Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spring Break at ICS-P...Well, a Partial Spring Break!! :-)

Quarter Three ended on my birthday, March 24!  After a very delightful, profitable, yet exhausting "Week Without Walls," Spring Break began for almost everyone.  With so many things happening unexpectantly, such as our Power School student management program being hacked, continued search for a High School Science teacher and Grade 5 teacher, an invitation to represent ICS-P at the residence of the Israeli Ambassador to South Korea, a Pastors' Luncheon to inform area pastors and Chaplains at the Osan US Air Force Base, plus numerous projects (old and new) for the NICS Home Office, and taking care of some damage at one of the local churches where a team of our students had gone to do a service project during WWW, I did not get much of a Spring Break. :-)  A number of things were accomplished, but the man who is getting older didn't really relax and refresh as completely as I would have liked.  And on Monday we begin Quarter Four with some very busy weeks ahead in April and May.  Your prayers will be appreciated!

Monday - I traveled to Seoul (the Itaewon part of Seoul) to the residence of Mr. Chaim Choshen, Ambassador of Israel to South Korea.  I had been invited begin discussions with the delegation from several universities in Israel.  A delegation from the Tel Aviv University, Hebrew University, and Haifa University joined some of the delegates from the Embassy of Israel for the following purpose: to activate networking and cooperation between Israeli universities and Korean Education institutions.  It was a great beginning to ongoing discussions of opportunities for students at Korean schools, especially international schools, to consider possibilities of study at the excellent Israeli universities.  I was able to talk personally with the very personable Ambassador Choshen and two of his deputies.

The invitation I received via email from the Ambassador.  I still do not know how I was chosen to be invited and how I received the new title of "Dr." :-)

Here I am with Ambassador Choshen in the dining room of his residence.

My plate of delicious food served at this special reception.

On Tuesday, I did take some time to visit with a couple friends in the Itaewon area at the Original Pancake House before heading by bus back to Pyeongtaek to prepare for the Pastors' Luncheon I was invited to speak at on Wednesday.  I did enjoy a great luncheon with the pastors and was able to share with area pastors and six of the Chaplains on the Osan US Air Force Base.  I am praying that some new students and possibly some financial resources will be heading to ICS-P.  I did not get any pictures during the delicious Korean lunch, but before I arrived at the luncheon, I stopped at a very interesting Cafe' in Songtan prior to the meeting with the pastors and chaplains.  I enjoyed this very delicious Strawberry-Banana Juice drink and was able to just relax for a few minutes after getting off the subway and walking to the luncheon.


At 7:00 AM on Thursday morning, Charlie Mooney, High School Principal, and I had a Skype interview with a candidate for the HS Science position.  We had a nice chat with this young lady. Many of you must be praying because this past week we have had three additional possible candidates come to our attention - one of them just on Saturday.  We have begun initial conversations but because of Spring Break, we have not been able to have any formal interviews other than the one Thursday morning.  Please keep praying.  We also have a possible candidate for the Grade 5 position.

I was able to chat with Mr. Mooney after the interview and found out that Cora is showing some signs of sickness once again.  Both Charlie and his wife, April, are having difficulty getting concrete answers from the doctors here in Korea.  I know they would value your prayers.  Here is the most recent photo of Cora the Conqueror:


After the interview and chat with Charlie, I worked on some projects at my desk at school and then went to meet Jae Hong Park (Fred)!  Jae Hong was one of the first students I met when I began teaching at SYME in 2008.  When I arrived at SYME, I was taken to my tiny room in the one boys' apartment.  It was Midnight and Jae Hong did not realize I was coming that night.  he was in my room sound asleep.  Then, in typical Korean fashion, he was so embarrassed since he was a young university student and I was an old man and teacher! :-)  We developed a close friendship and it has grown even though Jar Hong has been in Australia working and studying for a few years.  he came home this past week and wanted to meet up with me.  He took me to AK Plaza and Outback Steakhouse for a very delicious lunch.  We spent most of the afternoon at Outback talking and catching up.  Then I took him to H-Mart where he bought a computer for his Dad.  His parents are happy to have him back in Korea for a little bit.  We had a lot of laughs and serious conversations as well.  I would value your prayers for Jae Hong as he has not been growing in his walk with the Lord. He continues to stay in touch and is very honest and open with me.  Thank you for praying.

Here I am with my dear friend, Jae Hong, at Outback Steakhouse in Pyeongtaek.  Jae Hong was so excited to treat me here for my birthday as well as the fact that we were eating Australian beef! :-)

Our feast for two included this awesome salad and two soups!

Main course:  Rib Eye Steak with Lobster Tails, etc.!  Soooo tasty!

Friday was a work day at ICS-P for me!  I worked on various projects (some are still not completed) at my school office.  A student called the school and needed someone to proctor his North Star online English exam.  When he called, I was the only one in the building so I told him I could not do it since a staff member is not allowed in the building with one student.  I asked him to give me his cell phone number and if any other staff member came, I would call him and he could come.  In about 15 minutes, Mr. Wolfer, HS Bible Teacher, arrived to work so I called the student and he was so excited.  He came and Mr. Wolfer and I took care of being his proctors.  As he left, he came to me and thanked me so much for allowing him to do this. We had a nice chat and I got to know Jayden a little better.

Then I headed home to take care of a couple things and then was invited by Tony Kuhn to Saku Saku (a special chicken restaurant I love) in Songtan for dinner.  Tony and I had a really great conversation and just what I needed after an exhausting Spring Break Work Week! :-)  As many of you know, I have known Tony Kuhn since he was 13 and coming to Camp Joy-El.  We are great friends.  Tony and his wife, Sue,  will be heading back to Pennsylvania at the close of this school year.  I am sad to see them go, but I know this is what God has for them right now.  Both will be greatly missed at ICS-P.  I know they would value your prayers as they transition back to the States.  I would ask you to pray a selfish prayer, but I will leave that up to you and the Lord. :-)  We were enjoying chatting and laughing so much that GGG forgot pictures of our time and the yummy Saku Saku! :-(

Saturday was a day of laundry and house cleaning and working on a couple school projects.  I did get a chance to just relax and do nothing :-)  Oh, yes, I finished up my income tax stuff for another year.  I am grateful for a good friend, Stephen Boush, who has been doing my taxes here in Korea since 2010.  So many forms!  He is always soooo helpful!

And to top off my Spring Break week, my sister, Julee Huss, emailed me to inform me that I had been selected for Jury Duty on May 8, 2017 by the Franklin County Court Administrator. :-)  I emailed her back and told her to respond that I would be delighted to serve on Jury Duty if they would be so kind as to pay for a round trip ticket from Seoul, South Korea for me! :-)  She decided to just respond that "Gregg Garman is currently out of the country with no expectation to return in the foreseeable future. He is working overseas."  I doubt that I will be able to fulfill my civic duty.


Well, that's it for this week.  So much will be happening in the next two months.  Thank you so much for your faithful care, love, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and support.  I will especially appreciate all of these items as we begin Quarter 4 and prepare for a fast and furious finish! Enjoy a beautiful April!

Love, Gregg

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