Sunday, March 26, 2017

"Week Without Walls" and #68 for GGG!!

I am really not sure where to begin this week!  It was one extremely busy, exciting, and exhausting week!  It began with our "Week Without Walls" with all students involved in some sort of ministry to the community and three teams who traveled to China, Thailand, and Jeju Island for ministry and serving projects!  It ended with many very caring and amazing birthday celebrations of my 68th birthday!  There were just so many happenings that I will not be able to adequately share all of the highlights.

Let me begin by thanking those who have been praying for the two urgent requests I gave in last week's post.  One had to do with the hacking of our student management system, PowerSchool.  I would ask you to continue to pray as it is not resolved and there is much work to be done to bring it back up to the place that we can begin using it.  You can pray for John Richards and Ben Coyner as they will be working with PowerSchool personnel to assist in getting things back up and operating. There will be others who will need to also go above and beyond the call of duty in order for us to get things back and working efficiently.  Thank you!

The two parent meetings I had asked you to pray for went better than expected, but we are still not completed with our discussions and resolutions.  Thank you for praying and thank you for continuing to pray that a satisfactory resolution can be arrived at with integrity.

Before I share about many of the wonderful activities (mainly through photos) of this past week's "Week Without Walls" experience, I want to tell you of two special opportunities this coming week that we are hoping will bring more awareness to the education program at ICS-Pyeongtaek.

1 - Last week I received an invitation to come to the residence of the Ambassador of Israel in South Korea, Mr. Chaim Choshen.  Representatives from three world class Israeli universities and diplomats of the Israeli Embassy will attend the reception.  This reception aims for activating networking and cooperation between Israeli universities and Korean education institutions.  It could be a great opportunity for ICS-Pyeongtaek and our students as well as making others aware of our educational program.  So if you think of it, please pray for me as I represent ICS-P at this reception on Monday, March 27 at 7:00 PM (Korean time).

2 - On Wednesday, March 29 at 11:45 AM, I have been invited to share concerning the education opportunities at ICS-P with a group of ministers from area congregations.  This could be a great opportunity to help local churches know more about all that ICS-P has to offer those who attend these churches.  Thanks.

OK, now for a number of pictures from our Week Without Walls! There were nine different project teams for the entire week.  There were three that went outside Pyeongtaek.  One team went to Thailand to help with a children's ministry; one went to Beijing, China to assist a relative of one of our teachers in a ministry there; and one went to do service projects at Word of Life Bible Institute on Jeju Island.  Later I will have reports from them, but from the reports I have read so far, as well as heard, there were a number of exciting happenings.

*  For the entire week, a team of students and two teachers came to ICS-P from our sister school, Yongsan International School of Seoul to lead the Bible Chapels and activities with teachers in the classrooms and throughout the community in our Elementary Conqueror Camp, which was coordinated by Tony Kuhn.  Here are some pictures (there are many more) from Chapels, classrooms, etc. throughout the week.  

The YISS GWAM (Guardians with a Message) team (minus Ms. Swift) as they were ready to leave YISS to come to ICS-P.

Two of the YISS team doing a skit!

The theme for the week was about how Jesus loves each of us. This 
was a skit about Jesus washing the disciples' feet.             

Another skit by the YISS Team.

    Danny Song, from the YISS team.  He did the tech 
stuff all week for the team.  I had Danny in a Discipleship
 group at YISS when he was in 5th grade; now he's in 10th
                   and has grown in so many ways!!

Part of grade 5 with their teacher, Mrs. Gross, performing a worship dance during the chapel!

The following pictures are activities that happened in the classrooms or throughout the building the entire week in the elementary school.

Final day in Chapel!  Mr. Kuhn is thanking the YISS GWAM team for their excellent teaching and assistance with classroom teachers during this special week!

*  One of the groups led by Mr. Kolbe was involved in numerous activities including service projects at area churches and conducting car washes to raise funds for food to feed some of the homeless individuals at Seoul Station.  I was able to get my car washed and give a donation to assist in purchasing and preparing food for the homeless.  Here are a couple pictures of Mr. Kolbe teaching some students the best way to wash Mr. Garman's car! :-)


*  Mr. Edwards led a group to the Elder Care Center (Bokum-jari) right across the street from ICS-P!  The residents of this center look forward to our students coming every year.  There were so many activities that this group coordinated and conducted throughout the week.  A number of our elementary classes also went over to the Elder Care Center a couple afternoons to do some activities with the residents.  Many of our MS and HS students choose to go to this group because they get to speak Korean!  It is fun to watch them get involved with these beautiful elderly people!

