Saturday, October 28, 2017

First Week of Quarter 2 - Busy, Beautiful, and Refreshing!

Quarter Two began with teachers making final preparations for Parent-Teacher Conferences for Friday!  Our High School students enjoyed a wonderful trip with our Art teacher and HS Math teacher to the Trick Eye Art Museum in Seoul!  Grades 3 and 5, as well as High School Art students, were busy putting the final touches on their fantastic art pieces!  I had the privilege and joy to introduce our Kindergarten cherubs to Mo Willems' Elephant and Piggie books!  Our Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Tina Cho, received notification that her newest book, Rice From Heaven, is now available for pre-order at Amazon with the book being available in August 2018!  Our Boys' and Girls' Volleyball teams ended their 2017 season high notes!! One of my prayer supporters sent a Matching Gift through a local credit union for the repairs for our leaking roof, or a new roof!  It totaled $1,000!  Friday's Parent-Teacher Conferences were well attended and I was able to get to speak with many parents!  Saturday morning, our church Exciting Dae Kwang, had our monthly Men's Prayer Breakfast - always a great time!  Yes, it was a very full week of busy, beautiful, and refreshing events!

I will try to share the week with photos and not write as much!  Please do not hesitate to write and ask me any questions you may have.  I always enjoy hearing from you!

Unfortunately, I was not able to get any photos from the HS Field Trip to the Trick Eye Art Museum on Monday. :-(  I will see if I can get some from our Art teacher, Ms. Lee, for a later post.  I do have some photos of the excellent artwork our students are doing with our awesome Art teacher, Ms. Lee.  So I will share some of their creations here:

Grade 5 students have been studying the art of Mary Cassatt - especially her unique portraits.  I think the students have done an outstanding job.  Ms. Lee is amazing at inspiring the creativity of our students.  Enjoy some of the 5th grade students Mary Cassatt Portraits:


Grade 3 students have been diligently studying the art of Charley Harper and Vincent Van Gogh. Here are some of the students' beautiful pieces of art!


Our High School art students have been studying Korean Art History and what traditional Korean painting is.  The picture below is a sample of some of the work our HS students have created.  This was on display in the lobby as parents came to Parent-Teacher conferences on Friday. So many of the parents and teachers want to purchase many of these pieces!

Some of the HS Art pieces in the Art Room!

Ms. Lee at her table in the lobby during Parent-teacher Conferences with various pieces of art from our HS students.

On Wednesday, our Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Cho, invited me to come to Kindergarten to introduce her cherubs to Mo Willems.  I shared some of my favorite books and read one of the Elephant and Piggie stories.  There are 25 total books in this series and I told the cherubs that I have all of them and they can borrow them anytime!  I also told the students that Mrs. Cho's newest book will be available in August of 2018.  I am going to post a little preview of the book here and if you would like to pre-order a copy, you can go online to Amazon and put your order in to receive it as soon as it is published.

One of the pictures from GGG reading Mo Willems to the Kindergarten students!

The cover of Mrs. Cho's newest book.  Below is a little synopsis of the book for you copied from the Amazon website.

"Rice from Heaven is a true story about compassion and bravery as a young girl and her community in South Korea help deliver rice via balloons to the starving and oppressed people in North Korea.

'We reach a place where mountains become a wall. A wall so high, no one dares to climb. Beyond that wall and across the sea live children just like me, except they do not have food to eat.'

Yoori lives in South Korea and doesn’t know what North Korea is like, but her father (Appa) does. Appa grew up in North Korea, where he did not have enough food to eat. Starving, he fled to South Korea in search of a better life. Yoori doesn’t know how she can help as she’s only a little "grain of rice" herself, but Appa tells her that they can secretly help the starving people by sending special balloons that carry rice over the border.

Villagers glare and grumble, and children protest feeding the enemy, but Yoori doesn’t back down. She has to help. People right over the border don’t have food. No rice, and no green fields.

With renewed spirit, volunteers gather in groups, fill the balloons with air, and tie the Styrofoam containers filled with rice to the tails of the balloons. With a little push, the balloons soar up and over the border, carrying rice in the darkness of the night over to North Korea."

On Friday, it was a pleasure to have many of our parents come to the school for Parent-Teacher conferences from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.  We had a wonderful attendance and it was so good to get to speak with many of the parents.  We also had a half day on Thursday for students in order to give teachers an opportunity to make final preparations for the conferences.  They were all so well-prepared!  I was so proud of them.  Our cafeteria staff prepared lunch on Thursday and Friday for the staff so they would not need to worry about going out for a lunch.  In addition to excellent conferences, we enjoyed some excellent fellowship during these two lunches.  Also on Friday, our excellent Member Care Team provided some extremely delicious treats for snacks during the day. One member even brought me a bag of the new Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses!  Yes, you heard correctly!  It seems like everything around this time of year is pumpkin spice! :-)

      Some of the staff at the school-provided lunch on Thursday.

Another group of staff grilling their meat and garlic to enjoy at our
Thursday lunch.                                     

The cafeteria is ready for parents of HS and MS students for Parent-Teacher conferences.  Teachers are ready, and there is also a grandmother and mother meeting with our HS Math teacher, Ms. Gaul.

Member Care left this little package on my desk on Friday morning!

ICS-P concluded the week with our Boys' Volleyball team traveling to Seoul to participate in our Conference Volleyball Tournament to conclude their season.  The boys had already earned first place for the Conference and were hoping to win the tournament as well.  I so wanted to be at the tournament to cheer them on but because of Parent-Teacher conferences, I could not. :-(  They fought diligently and lost in the championship game after some very close games in the final match.  I am still very proud of them as they finished first in the Conference and a close second at the tournament.

Our Boys' Volleyball team with their plaque for First Place in the White Division of our Conference!

Saturday was the volleyball tournament for the girls' teams in our division.  Out ICS-P girls had already won the division and were also counting on coming away winners at the tournament - especially since ICS-P was hosting the tournament.  The girls were the first seed and played at 12 Noon and won moving them on to the championship match.  What an amazing match it was!  The girls had some close moments but NEVER gave up and ended up winning the Championship - a first in a long time for ICS-P!  Our second-grade teacher, Ms. Alexi Dather, is the coach and was assisted by our third-grade teacher, Ms. Janet Colgain.  What also impressed me on Saturday was that all of our Boys' Volleyball team was at both matches for our girls cheering and encouraging wildly throughout both matches!  I loved seeing them support the ladies! It was a great weekend!  Enjoy a few pictures of our ladies in action!  You could check out the video clip on Facebook of the girls after winning the fourth and final game of the Championship Game!  They were sooo thrilled!

Here they are with their First Place Tournament plaque!

Another photo with most of them being a little silly! :-)

           Some of the game action!

Coaches Dather and Colgain with the   
team during a timeout!            

Some of our fans during the tournament!

ICS-P is on the top side of the picture.  This is the traditional bow after each game!

Just wanted to leave you with another photo of Cora, the Conqueror!  She continues to do well. The following picture was posted by her Daddy, Mr. Mooney.  He and his wife are very excited as Cora is now sitting up on her own!!


Thanks for reading this far!  I really appreciate each one of you.  Thank you for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and gifts!  I would appreciate your prayers for the coming weeks.  Our Fall festival is coming up and our Vice President for Leadership Development from the home office of NICS will be visiting for several days in the middle of November.  Can't believe it's almost November!  Enjoy your week!

Love, Gregg

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