Saturday, September 2, 2017

A Busy September Arrives and Brings us Some Delightful Cooler and Drier Weather!

Yes, it is September already!  It arrived this past week and we were very happy with the cooler and drier weather that accompanied its arrival!  I especially enjoyed the great sleeping weather each night!  The pace at ICS-P has definitely picked up and will continue to move at a rapid and very busy pace the entire month.  If the posts are shorter, I hope you will understand.

As you think of ICS-P, our staff, and me this next month, please pray for our busy schedule.  Here are just some of the happenings:

*  August 30 - September 2: Our MS and HS students began the month with their annual Student Retreat with MS and HS faculty and staff.  I have heard excellent reports from their time together as they began to put into practice our theme for the year, United in Love; United in Knowledge.  Our Academic Principal and his staff did a fantastic job of preparing and carrying out a great retreat! (I was a bit sad because I was not able to attend. :-( I had a fall while subbing for Grade 2 on Wednesday.  It was a freak accident and I think I scared a couple teachers and some students.  I fell on my right knee and hit my right shoulder as well.  I have had some pain but nothing broken.)  With recovering from the fall and doing some subbing for some teachers, who teach Physical Education to our elementary cherubs.  These teachers are MS and HS teachers and were at the retreat.  So I taught P.E. to Kindergarten and Grade 2 on Friday plus had numerous projects to complete.  I did make a decision that I will NOT teach P.E. to Kindergarten students again! :-)  We had a great time, but I was hurting a bit by late Friday afternoon and did not think I should drive to the retreat.  I knew that I would want to be a part of their activities and make things worse.

Middle School students packed and ready for the MS/HS Student Retreat!  HS students had already loaded the bus before I could get a photo. :-(  These guys were really eager to enjoy a great retreat!

*  September 4 begins a series of visits from our delightful staff at the NICS Home Office.  Dr. Hale will be with us on September 4.  Pete Simano will be stopping for an informal visit on September 7. September 15 will bring Duane Jobe, Lydia Zuidema, and Marina Lytle to ICS-P.  Then we will welcome Missy Parks to ICS-P on September 16th through the 19th.  Missy will be conducting a Local Member Care Workshop with our ICS-P Member Care Committee.

*  September 9 - 13 is the NICS Fall Administrators' Conference! I will travel following church on the 9th and participate in the conference from September 10 -13. Then on September 14, I will head to Yongsan International School of Seoul to be part of a workshop on Mid-Term Accreditation Visit Training.

*  September 20: This is the first meeting of the KAIAC (Korean-American Interscholastic Activities Conference) Directors for the 17-18 school year.

*  September 23 is ICS-P's Annual School Picnic!  Last year's picnic was well attended and we are praying for a great day with our school families this year as well.

*  September 27: Mr. Mooney, Mrs. Haselman, and I will represent ICS-Pyeongtaek at Osan Air Force Base for a joint Job Fair hosted by Camp Humphreys (US Army Base and Osan AFB).  We were privileged to be invited to this joint venture.  We hope to be able to secure additional substitute teachers and possibly some new students.  (Last week we were able to increase our enrollment to 132 with the possibility of 3-5 more students in the coming week.)

*  Volleyball Season begins in full force in September.  We will host several home games in our gym as well as travel to other schools to play.

*  September 18-29 will be our MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) testing throughout the school for most of our students.

That should give you a lot to pray about for all of us at ICS-P!  Thanks so much.  I am just going to highlight a few events from this past week and try to keep this as brief as possible.

*  On Wednesday our Girls' and Boys' Volleyball teams began their Fall season!  I was able to see most of the three games played by our girls!  They won all three games against Cheongna Dalton School.  The Lady Conquerors are off to a great start!  The Gentlemen Conquerors also won three games in a row against Dalton to begin their season in great fashion.  I was involved in a long interview with prospective parents and was able to see only the final game of the boys' match. SO glad I was able to see them be victorious!  They have a busy season ahead!

ICSP girls preparing to return this serve.  You can see the ball that
    has just been served by Dalton on the left side of the picture.

Another photo of the ball about to be returned by ICSP.

A time out for Coach Dather to give some instructions and encouragement.

Coach Dather doing what she loves: coaching, teaching, and building relationships!

   The boys' photos were taken by Ms. Kathy Lee.
    Here is a serve by ICSP in one of the matches.

Kathy tried this one in black and white.  I like it!  Coach Hannings getting his guys psyched during a time out.

