Saturday, February 11, 2017

So Grateful for You - Especially RIght Now!

The week of February 5 began with a wonderful time at Dae Kwang Church with my friends. Toward the end of the service, I felt a sore throat forming.  I had this strange feeling that Mr. Bronchitis would be visiting me soon.  After the fellowship time and study time, I went home and began my DayQuil, Extra Vitamin C, and then before sleeping, NyQuil routine.  I woke up Monday morning, went to school at my usual time of 6:15-6:30 AM and the sore throat began to disappear.  Then after school, I began to lose my voice and in the middle of the night woke up to coughing.  At 6:00 AM on Tuesday, my voice was shot and I was coughing.  I took the day off as a sick day, went to Dr, Km (this is a different Dr. Kim than the one I went to at YISS).  He confirmed that I had my bronchitis and prescribed medicine.  I was back in school on Wednesday, still coughing, but mainly in the morning.  This weekend I still have a bit of a cough, but doing much better.

Going back to Monday, February 6, I received a message from Charlie Mooney, that Cora was not doing well and back in ICU.  I could tell that he and April were exhausted, yet they have such a great spirit and love for this precious little girl.  She is doing better and is now out of ICU and will be hospitalized for at least a week or two.  I am going to copy and paste what Charlie wrote to me on Monday morning and then on Monday afternoon.  He was out on Monday and although he came back to school on Tuesday, he needed to be off on Friday.  Please continue to pray for both Charlie and April during this very difficult time.  They have the greatest love for Cora and feel so helpless.  They have had some good moments and I have posted some of the photos here for you.  They really appreciate your prayers.  Here are the two updates from Charlie:

Cora Update, Monday, February 6 (in the AM) 
“Thank you for understanding my absence today. I'm having an exceptionally difficult time right now. More so than the last time she was hospitalized. Cora's immediate health concerns are getting better quickly, but the doctors still do not know the underlying reason for her infections. They suspect leukemia, which frightens us. Children with Downs have an above-average risk for leukemia, and her symptoms seem to be textbook. Until her infections are cleared up, they can't accurately diagnose her underlying causes. I pray and hope that it is not cancer, but I can't stop worrying about it. 

The doctors said they expect to start doing the evaluations for the underlying cause(s) on Monday or Tuesday. If we get word that she does have leukemia, I have no idea how that will affect my family or my work schedule. We also don't know where she would have to be treated. I'm sick just writing this.

I've experienced my fair share of difficult trials in my life, but nothing has ever been more heartbreaking to me than to look at my frail little girl and not be able to do a single thing. I know all the biblical encouragements I'd share with someone else in my position, and I'm trying to meditate on those. God is good.”
February 6 (after school)
“Update on Cora (Monday, 2/6): Cora looks great. Her vitals are normal, and her infections appear to be under control. She is strong and stable enough to be moved to a regular hospital room very soon. This is good news, because April and/or I will be able to stay with and care for her full-time. The doctors now have to determine what is causing the infections and other issues. There is a spectrum of possibilities--from truly terrible to easily manageable.
Over the next 24-48 hours, her doctors will be carrying out various invasive tests to determine where she lies on that spectrum. The doctors have said that they are optimistic that she is on the less severe end of the spectrum, given her relatively quick recovery and symptoms. We will not know definitively until her test results are back in about a week.
Please pray that doctors would be able to accurately diagnose the underlying causes of her poor health and that they can be effectively treated.”

Cora Update, Sunday, February 12
(I just added this one right before sending my post out.  Charlie just posted it.)

"Cora update (2/12): She continues to have an infection, but it seems to be under control. The meningitis is gone and doesn't appear to have had any negative neurological impact. She is eating better each day, but they are still supplementing with the IV. The antibiotics are hard on her stomach. We are waiting for the results of her bone marrow biopsy, so we don't know what is causing the infections, but we do know that the bone marrow is not normal. It could be a range of possibilities. We don't know how much longer she'll be in the hospital, because that is largely contingent on the biopsy results. In the meantime, we're encouraged that she looks healthier and is putting on some weight. Additionally, her vital signs are all normal.
April and I are holding up OK, thanks to the generosity and kindness of our community here. So many people are helping us to bear the financial, logistical, and emotional burden. I can't imagine getting through this with my sanity and faith in tact without you all. Thank you so much. We owe you (and Jesus) a great debt. God is good."

