Saturday, September 9, 2017

Snapshots of a Very Busy Week!

It was a very busy week and the weekend has kept me moving as well.  After church on Sunday, I traveled to the International Christian School of Uijeongbu for our annual Fall Administrators' Conference.  ICS-Uijeongbu is one of the three NICS schools in South Korea and is the closest to our northern neighbor, North Korea. During this past weekend, I visited all three of the NICS Korean schools.  Obviously, I was at ICS-Pyeongtaek.  Saturday, I traveled to Seoul to watch the YISS Volleyball teams play matched against the Seoul American High School (SAHS). And Sunday I arrived at ICS-Uijeongbu!  Thanks for your prayers for the busy week ahead.

Because of time, I am going to mainly use photos to share some of this past week's delightful experiences.  I continue to be confident in what I believe about relationships!  Building effective relationships is the real key to making an impact in the lives of people - especially young people - today.  I am thankful for the opportunities each day that I continue to have to build relationships to impact young lives for Christ and His Kingdom.

**  Visit from our Founder and the Director of the Network of International Christian Schools (NICS), Dr. Joe Hale. 

I enjoyed the visit of Dr. Hale from our NICS Home Office this past Monday.  He had actually visited the Thursday prior to Monday for a medical check up and then returned to ICS-P in order to go to Immigration to file for a visa to take care of some necessary paperwork at our schools in South Korea. Please pray that all will go smoothly.

**  Fifth Grade Verse Project!  Mrs. Gross, our excellent Grade 5 teacher, came to my office early in the week to let me know of the possibility of a donation of adjustable desks, chairs, cubbies, Smart Boards, White Boards, and other school furniture from the former Elementary School on the Osan Air Force Base.  We have been praying that all of the paperwork and red tape will be able to go through so that we can enjoy these items!  At the same time, Mrs. Gross shared with me the following poster made by two boys in her classroom.  They were working on a verse project.  They were to take one of the verses they have been memorizing and make an encouraging poster.  This is what Earl and Jay did.  They indicated that they wanted the paper to look kind of wrinkled.  We have posted it where almost all of our students and teachers see it every day!

Earl and Jay's creation for their Grade 5 Project!

**  Elementary Chapel continues to be such a great time for students and teachers!  Enjoy some pictures from the past couple weeks of ES Chapels.

Ms. Hunter, our awesome first-grade teacher, leads our ES Chapel cherubs in worship dance.  Here she is leading this group of young ones in the dance moves and the words.  The kids love to sing and dance!

This little guy is amazing at doing robot-like moves.  I wish I had a video to show you.  He is only in Grade 1, but he is so good! Here he is demonstrating some of his moves as they prepare to sing.

As you can see, Ms. Hunter really gets into her motions!  The kids absolutely love it!  Here she is with a small group up front teaching the rest of the students the new song and dance!

GGG teaching in ES Chapel.

ES Chapel kids getting involved with me during the teaching time.

Getting some interaction during Chapel as we study about Creation and the Fall of Man!

I like to use the children to help me act out various parts of the story I am teaching from the Bible.  This one is about Adam and Eve in the Garden.  Earl is Adam and Ylena is Eve.  It was after this Chapel that one little first grade decided to accept Christ as his Savior.

**  Thursday night Men's Bible Study at Attractive Coffee!

Bridge Groups started this past week at Exciting Dae Kwang Church.  This group is the Men's Bible Study.  This was our first night as we begin a study on the book of Psalms.  Several had difficulty finding the Attractive Coffee Shop, but once we all were there, we enjoyed a great time together.  Especially excited for two military men, who have just started coming to Dae Kwang with their wives,  made it out for this first study.  Alec and I were there ahead of everyone else so we enjoyed getting to know each other!  Clockwise from the bottom left: Josh, Andy, Alec, Pastor Mike, and GGG.

**  One of God's beautiful spiders visited ICS-P during my Bus Duty on Friday!

If you look closely, you can see the web this spider had made!  The wind was blowing, but the web was not damaged.   One of God's beautiful creations!  I am just happy it decided to stay in sleep mode!

**  Friday was a very full evening of ICS-P Athletic Events!!  Please take a look at our Girls' Volleyball games, Boys' Volleyball games, and our first-ever Cross Country team!!

