Saturday, April 22, 2017

And It Just Keeps Getting Busier as We Approach May!

Yes, it seems to get busier each week as we approach a very busy month of May!  Thank you for continuing to pray for ICS-P throughout the coming weeks.  The weather is getting warmer and the planting begins in the rice fields near the school.  The Soccer teams finished their regular season on Friday and are preparing for the tournaments this next weekend.  MAP testing has been completed! We are getting closer to getting our PowerSchool student management system back up and functional!  I know this will delight teachers, parents, and students! (Thank you for praying that it will be operational this coming week! Another Promotional Dinner this past week on Tuesday at Camp Humphreys!  We had a few families attend and all were very impressed with the presentation. Several have begun the enrollment process.  One lady was key in getting us connected with another key person on the Base so that we can be invited to future Job Fairs and Orientations on the Humphreys' Base.  Please continue to pray for additional students to enroll for 2017-18! Please also pray that we can connect with the Yongsan Army Base up in Seoul so that we can present the ICS-Pyeongtaek to those families who will be coming down to Camp Humphreys and Osan as that large Base will be closing.

Last Sunday was Resurrection Sunday and our church, Dae Kwang Church, had a delightful Easter Breakfast to begin our Sunday.  At 8:00 AM many of the church fellowship came together for a time of delicious breakfast foods and fellowship prior to our Easter service.  It was an excellent time together and then we enjoyed a wonderful time of celebrating our risen Savior in the worship service.

    Our pastor's wife, Alicia Nicholes
      preparing some tasty pancakes!

Pastor Mike Nicholes sharing briefly a passage of Scripture and then welcoming everyone and blessing the food and fellowship.

Some of our members enjoying breakfast!

Some of the yummy items on the buffet!

         Some more delicious taste treats on the breakfast buffet!

Some of the folks enjoying the food and fellowship!

My plate of yummy food!          

Another picture of some of the group eating and sharing with one another!

We awoke on Monday to rain!  It was a little disappointing to our seniors at ICS-P as this was the day scheduled for their Senior pictures.  They usually take some pictures outside, but with the rain, they needed to adjust things.  They came back from their Senior Photo Shoot pleased with the day.  Please pray for these wonderful young men and ladies as they prepare for their Final Exams in May.  They will also be doing their Senior Exit Presentation and Interview.  One of the graduation requirements at ICS-P is to prepare a presentation based on what they have learned and how our ESLRs (Expected Student Learning Results) have been accomplished in their studies at ICS-P and through their mentoring relationships.  Each senior asks a faculty member to be her/his advisor to prepare them for this Exit Interview.  They then present their presentation to a committee of faculty members including the High School Principal and the Director, me!:-)  I am looking forward to this special time.

On Monday afternoon the rain stopped so that the Soccer teams could practice.  The Boys' Soccer Coach, Mr. Thornton, captured this photo shortly after the rain at ceased.  The cherry blossoms were all still in the trees before the rain, but after the rain, this was the photo he captured beside the soccer field, which has this walkway lined with cherry blossom trees!  I thought it was a great photo.  Enjoy!

Cherry Blossoms after the Monday rain!

Another time of celebration this week was when our new Grade 5 teacher, Mrs. Gross, received her official and original Teacher Certification!  We had been given permission to hire Mrs. Gross because all she needed to do to complete her certification process was to take several exams.  She had taken them back in January and February and was informed she passed, but we didn't receive the official document until this week!  We are all excited!  Congratulations, Hollie!!

Mrs. Gross and her daughter had just arrived at school in the morning and are showing the official document affirming her Teacher Certification!!  Congratulations!!

On Thursday after school, our ICS-P Member Care Team had prepared a special time to allow our faculty and staff to present words of encouragement and blessing to our Grade 3 Teacher, Mrs. Anna Jacobo, as Friday would be her final day at ICS-P.  Mr. and Mrs. Jacobo and their four children will be heading to the USA for Mr. Jacobo's next assignment.  Thursday was a great time as almost every staff member shared how they have been touched by the life and teaching of Mrs. Jacobo.  She has been a tremendous teacher of our Grade 3 cherubs.  On Friday, parents from Grade 3 had prepared a party to celebrate all that she has done for their children.  We are going to dearly miss this beautiful lady who bursts forth with love and care and concern for her students!  The Jacobos' three sons are students at ICS-P and they have also impacted the school.  I have especially enjoyed getting to know their oldest child, Isaac.  He is having a bit of a tough time leaving ICS-P.  I know he would value your prayers.

