Saturday, March 4, 2017

"God, you don't need me, BUT somehow YOU want ME!"

The last couple months have been tough for me!  Yes, I love where I am serving the Lord.  I love the faculty, staff, students, and parents at ICS-Pyeongtaek!  Yes, I enjoy building relationships with students and seeing them grow in so many ways - especially as they get to know the Lord.  Yes, I love the many relationships throughout the world that I have been blessed to enjoy over the years.  Yes, I love my family!  Yes, I love the Lord Jesus Christ!  BUT I don't like it when I plan things and then they get changed.  I don't like it when I think that the persons we interviewed for High School Science or the Grade 5 teacher seem to be the ones I would like for those positions, and then they don't accept our offer.  I struggle with wanting to be in control!  I stress and worry about things that I think I have control of, but really do not!

Once again, God has used people to direct me back to knowing that He is the one in control.  This weekend as I began thinking of what I should write this week, especially with so many situations that have been happening at ICS-P since December, I got on facebook and my niece's husband, Brian Cutting, shared a new song that I was just going to pass over and not listen to.  But I clicked on it and once again, for this slow learner, God taught me through beautiful music that He is in control, that He loves me, and that He wants me to take my hands off my life and let Him take complete control.  The words that grabbed hold of my heart are these:

"God, you don't need me, 
But somehow you want me!
Oh, how you love me!
Somehow that frees me to take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go!

God, you don't need me,
But somehow you want me!
Oh, how you love me.
Somehow that frees me to open my hands up and give you control!

You want me.
Somehow you want me!
The King of Heaven wants me!
So this world has lost its grip on me!"

This is only part of the song.  It is by Tenth Avenue North.  You can check it out on You Tube at this link: .  If this doesn't work, just do a search for "Tenth Avenue North Control" and it should pop up.  

Thank you for praying for me as I seek to open my hands and heart up and give Him control today, throughout March, and throughout the remaining days He gives me to serve Him.  Thank you and Happy March to you!!

I returned to ICS-P on Monday and hit the ground running.  Many things that needed attention.  SO much going on at the school.  We are delighted that Ben Coyner has returned to school and is now working from school.  Ben had been doing so much from home because of all of the side effects of the radiation therapy.  He is still struggling with regaining the sense of taste and being able to sleep at night.  I was really glad that he had returned since one of our situations involved a student in the high school suffering with anxiety and depression.  It is a very complicated situation and I have been grateful that Ben has been available to deal with the student along with the parents.  I would ask you to continue to pray for Ben and me as we deal with this situation.  I also know Ben would like me to say thanks for all of you who have been praying for him.  Please join us in thanking the Lord that all indications are that the cancer is no longer in the tongue!

Let me take a moment here to bring you up to date on the latest with the Mooney family especially little Cora the Conqueror - this is the name she has been given lately by the many who have been praying.  I will post Charlie and April's updates for this week.  You will notice in the final one (March 3) that Cora was released from the hospital!  On her way home on Friday, she made a stop at ICS-P and everyone wanted to see this precious little one.  After the final update for this week I will post the picture that was taken after being released from the hospital.  I know the Mooneys have been on a roller coaster ride since her birth and would continue to value your prayers.  She is starting to gain some weight now, and everyone is happy about that.

"Cora update (2/28). The doctors have finally confirmed a few different medical conditions that Cora has. This is good because they are finally able to treat her appropriately. She is getting well and putting on weight quickly. She ought to be above birth weight by the weekend. She is keeping down food now and is seemingly doing very well. She is being weaned off of IV nutrition and it is going well. She could go home on Thursday if the observation period continues to go well. Thursday marks one month in the hospital for this second stay.
She'll have regular outpatient follow-ups for a while to monitor her conditions, but they should all be manageable through the staff at this hospital.
Pray that we go home on Thursday. Praise the Lord for getting us through this time.

Cora update (3/3). After a month, her central line IV just came out and I gave her a sponge bath so she can go home clean. I highly recommend upgrading your children to wireless. Way easier.

3/3 Part 2: We're all home now! Thanks for your prayers and support. You're an amazing and uncommon community. Cora will have lots of specialist visits in coming days but they'll all be outpatient as long as we can keep her healthy. I'll be going with her on Monday and returning to work at ICS on Tuesday. I can't wait to see you all."

Cora the Conqueror just before leaving the hospital on Friday!

