Saturday, September 23, 2017

"Fields Ripe for Harvest"

The cool weather continued and the rice fields surrounding ICS-Pyeongtaek are ripe for harvest!  It is always a great reminder to go to the roof of our building and look out over the rice fields at various times of the year.  This past week I was showing the husband of one of our teachers the view from the rooftop!  This is some of what we saw:


I was reminded of the conversations Jesus had in John 4 with the Samaritan woman and His disciples. From the NIV translation, John 4:34-37 reads as follows:

“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.  Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.  Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.  Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true.”

Yes, the rice fields are ripe for harvest, but more importantly, our classrooms full of students are "ripe for harvest!"  It is so exciting to hear from teachers how students are asking many questions about God and Jesus Christ through daily classroom lessons and discussions as well as the MS, HS, and ES Chapels.  Please join us in praying for a plentiful harvest of souls for His kingdom this year at ICS-P. Our kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Tina Cho, came to me this week about one of her boys who is really struggling with English.  His mother is Buddhist and talked with Mrs. Cho about many things relating to Christianity.  She asked for books and material that tell about God and Jesus Christ.  She and her husband want to learn more about this "Jesus" that her son is learning about and what it means to pray to a living God.  Here is a picture of this little boy on "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" at ICS-P.  Oh, his name is Roy.

Roy on "Pirate Day."

Since I mentioned the "International Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day" in the elementary school, I want to share some of the photos from that day.  Some of these students already know Jesus Christ, but some do not.  As you think of us, please pray that many will come to know Jesus Christ.  We are having some excellent times in ES Chapel, as well as in MS and HS Chapels.  Students are questioning and many who have professed to be believers are taking a bolder stand for the Lord.  Pray that our teachers and administrators will continue to live out a biblical worldview each day pointing students to Jesus Christ.

Grade 5 Teacher, Mrs. Gross, with one 
 our Elementary cherubs who went all
           out with her costume!

Grade 1 Teacher, Ms. Hunter!

One of the Dads (new to ICS-P this year)
with his son and daughter during arrival  
time at ICS-P.  Both went all out with their

Three Kindergarten Pirates!

        Another young Kinder Pirate!

I love the eyes of this Pirate from Grade 1! :-)

Another Elementary Pirate!        

Victoria, the Pirate!

Here is a duo from Grade 2! They made
                       eye patches! 

This was the scene in the Library with our first-grade students during their Library time on Pirate Day.

I would like to ask you to pray for two young men who I met last year at the church where I fellowship.  At Dae Kwang Church last year I met Chris Haynes.  Chris and I established a great rapport almost immediately.  Chris shared how he graduated from ICS-P but was a rebellious young man.  He continued to struggle and try to avoid confronting Jesus, but he said that because of teachers at ICS-P who would not give up on him, he saw Jesus Christ.  Chris came to know Jesus personally after he graduated from ICS-P and continued to struggle.  We started a great relationship and even though he is now studying at Appalachian Bible College, we connect almost weekly for accountability times.  Recently, Laurie and Don Myers, some dear friends of mine from Greencastle, PA contacted me and told me that they may be making a trip to ABC to meet with the president of the college.  They knew of my relationship with Chris and wanted to surprise him with some special snacks that he would enjoy.  I found out from Chris what snacks he likes and told Laurie.  They were able to go to ABC and meet with Chris!  I received a private message on Kakao from Chris almost 5 minutes after they gave him a bag filled with Nibble with Gibble's Chips!  He loves potato chips and it made his day.  The assistant to the President of ABC went to get Chris to tell him he was needed in the President's Dining Room.  Chris was extremely nervous and thought he was in trouble. :-)  When he arrived, he was introduced to Laurie and Don who told him that they were my friends and they wanted to encourage him with some snacks.  Chris was thrilled and so surprised. Here is a picture of Chris with Don and Laure at ABC.  As you can tell, he was quite happy! :-)  Continue to pray for this young man as he studies and also struggles with some physical problems.  I love seeing his growth as a believer in Jesus Christ!

Chris with Don and Laurie Myers after receiving his special goody bag of Nibblishous Potato Chips!  He was so happy!  (Saturday, I received a private text from Chris.  Please pray for him this week as he has a lot of reading to do for quizzes plus an extemporaneous speech.  Because of a physical condition he has, he often struggles with reading for long periods of time - especially English.)

Another young man from church I would like you to pray for is Tommy.  Tommy is married and has a little girl.  He is struggling right now.  I believe he is going through some deep depression and doesn't want to open up about it.  This past week he has suddenly started to talk with me via private messages.  In his words, he says, "I am lost.  I don't know who I am."  He has promised to be at church this Sunday.  Please pray that he will come and that I will have the opportunity to spend time with him.  he is such a fine young man and is a believer, but is struggling with who he is.  Here are a couple of photos to remind you of Tommy and to pray for him.

