Saturday, October 7, 2017

Refreshment Week with an Update on Some Young Men!

This will be a short post this week since you just received one from me on Tuesday.  Upon my return from Tongyeong with Yeongmin and WookJae on Monday night, I was able to enjoy some reading, some reflection, and some relaxation...and a tiny bit of work at school. :-)  It was great to be able to do some brisk walking this past week, too.  I am hoping that I will be able to keep that going on a more regular basis.

I would like to give you an update on three young men, who many of you have been praying for.  One of the young men, Chris Haynes, is studying at Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia.  We are in contact with each other at least weekly and sometimes even more.  This week he asked me to pray for him right now as he is struggling with various issues in his life.  He is going through a time of laziness - as he calls it.  His health is good, but he is tired and still struggling with some pain in his back.  Chris did tell me that his speech that he was really worried about went very well.  As you think of Chris, I would ask you to pray for him and his studies and his "laziness" at the moment.  He is also struggling to build effective relationships.  I know he would value your prayers.

The second young man has been a dear friend since I met him at SYME back when I first came to Korea.  You knew him first as Jamie; his Korean name is JiSang Hwang.  JiSang is quite a thinker and when we get together, we love to reflect with each other out loud.  It is always a stimulating time of conversation as well as just some good old joyful laughter together.  On Saturday, I was able to meet up with JiSang in Seoul and what a fantastic time we had together.  We enjoyed a very delicious meal at the  Mad for Garlic restaurant.  That was followed by some coffee and tea at Starbucks before I needed to return to Pyeongtaek.  JiSang has always been a thinker and he continues to seek the Lord's direction for his future.  He has such a kind, caring, and loving heart and loves to build relationships, but is not sure if he is to stay working in the company where he is now or move to another area of ministry.  Thank you for praying with me for my dear friend, JiSang!

GGG and JiSang preparing to enjoy a very delicious lunch at Mad for Garlic!

JiSang placed his sunglasses on the table and picked them up and put them on.  JiSang loved it and snapped this picture quickly! :-)

We both enjoyed "Garlic Snowy Pizza"!
It is a great combo of shrimp, pineapple,
and garlic!  I added cheese to mine, but
 JiSang does not eat cheese and did not 
               want any on his! :-)

We both enjoyed this delicious Garlic 
Ribeye Steak!!  Oh, soooooo good!!  

After JiSang and I said our farewells for this time, I took the bus from Seoul to Pyeongtaek to meet up with the third young man many of you have been praying for.  His name is Tommy and he has really been struggling lately.  When he texted me and asked if I could meet him for dinner on Saturday evening, I was delighted!  We got together at the AK Plaza and enjoyed an excellent conversation.  Tommy is beginning to really trust me and says that he can tell me anything because I just love him and never judge him.  Tommy is married and they have a five-year old daughter who has captured Tommy's heart.  Tommy wants to get his degree and says that he wants to mature, especially in his relationship with his wife.  When he had to leave to pick up his daughter on Saturday evening, he told me that he wants to meet more regularly with me so that I can hold him accountable. I hope you will join me in praying for Tommy.  Pray that our times together will prove to be encouraging and helpful to Tommy, who really wants to serve the Lord and be a better husband.

GGG and Tommy at the Food Court at Pyeongtaek Station.  Tommy enjoyed the Japanese Cold Noodles (I sampled them and they were good).  I had one of my favorite Korean foods, Chamchi Kimbap.  Chamchi is Tuna.  I love it!!

                      A closer look at the Chamchi Kimbap!

Tommy's Japanese Cold Noodles!     

That's it for this week.  Oh, you can pray for our teachers and administrators as we will be having an all-day Professional Development workshop tomorrow, Monday.  Students will have a Cyber Day and not come to school.  (A Cyber Day for us is when teachers assign work for their classes online and students complete the work at home via technology.)  All students and teachers return to school on Tuesday.

Thank you, as always, for continuing to be so faithful with your love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and gifts!  I trust that you are enjoying some cool weather where you are and enjoying the month of October.


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