Here is a collection of photos during Thursday and Friday celebrations for Mrs. Jacobo.  Some of her students with parents + a few of the elementary staff who were greatly impacted by Mrs. Jacobo!

Here I am with this dear lady on Friday!
   Very difficult to say Hasta la Vista!

Mrs. Jacobo's oldest, Isaac.  He and I  
usually had conversations every morning
as he waited in the lobby for the end of
teachers' meetings every morning.    

Please pray for Mr. Kuhn as he will become the Third Grade teacher for the remainder of the year along with many of his other responsibilities.  Please pray for several of us who will be picking up some of those responsibilities.  We want to do them well so that Tony can devote the majority of his time to the Third Grade cherubs.

******* That brings me to an urgent prayer request! We thought that the candidate we offered the Grade 3 teacher position to for the 2017-18 school year was going to accept our offer, but she declined to go elsewhere.  God has provided teachers at ICS-P all year (beginning in August) when an emergency need arises.  I would like to ask you to join us in praying for the person God wants to be the Grade 3 Teacher.  Perhaps you know someone who is a teacher and would love an experience teaching at a small school like ICS-P in beautiful Pyeongtaek, South Korea?  Would you please help us get the word out about our need for a Grade 3 Teacher.  That is the only position we need to complete our staff for 2017-18.  If you, or someone you know, have an interest and would like to know more about the Grade 3 position, please contact me at .  You could also direct anyone interested to the Network of International Christian Schools (NICS) website to begin the application process.  The website address for NICS is: .  Thank you for anything you can do to assist us in getting the word out.

Saturday evening was the Annual Spring Fling for students at ICS-P.  The Student Council put together a great evening of fun and food and laughter for students at ICS-P!  This year's theme is "Beauty and the Beast."  Our Student Council advisor, Ms. Becca Gaul, does a great job with the officers of the Student Council in helping to raise funds for various projects throughout the school. We enjoyed a fantastic evening of fun, food, and fellowship!  It was so great to see the students all dressed up and having a great time together. Here are some pictures from this year's excellent Spring Fling!  

This was at each table setting in the Say Wedding
     Hall for our Spring Fling on Saturday night!

One of the "Beauty and the Beast" flower arrangements at the tables!

My first plate of delicious food from a tremendous assortment of 
foods that the chefs at Say Wedding Hall had prepared for us!    

 Student Council President, Mokin Lee, greeting
the 65 students and staff in attendance.  Ms. Gaul
   said this was one of the most attended Spring
                      Flings at ICS-P!

This was the photo booth area for pictures.  All sorts of props were available for the students and staff.  Here I am with senior Ianne H. and our wonderful Korean teacher and First Grade Teaching Assistant, Ms. Kathy Lee!  They made me wear the crown! :-)

Some of our teachers who were enjoying the evening!         

A table of High School men all decked out in their suits and ties!

              Some of our HS ladies with some more HS men!

Some MS and HS students enjoying a fun time!

They even had a Karaoke machine (these are quite the thing in Korea).    
Here are two of our HS students singing a duet, which everyone enjoyed.  
                                        There was a long line of people waiting to perform Karaoke!  They had such
a great time singing some of their favorite songs!                  

Ms. Gaul and Mr. Hannings are presenting the "Best Dressed Man," "Best Dressed Lady," and the "Best Dressed Couple."

And the culminating event of the evening!  The Prince and Princess are announced and then the King and Queen are presented!  King and Queen are on the left, Prince and Princess on the right.

These final weeks in April and May are going to be very busy and at times, stressful.  I want to thank you for being so faithful all year with your love, care, encouragement, mail, prayers, and support. Your prayers during these final weeks will be GREATLY appreciated!  Many tasks must be completed before I can head back to the States for a bit of a respite.  Thank you!  I will try to keep you posted on when I will be in the States.  I may not be able to do a lot of travel within the States as it will be a much-needed vacation as well as some work that must be done for the school as well. Please enjoy this last week of April.

Love, Gregg

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