Bokum-Jari, the Elder Care center across from ICS-P!

Grade 5 doing a couple worship songs for the residents!

The residents enjoying the kids singing the worship songs. 

Our MS/HS students then assisted in the
   soaking of the residents' feet in water 
                        with jasmine.

This resident could not talk but he really enjoyed his feet being washed.

One of our students, Nick, was a hit with
  this wonderful lady.  She couldn't stop 
talking with him.  She and the lady next
   to her would get a bit feisty with one 
another but then were helping each other!

One of our high school students got to clapping and moving when they sang.  The lady above all of a sudden began to clap when our student did!

This dear lady loved having someone dry her feet and talk with her.

I loved observing our students care for these dear people so gently, and I loved seeing them talk with them.

*  One group that I particularly was happy to go visit with the students and their leader, Mr. Mooney, was the Peace Welfare Society.  This is a center that provides jobs, meals, and care for mentally and physically disabled adults.  The day I went I was also able to observe another of our project teams, the Steel Drum Band, led by Mr. Sortore and Mrs. Kim.  From all that we can discover, ICS-P may be the only organization in Korea that has a set of Steel Drums.  Mr. Sortore and Mrs. Kim practice with the students and then go throughout the community at various busy locations to present Steel Drum performances.  The residents of the Peace Welfare Society LOVE them.  At the close of the performance at the Peace Welfare Society, the students and Mr. Sortore and Mrs. Kim invited the residents to come up and learn to play the drums and play on them!  It was so much fun to watch our students patiently working with these special people and teaching them about the steel drums!

Residents assembling some parts for automobiles.

A couple of our students assisting with
 this group assembling parts for autos.

Mr. Mooney with some of the residents
and our students putting assembling boxes.

Another picture of residents and students assembling boxes.

GGG with the director of the Peace Welfare Society.  He is a pastor and really appreciates ICS-P coming to work with the residents at Peace Welfare Society.

And now here are some pictures without captions from the Steel Drums Band students as they perform and then invite residents to come up and play the drums.

One of the residents wanted to dance! :-)

One resident helping another to clap!

This young lady could hardly wait to come up and play the drum set that we brought along. :-)

One resident helping another one!

The Steel Drums Band also made cookies to distribute to hand out at their performances at AK Plaza and other places.

*  With our new gymnasium, Mr. Greener was able to conduct with his team of students a "Gym Outreach" project.  Each day students from the nearby Pre-school were brought over to the gym and our students under the direction of Mr. Greener had fun teaching these young cherubs some physical activities.  They had so much fun!  Enjoy some pictures!

Some of the Pre-school cherubs from nearby ICS-P!

Mr. Greener teaching this activity to these boys!     

I love this picture of JC as he gets ready to take this cherub for a ride!

    Shane teaching some soccer skills!

This little man is learning basketball!  

On Friday, when I arrived at school with the two YISS High School students who were staying in my apartment, I found the main office door locked.  Usually, I arrive at school between 6:15 and 6:30 AM.  This past week I came later since the YISS boys did not have to be there that early.  I arrived at 7:40 AM and the main office door is never locked.  I headed to my office and opened the door and suddenly the lights came on and my office had been invaded by the YISS girls on the team along with their host for the week, Mrs. Haselman.  They had decorated my office and had prepared a cake and brownies to surprise me on my 68th birthday!  Then at lunch, all of the elementary students were led by Mr. Kuhn in singing "Happy Birthday" to me. :-)  Mrs. Cho, our kindergarten teacher, went running to her classroom and got a birthday crown for me to wear! :-)  The kids loved that!  It was so much fun!  I love our staff and kids at ICS-P!

Mrs. Haselman, Mrs. Okamoto (ICS-P Cook), and the YISS girls with the result of their decorating of my office! :-)

                              My desk, etc.