April and Cora in the hospital room.  Both feeling better!  I love how Cora is looking at Mother!

       Charlie absolutely LOVES holding Cora!

Falling asleep while being held!            

Most recent photo of dear Cora!  I love this one!  Thanks for continuing to pray!

A quickie about Ben Coyner.  He is doing better since the positive news about his cancer, but the effects of the radiation have taken a toll.  He continues to struggle with dry mouth, and then at times has a problem with his saliva.  He was able to come to school on Wednesday through Friday rather than working from home.  He continues to work from home and at school with students who are preparing for universities. His desire is to be able to come to school for a full day instead of all the travel he is doing now.  Thank you for continuing to pray for Ben.

Wednesday after school I had the meeting of our DAC (Director's Advisory Council) at ICS-P.  I was still struggling with my bronchitis and it was very difficult communicating effectively with the four men who are on our DAC.  They had some excellent brainstorming ideas about how to market the school even more - especially in light of two US Army bases being relocated from Seoul and Uijeongbu down to Camp Humphreys near Pyeongtaek.  So many suggestions that my personality got stressed since I would love to do them all, but without the funds, I am not even sure where to begin at times.  I have a lot of my mother in me and want everything to be just right and I want to take care of problems immediately and get frustrated when I can't.  The men (as well as many of my dear friends back in the States) were so helpful in directing me back to the Lord.  That evening these men saw the ugly side of me, but continued to love me and encourage me in the Lord.  Please pray as we continue to ask the Lord what should be our priority on our list of many awesome suggestions.

Another exciting thing this week was that one of my friends and supporters back in the States wrote and asked if he and his wife could send a gift to be divided among the staff who, as you remember have taken a reduction in salary in order to avoid a deficit.  He said it would not be large but was praying that it would be an encouragement to the staff.  I plan to distribute that gift as well as another one that came to the staff on Monday.  Your prayers that the Lord will meet our needs above and beyond what we even ask through wonderful people who want to see young people impacted for Christ and His Kingdom in today's world!

Thursday was the 100th day of school for the 2016-17 school year!  Many of the elementary classes were involved in fun learning activities throughout the day to celebrate this 100th Day!  Our Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Cho, had prepared her classroom with numerous stations throughout the room for her cherubs.  I visited in the morning and then a little in the afternoon after our regular Leadership Team meeting.  They were having such a great time learning about math, art, reading, writing, and many other areas BUT having such great fun!  Enjoy some photos from that special day!

The sign and Kinder stories that greeted everyone who came to the Kinder classroom on Thursday!

Counting out 100 Fruit Loops to make a 100-piece Fruit Loop necklace!

Hard at work with his detailed placement of his Fruit Loops!     

This little man seems to also be very exact as he places his Loops!

And this little lady was being very exact as well!  

This young man came to my office in the afternoon with his finished necklace and a bag of 100 snacks for me!  :-)

These two were at the ice cream cone station.  They were counting 
       by 10's to 100 and placed scoops of "ice cream" on a cone!

The Hershey Kiss 100 Chart station!                       

It reads "Puzzle Station" but that was moved to another area.  It was the writing prompt for the cherubs to draw what they will look like at 100 and then write about that time. One little guy said, "Mr. Garman, I think you will be old and ugly."  Then smiled broadly!

This little guy was very intent on his writing!

This was the station where they chose a color and then made their part of the long chain by making links in groups of ten.

Later in the day, they came to my office with the finished link of 100 links!