Tommy and GGG had church last Spring.

A recent photo of Tommy and his daughter!  He sent a couple recent photos to me this week.

We had a visit from another staff member from our NICS Home Office, Missy Parks, with us at ICS-P.  She is always a great encourager for all of us.  Monday she spent the day in a workshop with our local Member Care Team.  They loved it!  Tuesday she was able to spend time with our new staff individually as well as any other staff member who wanted to spend some time with her.  We were all refreshed and rejuvenated by Missy's visit!

GGG and Missy Parks outside the school office.  Missy is showing
                  me she knows where South Korea is! :-)

Another photo of GGG and Missy Parks in front of the NICS/OASIS
world map outside the school office.                      

I continue to be impressed with what our new teacher of Art, Ms. Kathy Lee, is doing in our Art classes.  Here is an example of one of the pieces she was working on with our 3rd and 4th-grade cherubs.  She inspires and encourages children and teens to be creative in all they do.  She is quite an inspiration to our students and staff.

Photo of the special work of art created by our 3rd and 4th graders with inspiration and encouragement from Ms. Lee!

We finished this past week with our Annual ICS-Pyeongtaek School Picnic!  Our Office Staff and Athletic Director always create a wonderful event full of great food and wonderful games and activities both for the children as well as the parents and teachers.  It is always a lot of fun and brings the school community together!  On Friday, the weather forecasts were calling for rain on Saturday. In Korea, we struggle with the air quality as well.  The official Air Quality website indicated that the levels of the air quality for Saturday were going to be in the "very unhealthy" levels during our picnic.  Therefore, we made a decision on Friday to change the location of the picnic.  Instead of having the picnic at an outdoor park in Pyeongtaek, we moved it to the ICS-P Gymnasium.

It was a great School Picnic!  Quite a few of our new families came out + many returning families came as well.  Everyone seemed to have a great time playing, talking, and eating delicious food together as a community.  It was so much fun to meet many of the new parents.  One little problem for GGG happened as we were finishing the picnic with a tug-of-war activity.  Mr. Greener had divided those who wished to participate (students, teachers, and parents) into two teams.  I did not participate in the first two tugs, but could not resist when the one team had lost two times in a row. So I joined the team that had lost two times and of course gave everything I had - both yelling encouragement and pulling with all of my strength.  We were the winners of that tug, BUT my back was in great pain when I let go of the rope and stood straight up.  I immediately got down on the floor and started my crazy exercises that help me to restore my back.  A number of teachers and parents had never seen these strange exercises from the Director and came running to assist. :-)  I told them I just needed to do these exercises and I should be OK.  I finished them and was able to stand up.  I did not play in another tug-of-war and felt a little pain, but I believe it will be OK.  We will see on Sunday.

     Welcome sign for parents to our 2017 ICS-P School Picnic!

Mrs. Haselman and the ICS-P Kitchen Staff along with some     
parents getting the picnic buffet tables set up for our families!    

   Families begin to gather and mingle
  with other families while waiting for
      the games, activities, and food!

This appears to be two students chatting with each other, but the  
person on the right is our Grade 4 teacher, Ms. Johnson, who is  
talking with one of her students from last year!              

Mr. Greener, our Athletic Director, asking all families to come together at the center of the gymnasium to receive directions for the first icebreaker with all families and staff.

One of the games was to have volunteer students, teachers, parents
to drink a large bottle of water within two minutes.  Here are a couple
students, a couple parents, and a couple teachers racing to drink the 
                                  bottle of water the fastest!

Parents, students, and teachers cheering on the contestants!

With 17 seconds to spare, our School Principal, Mr. Mooney  
was the winner!  Matthew, the student on the left, tried valiantly
to guzzle all of his water very quickly, but found that it caused   
  him to throw up, caring many of the spectators in front of him! ;-) 

  Because of the air pollution, we weren't able to be outside, so we 
brought the Bouncy Castle inside for the younger children to enjoy!

One of the relay games Mr. Greener had for the students!

Ms. Dather started a game of Ninja Man
with a group of the older students.  They
had a great time!                

 And here is the first tug-of-war match.  The team on the left lost
this match and the second.  Then GGG joined the losing team and
 they ended up taking the third match and GGG ended his tug-of-
                     war playing least for now. :-)

Then it was time to eat!  Here is the beginning of the line for the very delicious food.  All families brought some tasty treats and the school provided a couple of the main foods.  

Some of the many taste treats enjoyed!

Some more of the yummy goodies!

The fruit and dessert table of treats!   

  One of our kitchen workers was in charge of the beverage table!

Some even brought a blanket for the gym picnic!             

Mrs. Laura Edwards and daughter Samantha enjoying a mouthful
                                               of food! :-)

And Cora the Conqueror enjoyed her first ICS-P School Picnic!

