Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Search Continues Amidst the Busyness of the Month of May!

May has arrived and we are quite busy at ICS-P!  This past week teachers did get a well-deserved break on Friday for the celebration of Children's Day in South Korea.  I was able to spend most of the day in Seoul with my dear friend and former student, JiSang and his cousin, Jingoo.  More about that later in this post.

Before going on, I want to ask you to pray for us as we continue to seek a Grade 3 Teacher.  We had a great interview with a wonderful candidate this past Wednesday.  Both Tony Kuhn and I thought she would be the perfect person for this grade as well as one who would bring many years of teaching experience with her to be able to provide professional development sessions for our staff.  She was excited about the possibility of joining our team.  Friday morning she called to let me know that she was still excited, but after talking with her husband, a Major in the U.S. Army, she had to decline our offer.  She would like to be available to help with professional development seminars though.  The main problem was paying for childcare for the little one that would be at home.  Childcare tends to be more expensive for those in the US Army who are officers.  So we are still in need of a Grade 3 Teacher.  Saturday I received the name and application of another possible candidate from our placement specialist at NICS.  Please pray that perhaps this young lady will be the one God has for ICS-P.  It is becoming an even more urgent need since there is so much paperwork that must be accomplished through Immigration in order to secure the correct visa for a teacher in time to begin teaching in August.  Time is of the essence!  Thanks for praying.  Also, please send me any names of persons who may be interested in serving as a teacher in South Korea!

It appears that after MANY hours of extra work by several of our staff, we are close to being able to inform parents that our student management system for grades, attendance, transcripts, etc. is almost ready to be fully operational!  Some organizations who have had their PowerSchool system "stolen' have taken 3-5 months to have things restored.  It has been almost two months for us.  Please pray that this week we will be able to be back up and operational.

Before I share a few other events of this past week, I wanted to show you a recent photo of the Mooneys' little princess, Cora the Conqueror!  She continues to do well presently and is eating better and eating more.  Cora still needs to gain weight but she is doing much better in that area. Enjoy this recent photo that Charlie and April shared with us:


Some of the events that kept everyone busy this past week included AP Testing (Advanced Placement) for many of our ICS-P students as well as outside students (ICS-P is one of the testing centers), rehearsals for the Spring Music Concert on May 13, preparations for the Annual Sports' Banquet, finalizing the Parent-Student Handbook for 2017-18, Teacher/Staff Appreciation Dinner preparations, seeking a grade 3 teacher, and the ES and MS trip to Everland (one of Korea's prime amusement and entertainment parks).  I would value your prayers as we work on trying to get all of the necessary reports accomplished for our accrediting bodies as well as the NICS Home Office.  It has been a bit more difficult since it is very difficult to get our Field Leadership Team together all at one time because of having to substitute teach, work on other projects, etc.  When you are working on a tight budget, you don't have the luxury of having additional staff to assist with many of the responsibilities that must be accomplished.  It has been a bit stressful.  Actually, it has been very stressful at times.  But the Lord brings people along at just the right time to assist and/or encourage.

I was delighted to be able to get away for the day on Friday.  I tried my best not to think or do any of the projects that need attention at ICS-P during that day.  I was almost able to accomplish that goal, but not quite. :-)

Friday morning I traveled to the Gangnam area of Seoul to meet my "son," dear friend and brother, and former SYME student, JiSang.  JiSang's birthday was April 26 but we weren't able to get together then so we had arranged to meet on Friday for a special lunch.  JiSang selected the Brick Oven Pizza restaurant for his birthday meal.  He also brought his cousin, Jingoo, along.  We had a fantastic time of enjoying delicious food and awesome fellowship.  After dinner, we went to a nice coffee shop and enjoyed some coffees and ice cream treats + some more fellowship.  It was a great time together!  Please continue to pray for JiSang as he seeks to serve the Lord.

I was able to quickly capture this photo (from the window of the bus) as I was leaving Pyeongtaek to head to Seoul to see JiSang!  Some of the beautiful flowers all over Pyeongtaek!

Here I am with JiSang and Jingoo at the Brick Oven preparing to enjoy our pizza and Buffalo Hot Wings!

One of JiSang's classic expressive poses
as he models the tasty food we are ready
  to eat while having great fellowship!

I just presented JiSang with his birthday card and gift!

Later, at the coffee shop, JiSang opened 
the card and was in one of his "thinking" 
times as he read the note and saw the gifts
from his Chambersburg "Mom and Dad" 
and his Korean "Daddy" (that's what he  
calls me.  :-)                      

Our tray of coffee and other yummy treats after our Brick Oven birthday lunch!

After a great time with JiSang and Jingoo, I left Gangnam and headed to Itaewon to visit What the Book?, my favorite bookstore.  I had ordered some books online and needed to pay for them in person.  Several books were in stock so I took those and then headed to the subway station to go to Nambu Bus Terminal in order to get the bus to Pyeongtaek.  As I was walking from the bookstore to the subway station, I decided to take a little detour off the main street to see if my friend, Master Kim, the Taekwondo instructor for After School Activities at YISS when I was there, was in his Taekwondo.   Because it was Children's Day, Master Kim has closed for the day and was not there. As I began walking again to the subway station, I ran into Craig Mooi.  Craig is a teacher at YISS and was there when I was. We saw each other on the street at the same time and were surprised!  I am convinced God wanted Craig to bump into me on Friday.  Craig began to tell me how much I was missed at YISS by teachers, students, and parents.  He asked how I was doing at ICS-P and I shared some of the stress and frustrations I had been feeling.  I told him, "At times, I feel like I am a failure. It just seems like  I can't get everything done and I often do not feel like I am a very good leader." Craig then began to share how much people at YISS appreciated all that I did and told me encouraging comments that he had heard as well as experienced that pertained to my leadership.  He admonished me and encouraged me and said that I needed to quit beating myself up.  I needed to meet Craig on Friday!  And God knew it!  Thank you for continuing to pray for this old man as I seek to lead at ICS-P even when it seems too stressful and frustrating.

This is a picture of Craig and me several years ago when we went to Pier 30 to celebrate his birthday!  We always had such great conversations when we got together.  I really needed to see Craig and chat with him this past Friday!

That will do it for this week.  Please also pray this week as we make final plans for graduation and complete the revision of the Faculty-Staff Handbook for 2017-18 + several other key documents. Thank you very much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, prayers, and support.  We are beginning to get more students enrolling for next year, but pray that we will even receive more applications.  Pray that someone or ones would be led of the Lord to send gifts that would enable ICS-P to pay off the gym loan so that we can do better at giving our teachers a better salary.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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