Of course, they had to pose for a silly picture! :-)

Friday was a very busy day filled with finishing various items before leaving for the NICS Annual Leadership Conference in Southaven, MS early Tuesday morning!  A military man from Osan Air Force Base came to the school with a friend of his who was just assigned to Osan.  Through one of our DAC members, this soldier knew about ICS-P and brought him to the school for a tour and enrollment procedures.  I was able to spend some time with them and show them our new promo video.  Both soldiers are believers and were excited about what they saw in person as well as on the video.  I believe that the man, who was invited to come visit, will be completing applications for his two children; one in grade 3 and one in grade 5.  Please pray that this will happen.  We have had several come visit this past week or two.

There was also much preparation going on for our Mexican Fiesta Dinner Buffet - a fundraiser to raise some funds for our students who will be traveling to China, Thailand, and Jeju Island for mission projects during our "Week Without Walls" in March.  Mrs. Haselman, our Business Manager, does a great job preparing these special dinners.  

Saturday came and I went to the 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM seating!  It was excellent!  I enjoyed meeting some of our parents as well as friends who had been invited by some of our staff.  The food was sooo tasty.  I was able to invite a former SYME student, Justin, and his sister, Erica, also a former student of mine.  Erica is now working at YISS in the Library.  Tony Kuhn and John Richards also sat with us to enjoy the feast.  Here are some pictures from the Mexican Fiesta Buffet on Saturday.  There was another seating at 5:30 in addition to the 11:00 AM one.

Mexican music playing and tables all set for the 11:00 am seating!

     One of the tables with Mexican taste treats ready for eating!

The Fajita Bar table!

The Taco Bar table.  This little lady is having trouble waiting! :-) 

                              The desserts are ready!

Here I am with Tony Kuhn and John Richards (the bearded young man) along with our friends, Justin and Erica.  They were former SYME students and Erica now works at YISS in the Library and Justin teaches English at an academy.  Justin has started going to the Dae Kwang Church where I attend.  It has been good to be reunited with both of them.  Oh, they are brother and sister.

My first plate of Mexican taste treats!                 

Two of the ICS-P students who volunteered to help with child care and
     other areas during the Mexican Fiesta.  The one had just placed 
   a lot of food in her mouth and quickly placed her hands in front of
          her puffy cheeks! :-) Her friend was enjoying my teasing.

A better picture of all four of the students who were helping out on Saturday!

Our Librarian, Mrs. Lee, at the very end of the table with her     
sister-in-law and her children as well as Mrs. Lee's three children!

Our PTA Vice-President and her two delightful children!  What a delightful family!

   Our HS Math teacher, Ms. Rebecca Gaul, brought two couples
from the church she attends.  Ms. Gaul is the advisor of our Student
                                       Council as well.

I will leave you this week with several prayer requests:

1 - This week is Spirit Week at ICS-P! It is a special week and the kids enjoy it.  It is a week to celebrate school spirit.  Something different every day and then on Friday night is a Lock-in for our MS and HS students.  I have to miss all of this except Monday since I am going to the ALC at the NICS Home Office.  I know our Student Council would appreciate your prayers for a great week.

2 - Monday - an interview with a candidate for our Grade 5 next year!  We will be interviewing a young lady from Virginia who is very interested in teaching our open position in Grade 5 next year. Please pray that it will be clear, one way or the other, about whether or not she is the one for us at ICS-P.

3 - We are still in need of a HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE TEACHER!  Thank you for continuing to pray for our open position for a High School Science teacher for 2017-18.  Do you know anyone who would qualify and be interested?  Please let me know.

4 - The NICS Annual Leadership Conference! Please pray as I travel on February 14 to Southaven, MS for this conference.  Pray that I will be able to get some things cleared up concerning several situations that happened prior to my arrival at ICS-P.  Pray that it will be a time of refreshment as well for me.  I have been rather exhausted with all that has been happening at ICS-P this year.  I leave very early on February 23 to return to Pyeongtaek.  Thanks for your prayers.

5 - As you think of it, please pray for the meeting of all of our needs financially at ICS-P!

As always, thank you so much for your abundant love and encouragement

Love, Gregg

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