Sunday, February 11, 2018

Heat Wave and Special Events!!

Yes, this past week was a very busy one!  We did, however, enjoy some warmer weather.  It even got above freezing a couple days!  We were all happy about that.  You might have heard our teachers (especially those who have "Indoor Recess Duty") celebrating when we informed them that we would actually have an outdoor recess a couple times this week!! :-)

And it was a week of special events!  One of those special events was the Opening Ceremonies at the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea on Friday, February 9.  I have heard that the opening ceremonies were excellent!  I did not have the huge amount of money needed for a ticket for that event, but my colleague and friend, Ray Johnson (Headmaster at YISS) was able to attend with his wife.  Some of our teachers will be taking personal days or weekends to attend some events.  Some have asked if I would be attending.  I doubt that I will get there.  I will watch on TV and keep warm when I am able.  I have lots to prepare before heading to Southaven, Mississippi for the NICS Annual Leadership Conference for their school directors around the world.  I leave on February 19 and return on March 2.

It was a very busy and full week as Mr. Mooney, our Academic School Principal, and I were very involved in setting up and conducting interviews with candidates for some of our open positions for 2018-19.  We had a great interview with one gentleman and his wife for the IT Director/Computer Teacher position.  We have offered the position to the husband and they are very excited.  They had previously taught at ICS-P between 1999-2006.  In fact, they met at ICS-P and were married. They now have 3 children who would be in Kindergarten, Grade 2, and Grade 4.  Please pray as we finalize everything.

We also interviewed one of several candidates for the K-12 Music Teacher position.  She actually came to the school for her interview.  We were very pleased and offered her the position.  She was very excited about ICS-P!  We learned that she is also being sought by one our sister schools in South Korea.  We are trusting the Lord to make it clear which she should choose.

On Friday, we learned of possibly two additional candidates for the Guidance Counselor position!  We will be interviewing via Skype one young lady on Monday morning.  Thanks for praying.

We just learned that one of our current teachers has decided to stay at home next year as she and her husband (also a teacher at ICS-P) are expecting their first child.  Because of this, we have made some adjustments in teaching assignments and now we are going to have sufficient funds to hire a full-time Physical Education Teacher/Athletic Director for 2018-29.  This position has just been posted on the NICS website .  If you know of someone who would be qualified for this position, please have them contact NICS or me.  We are excited as we have been needing a full-time Phys. Ed. Teacher for a few years.  This will help with scheduling and will allow us not to have several full-time teachers pick up a period or two of Phys. Ed. during the week.

On Tuesday evening, I had a very special event!  The first Korean I met and became very good friends with contacted me to let me know he was back in Korea from Australia for a few weeks.  Yeppers, Fred Jae Hong Park and I met around 12 Midnight back when I arrived in Korea to teach at SYME in August of 2008.  Jae Hong was told I would be arriving on a certain day so he decided to sleep in the little room designated for me on the night I arrived.  He had been told an incorrect date! :-)  So when I was delivered to my room at SYME, I was greeted by Jae Hong!  He was so surprised and quickly ran from the room bowing to me as I departed from my room! :-)  We laugh about this now!  I actually laughed then! :-)  Well, we met on Tuesday evening and had a delightful time of conversation and laughter.  Please pray for Jae Hong that he would be able to understand what it means to follow and serve the Lord.  I see growth and am excited about what lies ahead.

GGG and Jae Hong enjoying our visit at Outback in Pyeongtaek.

     Coconut Shrimp and Chicken Salad - sooo good!

Baby Back Ribs were very tasty as well.          

Wednesday was a special day, especially for Kindergarten students!  Kindergartens I have been connected with always make a big thing out of that 100th day of school!  Wednesday was ICS-P's 100th Day!  Our awesome Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Cho, had many learning activities, especially in Math and Reading connected with the 100th Day of School.  They had a great day of celebrations!

This greeted everyone when anyone came to the Kindergarten Room on the 100th Day!

A few of the cherubs from Kinder excited about the 100th Day activities!

Here is Mrs. Cho, Kinder Teacher and Mrs. Amos, ELD Teacher who works with a few of the Kinder students who are needing assistance with learning English.  They all were enjoying their 100th Day!

On Thursday, Mrs. Cho also had learning activities for the students that had to do with the Opening of the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea.  I love how she integrates lots of writing activities with her students and she used this event to have them do some writing activities and artwork.  They were enjoying learning about the Olympics and writing about it!

Celebrating the Olympics! Mrs. Cho's kindergartners wrote about their passions, which is one of the themes this year. Here's the Olympic tiger mascot "Soohorang."

Our CFO at ICS-P, Mrs. Haselman, was very busy with financial reports in addition to all the work that goes into preparing for one of the special events that she is so good at organizing and preparing in order to raise some funds to help with special projects at ICS-P.  This week she was getting everything together for the special fundraiser banquet on Friday, February 9.  We had decided to raise some funds for our students for the "Week Without Walls" project during the week right before our Spring Break at the end of March.  We decided to have "A Night of Art, Music, and Scrumptious Food" in our cafetorium.   We wanted to showcase the outstanding artwork and music skills of our students!  Our superb Art Teacher, Ms. Kathy Lee, prepared an awesome display of some of the great artwork of our students from Kindergarten through Grade 12!  She and the students did an outstanding job of putting the works on display!  And our Music Teacher, Mrs. Jennifer Kim,  had prepared some of our very talented music students to share some musical selections during the banquet.  In addition, since it was close to Valentine's Day, Mrs. Haselman chose the theme of "Love" for the setting of the dinner.  There were several locations where those attending could have a photo taken demonstrating in fun ways the theme of love.  Those families and teachers who attended enjoyed a wonderful evening, and we were able to raise some needed funds for our students for their service projects during the "Week Without Walls."  I will place some of the photos that I took during the evening.

The cafetorium decorated and ready for the feast to begin!  The next few pictures will show you some of the very delicious food, including desserts, Mrs. Haselman, Mrs. Okamoto, and kitchen staff prepared!


Prior to and after the dinner, families and teachers could visit the excellent Art Display our Art Teacher, Ms. Kathy Lee, had put together of our students' (K-12) had created.  Here are some pictures of the display:


During the delicious dinner, our K-12 Music Teacher, Mrs. Kim, had asked some of our talented music students to share some dinner music.  Below are some photos of some of the performers.  They did an amazing job!

The above student, Catherine, is a senior who came to ICS-P last year from Turkey.  Catherine has albinism and can hardly see.  She played about four classical selections from memory to the delight of those in attendance!

These two seniors, Heewon and Jamie, performed several duets for piano and violin!  Also quite good!

Jamie posing for a photo after one of her selections! :-)

And since it was the theme for the evening was "Love" and we are so close to Valentine's Day, there were a couple of places throughout the cafetorium and Art Display where guests could take some fun photos. :-)  Here are some of the pictures!  Wish I could display more.

 Our Grade 4 and Grade 3 Teachers at
the fun photo station! :-)  Ms. Johnson
  Grade 4 and Ms. Colgain, Grade 3.

Ms. Hunter, Grade 1 Teacher! :-)

No comment!!  :-)              

One of our Bible teachers, Mr. Wolfer with his wife at the fun photo station! 

        The Wolfers' son is so cute!!

Another photo of the Wolfers' son!     

The Mona Lisa frame was painted by one of our HS students.  No other comments! :-)

This is Danny from Middle School posing at the Mona Lisa station! :-)

I believe I will stop for now.  I just want to thank you once again for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, mail, prayers, and gifts.  I hope you will enjoy a wonderful week!

Love,  Gregg

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