Our first-ever Cross Country team at ICS-P in the van ready to go to their first meet!  From left to right: Min Jae, Joseph, and Coach Johnson, who is also our Grade 4 teacher!  I am so proud of these two young men who did not give up and are now enjoying Cross Country!

    Joseph running at the meet on Friday evening!

Min Jae also running at the meet on Friday evening!


One of the ICS-P girls preparing to serve against Dulwich School.

Another of our ICS-P ladies serving to Dulwich.             

Coach Dather, Grade 2 teacher, and Assistant Coach Colgain, our new Grade 3 teacher, discussing game strategy during a timeout.

Scoreboard shows the final results: ICS-P takes the match in three straight games!

And then the Boys took the floor!  Last
      minute instructions from Coach
   Hannings, one of our MS teachers.

Timeout!  It appears that both Coach Hannings and Hansol are giving some important points to the young men.

ICS-P young men ready to receive the service from Dulwich!    

Isaac is one of our youngest young men on the Volleyball team, but he continues to perfect his service! (In the background are his parents.  Mother is taking a video.)

Here is Isaac's Dad following the service
          ace that his son just played.

And, again, the scoreboard tells the tale.  Our boys continued to get better and better throughout the match winning all three games!

**  Saturday trip to YISS to see Volleyball games as well as my friend, Paul Oh!!  I was so happy to make the journey to Yongsan International School of Seoul on Saturday to watch the YISS Girls' Volleyball team defeat SAHS and then watch the Boys' Volleyball team do the same thing in the boys' match!  So great to catch up with a number of YISS colleagues as well as students with whom I had built relationships.  Take a look at some of the pictures.

    Here I am following the volleyball
   match with my former colleague at
YISS, Craig Mooi (Coach of the Boys'
   Volleyball team) and Paul Oh, one 
of the first young men I discipled when
     he was in 5th grade and in my 
            discipleship group.

The match has just ended with YISS winning and the teams do the
traditional bows to each other after the match.  They also do a bow
in front of their fans in the bleachers.                        

Paul and I enjoyed a very delicious Outback Steakhouse dinner + some excellent conversation, prayer requests, sharing of struggles and joys, and of course, some excellent laughter! When you think of it, please pray for Paul this week as he has some major tests and an important Volleyball match + studying for the SATs.

Paul's yummy steak with rice and veggies.  I also had a similar steak but had fries instead of the rice.

** Mokin Lee at the University of Rochester! I hope you have looked at the pictures and read this far in the post this week.  I have been communicating with last year's ICS-P Student Council President, Mokin Lee. You may remember that I had told you he stopped by to visit me and chat before leaving for the University of Rochester.  He has begun classes and is adjusting well to be in America and in New York.  We have been chatting through Facebook and this past Thursday Mokin sent me the following message.  I am going to post it here for those of you who would like to pray for this dear friend and brother.  I love his honesty.  I love that he seeks to follow Jesus Christ.  Please pray for this wonderful young man as you think of him.

Here are Mokin's thoughts with me and his prayer request:

“Oh yes, I do have a prayer request: I really wish and hope that I would be able to live up to what Romans 1:16 says, or even at least the part where it says that Paul is not ashamed of the gospel.

Being in a setting where atheism and anti-religious sentiments are pretty prevalent and even encouraged at some levels, I actually find it very difficult to choose between sticking to what I believe is to be true, and what the community expects and accepts.

I know that denying my faith is a terrible thing to do, and I would always blame Peter for denying his relationship with Jesus. But being in a place like this, I can really relate to what Peter would have felt when he was confronted with such a question.

I just ask God that I would have the courage to be able to make the right choices.”

Here I am with Mokin when he stopped by to chat and pray before heading to the University of Rochester.  Thanks for your prayers for him.

Once again, I want to thank you very much for your faithful love, encouragement, care, emails, regular mail, packages, prayers, and gifts!  As you think of me this week, I hope you will pray for me as I attend the Administrators' Conference, the Accreditation Training workshop, and then meetings with two leaders from the NICS Home Office.  I also am having a bit of trouble filing a report in the manner it is supposed to be filed with the Home Office.  It has been quite frustrating, but I am sure it will all work out.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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