I had a special opportunity to be part of a panel of staff members for the Tuesday Chapel for High School students.  The Chapel Coordinator, Mr. Hannings, had asked five of us to be on a panel to answer questions from students on love and dating.  This was the culminating Chapel during a series on the different kinds of love described in the Bible.  The questions were great ones and all of us had a great time communicating with these special young people.  I was delighted that the students were so focused and attentive during the entire Chapel.  When I was answering one question, I mentioned that I was almost 68 years old and had performed over 30 weddings.  This brought a number of surprised looks from the students.  Most had not realized my age and were intrigued that I had performed so many weddings.  Please pray for these young people who live in a society where it is becoming commonplace in our society for young people to have such a mixed up view about love and commitment.

While I was away at the Annual Leadership Conference for Directors in Mississippi, the Student Council had a "Wacky Tacky" day during School Spirit week.  I thought I would share one of the pictures that someone captured.  It is a group of some of our "strange" faculty on "Wacky Tacky" day.

I think I better not give the names of these wonderful teachers.  They might hurt me! :-)  They had so much fun and the students loved it!

On Monday (my first day back after the ALC), I was greeted by posters of about seven of the faculty who are taking part in a raffle to raise funds for our "Week Without Walls" projects.  These staff members are letting their beards grow for the students.  Students can purchase a raffle ticket, or tickets, and place that ticket in the jar of the staff member they would like to design a silly design to shave into the beard of that person.  Some are even planning to dye the beard a strange color if their design is selected.  The staff member must wear the created design for a week!  It is causing so much fun!  The jars are filling with many raffle tickets.  Here are some pictures of this activity.  I have included a couple photos of my own beard and its growth.  The last I had my beard was when I was at SYME in 2009.

Poster waiting for me when I returned from the ALC.  The photo was one before I left for ALC and my beard had just started growing so Mr. Wolfer added a few details.  Many people still have trouble with the spelling of my name.  The teacher who created the posters was upset that the font he used would not allow for an apostrophe to show possession. :-)  (He is our HS English teacher.)

Seven WANTED men!!! :-)

                             In my office with a nice smile!

Here I am showing off my beard and teacher's glare! :-)         

Thursday, March 2, was the day one of the most loved authors of children's books.  Yes, it was the celebration of the 113th birthday of Dr. Seuss!  Our Librarian and some of the teachers had special celebrations for the children.  Mrs. Lee, our Librarian, came down to the lobby to capture some photos.  She was hoping to find me for a photo with her Dr. Seuss photo frame.  She actually was able to capture some photos of both our IT Director, Mr. Richards and me.  Here are the pictures.  We had a lot of fun and the students were enjoying the day.

Mr. Richards posing for his picture in the Dr.
                      Seuss photo frame!

GGG doing a silly pose in the Dr. Seuss frame!

This week I will leave you with some special prayer concerns for you to remember as you think of us at ICS-Pyeongtaek.

1 - On Tuesday, we will interview a young man for the High School science Teacher position.  On paper, he looks excellent!  Pray that God will make it very clear if this is the man for our HS Science position at ICS-P.

2 - On Thursday, we will also interview a young lady for the Grade 5 Teacher position for next year. She is a Korean lady who has been teaching in the United Kingdom.  She is also certified for Science so we will see how things go on Tuesday.

3 - Please pray for the high school student who Ben Coyner and I are working with and her anxiety and depression.  She also has a vision problem which causes her to get physically sick at times.

4 - Soccer season is in full swing right now.  We would value your prayers for our Boys' and Girls' teams as they play soccer as well as keep up with their studies.

5 - Of course, I know the Mooneys would value your prayers for them and their little Cora.  Pray that Charlie will be able to return to school on Tuesday after a week of Medical Leave.

6 - Our new teacher, Mrs. Hollie Gross, is really enjoying shadowing our current 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Sigler.  Mrs. Sigler will leave with her husband and sons to go to the UK for their next assignment right before Spring Break.  Mrs. Gross will finish the year in Grade 5 and then next year be our Grade 3 Teacher.

7 - Our ELD Coordinator and Teacher for 2017-18, Mrs. Dale Ramos, will visit ICS-P with her husband the first weekend in April.  They are excited and so are we!  Mrs

8 - We continue to get a few new students and families stopping by for tours.  Please pray that we will be able to get rid of our deficit so that teachers will be able to be reimbursed for the 10% reduction they have been taking since the first of the year.  We have a couple promotional dinners coming up in April

I think I better stop.  If you read this far, thank you very much!  I appreciate each of you.  Thank you for your love, care, encouragement, mail, prayers, and support.  Enjoy a great month of March!

Love, Gregg

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