More of my office!

The Front Office Staff (left to right): Mylene Haselman, Tia Guinn, Susan Lee, and Helen Lee, lighting the candles on the cake Mrs. Haselman baked!

GGG blowing out the candles!

Mrs. Cho with GGG after placing the birthday crown on my head! :-)

My Birthday Buddy in Kindergarten!!

Immediately after school left our on Friday, I was planning to go with our Facilities' Manager, Mr. Song, and another teacher, Mr. Edwards, to enjoy a birthday dinner of Boshintang!  Mr. Song discovered that I enjoyed Boshintang so he had planned this for my birthday!  We had a great time of fun and fellowship although we had to sit at low tables, which are not as fun for me because I have to stretch out my legs.  But I had a great time and no problem with the knees!

Here I am at the Boshintang Restaurant with Mr. Edwards and Mr. Song preparing to enjoy some Roasted Boshintang!

     Boshintang and all of the side dishes  We got the soup later

Savoring a tasty bite of Boshintang!                         

I was in for one more surprise!  My dear friend and former SYME student, Gunmo Kim, had asked if he could meet me after my dinner with Mr. Song and Mr. Edwards.  He had asked for the security numbers for my apartment building and apartment and said he would wait for me until I got home from dinner.  he said he would call me when he was getting close to my home.  He never called so I thought he was still coming, BUT when I opened my apartment door, there he was!  And he had surprised me by bringing Chang Yong (Chad), another dear friend from SYME days.  They said they were hungry.  I had just eaten, but went out to a Chinese restaurant and they enjoyed some yummy Chinese and I had a few Mandu.  We then went home after stopping at the grocery store.  I told Gunmo I needed to get some more strawberries.  We stopped and he also was looking for some things.  After arriving home, we laughed and talked and then they said that they knew I liked Saku Saku (a very yummy chicken in Korea) so they had ordered some to be delivered.  Shortly after that, the apartment intercom rang and I answered it and on the screen, all I could see was the hand of someone holding a bag with "Saku Saku" on the bag.  I said that I would be right down.  I went to the door and opened it and there stood the Saku Saku delivery man, JiSang (Jamie) Hwang!!  He had told me that he was planning to take me out for lunch on Saturday so I was not expecting him! :-) They are very bad boys!! :-)  What a great evening we had!  

They stayed overnight and in the morning prepared a very delicious homemade Korean breakfast including the special birthday soup, Miyeokguk!  What a great way to begin my Saturday!  These three young men are growing so much in their faith and are eagerly serving the Lord.  I am so thankful to the Lord that they are in my life.  Please pray for these dear young men as they continue to follow the Lord....and mess with an old man's mind! :-)

At the Chinese Restaurant! (Gunmo on the left and ChangYong on the right.)

Chinese Feast!

In my apartment after the Surprise Saku Saku delivery man showed up!

Saturday morning preparing to eat the delicious breakfast prepared by these three amazing friends!


Yes, they even brought a cake for the old man! :-)

Then, finally on Sunday after church, another dear friend and SYME student, Justin Lim, invited me to Sunday lunch.  He said he was to pick up his sister, Erica, and then we would go eat.  We chose El Gitano Mexican Grill and they loved it.  We enjoyed a fantastic time together and some delicious food.  Erica had brought some very delicious strawberry pastries filled with whipped cream from La Mezzaluna!  So good.  Another fantastic birthday celebration!  What a great weekend!

Preparing to enjoy some Mexican taste treats for lunch with Erica and Justin!

Main entrance to El Gitano!

            Our lunches today!!

The box of amazing taste treats that Erica brought!            

OK, I am stopping!  If you read this far, you are very special!  Thank you for putting up with my posts.  Thank you so much for your continued love, care, encouragement, birthday greetings, prayer, and support!  This week is Spring Break, but I will be also doing some work at school.  We still need a High School Science teacher and Grade 5 teacher.  Two interviews coming up - one for each.  One of them will be this week on Thursday morning for the HS Science position.  Pray for our teachers as they spend some time on their break working on Quarter Three grades - especially without the aid of PowerSchool.  Thank you so much!  Enjoy this last week of March!

Love, Gregg