Our head kitchen staff, Mrs. Okamoto, made some popcorn and later made some cotton candy to the delight of the children and many of the parents!

Well, if you have read this far, I thank you very much.  I hope you will continue to pray for all of us at ICS-P as we continue to impact lives for His kingdom.  As always, I want to thank you for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and gifts.  You can pray for us this week as we finish our Quarter One MAP Testing and then prepare for a one week holiday.  I know teachers and students are happy about that.  ICS-P will not have school the week of October 2-6 as Korea celebrates Chuseok (one of the biggest holidays in South Korea) and Foundation Day.  I hope you will enjoy this final week of September.

Love, Gregg

Saturday, September 16, 2017

A Busy Week with Visits to all Three of our NICS' Korean International Schools!

It all began last Sunday afternoon when I departed on a bus from Pyeongtaek Bus terminal to the Uijeongbu Bus Terminal.  I enjoy taking the bus in Korea.  I am able to have more quiet and I can reflect, ponder, and pray.  Usually, all seats are taken on the buses.  On this longer ride (about two and a half hours, there was only one empty seat, and it was beside me!  I actually enjoy when that happens.  So I did some sleeping and reflecting and praying.  Once I arrived in Uijeongbu, my friend, and director of the ICS-Uijeongbu, Linroy Kilgore, came to pick me up.  He said that before he took me to the hotel, his wonderful and joyful wife, Nona, had prepared some delicious food (mainly Russian taste treats, and wanted me to come and enjoy Sunday evening dinner with them.  We had an excellent meal with great conversation and laughs!  Then off to the hotel for some rest to prepare for the three days of the NICS Fall Directors' Conference.  It was hosted this year at ICS-Uijeongbu.

   Linroy, Nona, and GGG preparing to enjoy the very delicious
                            meal that Nona had prepared!

Here are the array of fabulous dishes (mostly Russian recipes) that
Nona had prepared for my arrival.                      

This was my plate of yummy foods - most placed on my plate by Nona! I had to stop her from piling it higher! :-)

It was great to catch up with fellow directors and principals from our schools in the Asia, Africa, and Middle East region.  We had several days of delightful fellowship, work, and fantastic meals.  The husband of one of the ICS-U teachers, Roger, is the head of their Member Care Group.  He is an excellent cook and he had excellent breakfasts for us each morning and took care of making arrangements for our meals that were delivered or those we ate out.  We even had a Korean BBQ outside the building the school uses for its gym.  The fourth-grade teacher's husband is a pilot for Asiana Airlines and LOVES to cook as well.  He grilled some very delicious bulgogi, duck, and hot dogs!  We enjoyed a great time of fellowship and very tasty food.

Our chef for the BBQ, Mr. Lee, grilling
              the bulgogi and duck!

Mr. and Mrs. Lee (the Grade 4 teacher) preparing the hot dogs!

One of our directors, Karl Nielsen,   
showing some pictures he took when he
was sharing in this little man's class.  

The BBQ spread!  Ready to eat!

     Some of the ICS-U teachers, their 
       families and some of our NICS 
        Directors loading their plates!

This was my plate of yummy food!

Eating and fellowship with ICS-U staff 
and NICS Directors!              

Some more of the ICS-U staff and their families with some of the NICS personnel!

Here I am with a beautiful family! Dawna Poirier is the wife of the Member Care gentleman, Roger, who was so helpful and cooked so many delicious meals for us.  Dawna teaches Kindergarten at ICS-U.  These are the three sons of Roger and Dawna.  The family knows Mrs. Tina Cho, our Kindergarten teacher at ICS-P, and her family.  Such a great family!

Most of our time at this conference was taken up with some collaborative work on a set of standards that NICS is working on implementing throughout our network of international schools.  It was interesting to spend some time in groups working on revising the rough draft of standards.  Before getting down to work on these standards, each of the directors was assigned to go to one of the ICS-U classrooms to share something about their school, share something about themselves and their journey with the Lord, or share a book with the class.  I was delighted to be in a 7th grade MS class! They were full of life and energy and were quite attentive as well as interactive.  Loved their questions.  One boy in the class, Hyun, captured my attention and we seemed to connect right from the start.  Please pray for him.  He is new to the school and comes with a very extensive list of discipline situations from his other schools.  The teachers and administrators have already seen some improvement.  He had some great questions for me at the end of my presentation and I am praying that he will come to know Jesus Christ.

Above is most of our group at the NICS Fall Directors' Conference.  We were enjoying one of our evenings out for dinner.  This dinner was at a famous buffet in South Korea.  It's called Ashley's and the food is so delicious!

