Saturday, February 3, 2018

Spirit Week Ends with our Boys' and Girls' Basketball Teams Taking 2nd Place!!

I began my week this past week by going to school and then taking a ride to Itaewon in Seoul with our Facilities Manager, Mr. Song.  He volunteered to take me to my former doctor, Dr. Kim at the Itaewon International Health Clinic.  I was able to get an appointment to try to determine what was causing the spinning sensations, nausea, headaches, and awkward balance.  Dr. Kim had his staff run about five tests on me, as well as taking blood for an advanced comprehensive health profile.  After the tests, Dr. Kim gave me the diagnosis of Acute Sinusitis and a mild case of Meniere's Syndrome or Vertigo.  He prescribed medicine for 10 days.  He said that he would send me the full report of the comprehensive health profile later and if needed asked me to set up a follow-up appointment.

Once I started the medication, I began to feel much better and my spinning sensations and awkward balance have decreased markedly throughout the week.  I would continue to value your prayers.  Thanks so much for your emails of encouragement and prayers throughout the past week.

Oh, Dr. Kim also said that the tests showed that there is no problem with my heart or brain. (I know some of you think that he is way off base on the brain diagnosis.)  He did say that I need to start walking more regularly because of the arteries in my legs.  They need exercise.  I had stopped my brisk walking back in December because of busyness and then a trip to Pennsylvania and then the nasty cold weather started here in Korea in January.  He shared an App for my phone and told me I should get at least 10,000 steps in a day.  I love it!  I have had 10,000 each day and even hit 11,000+ on Thursday!

Before I write anything else this week, I wanted to show you what I saw on Tuesday morning, and almost every day the rest of the week.  One of the teachers, Mr. Wolfer, asked me for a ride this week.  He usually rides his bicycle, but the nasty cold is a bit much.  So as we got out of my car and walked to the main ICS-P building, we both noticed the moon in the early morning sky right outside the school.  It was about 6:15 AM and we both stopped (each day) to admire the beauty of the moon in the early morning sky.  The two pictures don't really do it justice but will give you a little idea of what we saw to begin our day!

I took these on my cell phone right outside the front doors of ICS-P!

The Student Council's Spirit Week began on Monday!  The kids love these days AND so do the teachers! 😄 I wasn't able to get as many pictures as I would have liked, but here are some from four of the days.  I don't have pictures from Friday, but it was Spirit Day and the Student Council wanted us as a school to wear the school colors to support our two basketball teams as they played in the final Conference Tournament for this season.  Almost everyone was wearing either Blue and Black or Blue and White outfits!  So here are a few pictures from the days Monday through Thursday.

Monday:  Wacky Tacky Day

Tuesday: Favorite Character Day


Wednesday: Theme Day 

The Senior Class chose the theme of "Mafia" with Hansol as the Godfather! :-)

The Office Staff decided on the theme "Professional Office Staff," but decided on this silly pose. 😂  From left to right: Mrs. Susan Lee, Mrs. Helen Lee, GGG, Mrs. Mylene Haselman, and Mrs. Tia Guinn!

Thursday:  Pajama Day

   Mrs. Guinn in the office on PJ Day,
    being photo-bombed by her son! 😁

Our part-time Counselor, Mrs. Camille Parker with her son, Gabriel on PJ Day! 

Grade 1 teacher, Ms. Amanda Hunter!

On Friday, ICS-Pyeongtaek hosted the Boys' White Division Conference Basketball Tournament.  ICS-P won their first game of the day with a thrilling finish.  With ICS-P losing 30 - 29 in a back and forth game all four quarters, there were about 10 seconds on the clock.  ICS-P got the ball and brought it in.  With 6 seconds showing on the clock, one of our boys passed the ball to Senior Steve Choi.  He had missed a couple 3-pointers earlier in the game, but he set himself and shot one from outside the 3-point line at the top of the key and it went SWISH!!  The ICS-P students and teachers and I went crazy!  This moved our boys to the final championship game.  They were extremely tired from their first game and just could not pull out the final game.  They ended 2nd in the Tournament.  It was a great day!

A picture of students, players, coaches, and fans rushing to greet and congratulate Steve Choi on his 3-point shot with about 6 seconds remaining to win the first game!

Scoreboard with the final score of the first game for the ICS-P Boys!

GGG with Steve Choi, in the ICS-P cafeteria after his winning shot!

ICS-P Boys' Basketball team enjoying one of the school's favorite lunches, Beef Tapa, after winning their first game!  The one lady is the mother of one of the boys, Senior Hansol Ko, who is at the front right corner of the picture.

The Girls' Basketball team went to Dalton School in Seoul for their Conference Tournament on Saturday.  I was not able to attend that match because of a previous commitment, but the girls played well from all reports.  They, too, won their first game of the day, but lost a close one in the championship game giving them second place in the Tournament!  All of us are proud of both our young men and ladies and how they played!

Here are the Varsity Girls and their coaches after winning 2nd Place in the Conference Tournament on Saturday.  I believe that some of the girls had departed prior to this picture. 😞  Head coach Alexi Dather is on the far right and her Assistant Coach, Jonathan Edwards is wearing the ski cap.

Back in December, one of the students at Yongsan International School of Seoul had invited me to his Eagle Scout Ceremony with the Boy Scouts.  His name is Ian Choi.  I met Ian when I came to YISS back in 2010.  Ian was in 2nd Grade.  He was a boy who was always smiling and he was eager to talk with me.  Our relationship continued to grow and when Ian was in 5th Grade, he was one of the boys in my Discipleship Group.  We have stayed in touch and he had contacted me to see if I would be able to come to his Eagle Scout ceremony.  I was honored to be asked and I said I would be there.  Then I got Influenza A and had to stay in my apartment for 11 days.  One of those 11 days was when the Eagle Scout Ceremony happened.  I told Ian about it and he understood.  We set up Saturday, February 3, for lunch in Itaewon.  Ian is now a freshman at YISS and plans to graduate from there.  He has grown in so many ways and I am soooo proud of him.  We met at Itaewon and decided to have Chinese food at HoLee Chow (I love that name).  What a wonderful time of sharing, laughing, eating, and just being able to catch up with each other.  Ian wants to be able to meet with me more regularly, especially after I told him today that I would be leaving Korea at the close of the school year.  I also told him that I would do all I could to save money so that I could return to be at his graduation in 2021. I hope you will pray for this young man as he continues to grow and use his many talents.  Pray that he will decide to serve the Lord.  

Here I am at HoLee Chow with Ian in his YISS jacket.  He is probably the #1 player on the YISS Tennis Team!

Orange Chicken and General Tso-s Chicken with rice! So good!  Holy Cow! HoLee Chow is sooo tasty!

That will do it for this week.  It is always my joy to thank you for all of your love, care, encouragement, mail, prayers, and gifts.  Please continue to pray as we seek to fill the following positions with the right persons: IT Director/Computer Teacher, K-12 Music Teacher, and Academic Guidance Counselor.  We would also like to have sufficient funds to hire a full-time Physical Education Teacher/Athletic Director.  ICS-P hasn't been able to have one of those for some time now.  Thanks so much!  Enjoy a great first full week of February!

Love, Gregg

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