Saturday, May 27, 2017

ICS-P Seniors were Especially Busy During their Final Week!

This past week was a very emotional one for our seniors and our staff!  The seniors were taking their Final Exams as well as making their Senior Exit Interview presentations.  Friday was their last official day of school! The week was full of many moments of teachers and students spending time together as they brought closure to this chapter of their lives and began the transition to the next chapter.  I know they would really appreciate your prayers as they move on throughout the world.  It is always difficult at a small international school for students to leave a place they have felt safe and were loved by faculty, staff, and their classmates to go somewhere that is not so familiar with brand new faces and often far away from family.  Here is a photo that was captured at a closing dinner for seniors at the home of our Business Manager and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Haselman.  The Haselmans' daughter, Ianne, is one of our seniors. As you look at the picture, I hope you will pray for this delightful group of bright and talented young people as they move on to a new chapter!

Here is a picture of the seniors on Friday evening on the stairs at the Haselmans' home where they were surprised with a Celebration Dinner!  What a fantastic group of young people!

I was privileged to be able to sit on the faculty/administration panel to interview most of our seniors. This final Exit Interview is the final requirement for graduation for our students.  Each senior meets with her/his teacher mentor for guidance in preparing the presentation.  After a brief introduction to the committee of observers, the student is questioned by the panel for 10-15 minutes.  Then each is required to demonstrate through a presentation (method of presentation is up to the student) their growth in the five ESLRs (Expected Student Learning Results) of ICS-Pyeongtaek.  Their goal is to show the interview team how they have achieved each of the outcomes during their years at ICS-P. Following the presentation, each senior is asked for positive and constructive feedback to assist ICS-P in making our school even more effective in our education program.  Finally, each student's mentor is asked to pray for the student.  I really enjoyed each interview I was able to attend.

Here are our five ESLRs.  I am giving only the main title, but each ESLR has several areas listed under each as to what we are expecting our students to learn while at ICS-P.  Here are the five:

Expected Student Learning Results

*  Effective Communicators
*  Community Contributors
*  Biblically-informed Individuals
*  Complex Thinkers
*  21st Century Thinkers

Hearing each student introduce himself or herself was very meaningful to me.  I learned so much about each student's family and background.  Every student shared how he/she was impacted in amazing ways by the teachers and staff at ICS-P,  Each shared how what they learned in class as well as out of class and in mentoring times with their teacher-mentor made a powerful and long-lasting impact on them.

One student, Justin, shared that when he came to ICS-P, he was a Buddhist.  Because of the integration of a Biblical worldview in each of his classes, not just his Bible class, he became a believer in Jesus Christ!  One of the young ladies shared how she was encouraged to use her leadership abilities to take on various roles at the school.  Another young man shared for the first time, as far as I know, publicly about his depression and how he had made some very bad choices about smoking, drinking excessively, and found no meaning in life.  On his recent Week Without Walls' service trip to China, he changed his life and thinking.  He shared through tears how he finally realized the love of Christ even when he had not experienced that love from his father.  

Our student body president, Mokin, gave an outstanding presentation and how he believes that God wants him to return to India, after graduating from university, to serve the Lord in India to make a difference with the children who are orphans or those living in poverty without the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  His family had lived and served in India when he was a young child and he believes that God gave him the desire to return because of a little girl whose job it was to "wipe his behind" when he was an infant.  He said he wants to return to serve the Lord in whatever capacity he can serve Him.  

Here I am with Mokin in my office after his Senior Exit Interview!  He is an amazing young man and I am so excited to see how the Lord is going to use his servant's heart and leadership abilities as he seeks to follow the Lord.

On Saturday afternoon, I met my longtime friend and brother, Tony Kuhn, to discuss some things concerning school projects and decisions for next year and just have a great time of fellowship together.  After a few hours, we met another friend and colleague at ICS-P, John Richards, to go on the Osan Air Base to enjoy a fantastic Lunner ( sort of like breakfast and brunch, but lunch and dinner) at Chili's!!  This was my first visit to Chili's in South Korea and I have been wanting to go so often!  We had a very special time of conversation, laughter, and delicious food!

Picture of me on my early morning walk
      on Saturday before meeting Tony.

Here we are preparing to enjoy our fantastic meals at Chili's!

            We all enjoyed this yummy appetizer!

This was Tony's selection!

This was my choice!  I had been waiting for the Chili's
Monterey Chicken and Onion Rings for a long time!

John also enjoyed the Monterey Chicken but chose the mashed potatoes.

OK, I am going to close for now with a few items of praise and prayer:

1 - Some of you have been asking about Cora the Conqueror!  Cora continues to do well and grow.  She comes with her mother to school about once or twice a week and she is even smiling now.  She has these beautiful eyes and everyone just loves her.  Thank you for continuing to pray for Cora that she would continue to have good health.  Here are a few pictures of Cora with her Daddy, Mr. Mooney, our High School Principal.

Cora the Conqueror with her Daddy in some pictures!  Look at those eyes!!

2 - My former SYME student and dear friend, Jin Seok and his wife, Eun Sun, gave birthday last week to a beautiful baby boy!  They are very excited!  They were married in January 2016 and are so thrilled with their first child!  They have given him the name of Eun Woo.  Jin Seok told me the meaning of Eun Woo is "gentle, warm, and filled with love and consideration."  I love the name.  I hope you will pray for them as they begin their new roles as Mother and Daddy.

   Here I am with Jin Seok and Eun Sun on 
   their wedding day back in January of 2016!

Here is Eun Woo shortly after his birth!

Another picture of Eun Woo right after
his birth!  Everyone is so excited!    

3 - Last Wednesday we interviewed a candidate for our Grade 3 Teacher position.  Mr. Kuhn and I were very pleased and have offered her the position.  Would you please pray that this lady will be the one God has for us?  Her first name is Janet and she is also interviewing with two other NICS' schools.  She indicated that she would be giving us an answer early this week.

4 - When our Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Helen, went to the Immigration Office this past week to renew some of our teachers' visas, she was told that the Korean law had changed and our base pay for staff is too low. We need to raise it at least 1,500,000 Won (about $1,500 in USD) in order to be in compliance.  This is a sudden change since Helen was at Immigration about 5 weeks ago for one of our new teachers next year and they never said anything about the base salary.  We had to change all of the contracts and Salary & Benefits' Sheets for all of our staff quickly to meet this.  Please pray for this as it was not included in the budget for next year.  We should be OK if we have an increase in enrollment from the projected number.  It seems like there is one thing right after the other this year that impacts our finances.  Thank you for praying.  

5 - Pray for our Graduation Ceremony and Dinner on June 3 at 5:00 PM!   It should be a great time of celebration!

Thanks so much for all you continue to do for me.  Thank you for your faithful encouragement, love, care, mail, prayers, and gifts.  I can't believe it is almost June!  I trust that you will enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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