These were some of the main persons from NICS who presented at the Fall Conference along with the Director of ICS-Uijeongbu, who hosted the conference.  The picture was actually taken at YISS. Left to right: Jesse Newman, Duane Jobe, Pete Simano, and Linroy Kilgore. They were shocked to see Pete Simano in a suit.  He rarely wears one and he came to YISS in a suit, shirt, and tie!

Here are the three presenters at the Fall Conference at Uijeongbu as well as the workshop on accreditation at YISS.  They are all Vice Presidents from the NICS Home Office.  From left to right: Dr. Duane Jobe (Leadership Development), Ms. Lydia Zuidema (Academics), and Mr. Pete Simano (Leadership Development).

We also were given a tour of the school and a little history. This was my second visit to the school and I continue to learn more each time.  They have a lot of new staff this year but they are coming together and enjoying each other.  I know they would value your prayer.

This is one of the lower elementary grades in the Performing Arts class that Mrs. Nona Kilgore teaches.  They love doing all kinds of music and drama with Mrs. Kilgore.

This is the remodeled technology classroom!  Lots of good things going on here - especially for a small school.

In the Library, the librarian had this display as you entered the Library.  These are books written by some of the lower elementary school classes!  They recently had a "Meet the Author" time in the Library where students and teachers could come and meet these up and coming authors.

Thursday morning, I traveled with Linroy Kilgore and Jesse Newman (A VP from the Home Office) about an hour and a half south to Yongsan International School of Seoul where we would participate along with the Director of YISS, Ray Johnson, in a workshop on preparation for each of our school's Midterm Accreditation Visit.  This was lead by Lydia Zuidema, (one of the VPs from NICS) and Duane Jobe and Pete Simano, (the two VPs for Leadership Development).  Before our workshop began, I had some time to visit many of my former colleagues and friends from YISS.  I always enjoy catching up with them, but never have sufficient time. :-(  However, I loved the times I was able to spend with some of the faculty and staff as well as some of the students.  When I walked into the ES cafeteria and the MS/HS cafeteria, I was greeted by shouts from students, "Mr. Garman!  Look! Mr. Garman is here!" So much fun to catch up with a number of those I had begun building relationships with and hearing of their progress.  Here are just a few of the pictures I remembered to take. I was meeting so many former colleagues and students that I just forgot to get photos. :-(

Here I am with Mrs. Jane Yoo, the elementary secretary!  She was 
so wonderful and such a huge assistance to me when I was at YISS!

Here I am with a group of ladies who are amazing in carrying out their responsibilities in the Business Office at YISS.  They became great friends and were soooo helpful to me in carrying out many of my responsibilities involving finances.  From left to right: Mrs. Hong, Min Ah, and Mrs. Won!  We had a great reunion!

I saw numerous students when I was visiting, but I got a picture of this young man who is now in Middle School.  I began building a relationship with him when he was in Grade 2.  I believe God wanted me to meet him today.  I had been looking for him and couldn't locate him.  When I was heading to our NICS workshop, Max Park came up the stairs while I was heading down.  So exciting to see how he has grown in so many ways.  Thanks for praying for Max as you can.      

This young lady is an amazing teacher of Grade 2 at YISS.  her name is Ms. Kara Minor.  Two years ago, Kara and I began investing into the life of one of her second-grade boys, Ahan.  Ahan was such a delightful young boy in Grade 2.  He and his family were Muslims.  As soon as I saw Ms. Minor, she said, "I have some great news for you!"  She went on to tell me that Ahan is now in Singapore in Grade 4 and he and his parents are now believers in Jesus Christ!!  Mother was the first to be saved and then Dad and then Ahan!  I was sooooo excited!!  This lady continues to impact many young children for the Lord as she teaches!  Thanks for praying for her.

Around 4:30, I began my journey south to Pyeongtaek.  I was eager to return to my apartment and get a good night's rest.  The subway and bus worked well and I made it back to Pyeongtaek in good time and awakened and refreshed to head to ICS-P to lead our staff meeting and devotions before our guests, Lydia Zuidema and Duane Jobe, arrived to have a tour and time to meet staff and then spend some quality time with Charlie Mooney and me as we continue to work on our Emergency Preparedness Plan.  They were both a big help to us on Friday.  I drove Duane and Lydia back to the Bus Terminal in Pyeongtaek and then came back to school to finish some work that had piled up during the four days away.

It was fun to return to ICS-P and see students and teachers.  It was also Member Care Friday.  The Member Care Committee had prepared some creative signs for a very large box of assorted candies for teachers to enjoy!  Our Member Care at ICS-P is wonderful!  Enjoy the clever headings they placed on different sides of the box of goodies! :-)


Thanks so much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, regular mail/packages, emails, phone calls, prayers, and gifts.  They mean so much to me.  I trust that you are doing well.  Please enjoy a great week. I am praying for you.  Please do not hesitate to send to me any prayer requests that you have.

Love, Gregg