen on Friday!


I was invited by Yeongmin Baek, a former SYME student and great friend, to come to Hotel Lotte World for a Strawberry Festival Brunch.  Many hotels in the Seoul area celebrate the strawberry season for several months by having Strawberry Festival Brunches!  They are amazing.  Yeongmin knows I really like Korean strawberries so he made reservations for Saturday.  I traveled by bus and subway and then had a delightful time all afternoon and early evening with this wonderful young man. Please continue to pray for Yeongmin that he would come to know Jesus Christ.

One of the Hotel Lotte World buildings.  100 floors in this one!

Yeongmin and GGG enjoying a great time of conversation, laughter, and delicious food - mainly with strawberries! :-)

Entrance to the Strawberry Brunch Buffet!

        A close-up of the strawberry towers!

One of my several plates of strawberry delicacies!


A former SYME student and excellent friend, Justin Lim, texted me to tell me he was coming to Dae Kwang Church on Sunday morning.  It is always great to see Justin!  He really enjoyed the service and told me that he thinks he may consider coming regularly to Dae Kwang Church.  Justin is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and is working as an English teacher for Korean students.  I know he would appreciate your prayers.

At the close of today's service, Pastor Mike asked Chris Haynes to share about his departure on Wednesday for Appalachian Bible College.  Chris shared and thanked all of us for encouraging him and praying for him.  Then Pastor Mike asked me to pray for Chris.  I was delighted to be able to pray for this dear young man.  I am going to really miss him, but I know that God has a lot prepared for him.  Thanks again for praying for Chris as you think of him.

Following the service, Justin, Chris, and I went to Mom's Touch for some yummy chicken and great fellowship!

This weefie is a little blurry, but here are three young men enjoying some "Mom's Touch" chicken on Sunday afternoon.  Left to right: Justin, GGG, and Chris.

OK, I need to go.  Thank you very much for your continued love, care, encouragement, mail, prayers, and support.  Pray especially as we begin Quarter Three tomorrow, Monday, January 9.  Teachers return Monday and Tuesday and then students begin classes on Wednesday.  I hope you enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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