Another shot of the boys from ICSP preparing to return a serve.   

 Another time out to regroup and put the finishing touches on the
win on Wednesday.  Both the guys and girls took 3 straight games!

What is Coach Hannings thinking?             

*  On Thursday, I had the privilege of teaching in Elementary School Chapel once again!  I am enjoying some excellent interactive times with our Kinder - Grade 5 cherubs.  They are excited about using hand motions and skits to learn the major events in Genesis!  Continue to pray that many will come to know Jesus as their Savior.

*  Art classes!  We have an awesome Art teacher this year.  Her name is Ms. Kathy Lee.  Kathy is an excellent artist and a great teacher.  All of our students enjoy her and she is developing some excellent artists.  Here are some pictures from this past week for your enjoyment. The HS art students were focusing on the work of the artist of the month - Piet Mondrian.  They really did some creative pieces.  I am excited about the HS Year Book class that Ms. Lee teaches.  They came up with two logos for our school theme this year.  They would like to use one of them for the main them throughout our school yearbook for this year.  In addition to the pictures of some of the art work, I am going to include both logos for the yearbook.  There are some minor adjustments to be made, but I believe the one in the shape of the heart is the one that will be selected to be the theme art work for the yearbook and our school theme, which is United in Love; United in Knowledge.

Above is the first creation the Yearbook art students came up with for our school's theme, United in Love; United in Knowledge.  I believe this is the one they have chosen and I really like it.  Ms. Lee said they have to make a few adjustments and corrections, but otherwise it is set to go.

This was another creation using the school's theme for a logo for use in the Yearbook and other places. 

This is part of the Art Room!  Hanging from the ceiling are some of the elementary cherubs' art pieces this past week.  At the base of the window are the HS art students' works based on Piet Mondrian's work.

Our Kindergarten cherubs and their creations this past week!

Our lobby with some of our HS students' works on display.  There are some on the other walls in the lobby as well.

                "Two Faces" by one of our 10th graders.

"Empty Cat" by another 10th-grade student!

Another 10th-grade student's work, "Up to the Window Sill."   

One of our seniors' creation, "The Man Behind Art."

*  On Friday, Mr. Song, our amazing Facilities man, came into my office while I was working on some projects.  We have been having so much fun getting to know each other this year.  And he suddenly appeared at my office, came in and in his broken English asked me to look up.  He quickly took a picture of me at my desk on his cell phone camera.  It didn't turn out too bad.  Here is that picture as well as a picture of Mr. Song, in case you may have forgotten what he looks like.  He has been such a blessing to all of us at the school.

Photo that Mr. Song took in my office and then sent it to me.

Here is my dear friend, Mr. Song, wearing his Doosan Bears
baseball cap I gave him.  He and I both like the Doosan Bears!

*  On Saturday, I was invited by my dear friend, Jin Seok and his wife, Eun Sun and their adorable son, Eun Woo, to lunch at Mad for Garlic, a new restaurant in Pyeongtaek (it has been in Seoul for a few years).  I have eaten at Mad for Garlic a few times when I was in Seoul, and I am happy they have added one of their restaurants in Pyeongtaek.  This was the first I was able to meet their little man face-to-face!  So exciting!  He is so cute! Eun Woo is just a little over 3 months old now!  We had a marvelous time together.  I hope you will continue to pray for this beautiful family as they seek to nurture and love and teach Eun Woo and serve the Lord.

GGG holding Eun Woo, and joined by Eun Sun and Jin-Seok at "Mad for Garlic."

Jin-Seok and Eun Sun wanted to treat me to the yummy meal.  Here is the feast we enjoyed at "Mad for Garlic."  Soooo good!

Eun Woo enjoyed a different kind of feast!

I brought some gifts for Eun Woo.  Jin-Seok and Eun Sun were delightfully surprised.  They especially liked this last gift I gave them! :-)  I know Eun Woo will wear it proudly! :-)

The adopted Granddaddy with Eun Woo!    

Right before this picture was taken, Eun Woo was actually laughing!  I love him!

       Daddy has a sleepy one in his hands!

Eun Woo is about gone to sleepland! :-)

Yeppers, he is in sleepland! :-)          

As always, I want to thank you for all you do to encourage me!  Thank you for your love, care, encouragement, emails, mail, prayers, and gifts!  Your prayers and encouragement mean so much, especially during this month.  Enjoy a great September!

Love, Gregg

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