Saturday, April 14, 2018

Spring Arrives in Pyeongtaek! Talent Show!! Elementary Art! Sorting and Packing Continues!

Yeppers, after an unseasonably cold February and March, Spring seems to have arrived in Pyeongtaek!  We are very grateful!  We've had a great start to April and Quarter 4 at ICS-P!  A very busy one, but a very good one!  During my Spiritual Day (April 6) off and my Personal Day (April 9) off, I was able to do a lot of reflection and walking and thinking while enjoying the beautiful Cherry Blossoms.  They were out in full force.  So glad I was able to enjoy them since this past week we had some strong spring winds that have removed most of the blossoms.  Here are two pictures right outside my apartment building (#105) showing some of the Cherry Blossoms as I returned from one of my walks.


In last week's post, I shared that Corrie Kolbe, the wife of one of our ICS-P teachers, had offered to take five suitcases with her as she traveled with two of their children to visit Corrie's mother in North Carolina.  Her mother is doing rehab and recovering from double knee replacement surgery.  They arrived safely in the USA and proceeded to unpack the suitcases and pack them for mailing to my one sister's home in Pennsylvania.  This allowed me to save A LOT of money rather than shipping them from South Korea!  Corrie was able to pack everything in nine packing boxes and they have been mailed to my sister already!  This is such a wonderful kindness and has saved me a lot of stress and money!  Here are the boxes after Corrie packed them and prepared them to take to the post office!


Before I share some pictures of some of the special events that happened this week at ICS-P, I want to share the latest update from Ben Coyner after his recent surgery and then a report from his surgeon.  So many of you have been praying for Ben since last school year when he was diagnosed with tongue cancer.  Thanks so much.

"Hey, ICS Community!
Praise God that the pathology test could not find any viable cancer cells in any of my lymph nodes, just dead clumps of cells.
This means that I don’t need to undergo any chemotherapy cancer treatment!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement."

Most of the remainder of this post will be photos from our elementary school during this past week.  Our Yearbook staff of students led by their advisor, Mrs. Kathy Lee, have been getting photos to finish our ICS-P Yearbook for this year.  They wanted to get a photo of the Elementary Family Groups this past week.  I was able to get a couple shots that included all of the family groups from Grades Kindergarten through Grade 5 + the teachers outside our academic building near one of the trees with delightful Cherry Blossoms.  I must have taken 6 different shots to get this one photo.  So difficult to get kids enjoying their recess time to hold still for a group picture! :-)  I am sure you will see that this one is not perfect, but it is what it is! :-)  They love their Family Groups on Tuesdays!


Our Art Teacher, Mrs. Kathy Lee, continues to do a great job with all of our students with Art!  Here are some photos from some of the elementary cherubs' artwork from this past couple weeks.  They love going to Art and they do a great job!


On Friday, our Grade 2 Teacher, Ms. Alexi Dather, had a Talent Show for her 2nd Grade cherubs.  They had been working in class on using their gifts/talents to honor the Lord.  Ms. Dather was a bit nervous about how they would do.  They had invited parents to come to see the performances.  Some teachers and some of the elementary students came as well.  Everyone was so pleased and delighted with what these young children were doing with their talents.  It was a great morning!  I was so proud of the students!  We have been working throughout the school on how to present in front of people and they did a super job.  I only wish I could have gotten some videos of the performances.  

Ms. Dather and her Grade 2 cherubs at the Talent Show!

The obligatory "Silly" pose picture! :-)

These three  did some memory verses using a soccer   
ball to dribble back and forth as they recited the verses!

This little man did an amazing job of
 dancing as a sang one of the Chapel
                   worship songs!

Using the song that uses the theme verses from last year (Ephesians 6), these guys did some of their Taekwondo moves as the song played!

Another young man using his worship  
dance moves from one of the ES Chapel
worship songs!                  

Two more doing some of their moves to the "Armour of God" song!

This young lady played "Amazing Grace"
                    as a piano solo!

Ms. Dather is accompanying this precious little lady as she sings  
so beautifully "Go Tell it on the Mountain"!  She was amazing!   

Here she is again singing so wonderfully!  I was very impressed!

This young lady did an art drawing of
              the birth of Jesus!

Here she is in a close up as she draws!

Some of the parents, students, and teachers in the audience!      

Grade 2 students taking their bows at the close of their performances!!

The Student Council at ICS-P has been working diligently on preparations for the Annual Spring Fling for ICS-P students and staff.  Saturday evening at 6:00 PM was the date and time for this year's grand event!  Everyone seemed to have a great time of fun, food, fellowship, laughter, and lots of joy! Thanks so much to our Student Council advisor, Ms. Gaul and all of the Student Council officers for a great evening!  Hoping the little video clip (from pictures I took) shows up in the post.  For some reason that I do not know, I have had difficulty posting videos - even those of small sizes - on the post in the past.)  If it does not allow to view it, you can check it out on facebook if desired.


I am in the midst of making final arrangements for purchasing my ticket to return to the USA around June 20 or 21!  I need to finish many projects at school as well as sort and pack and make arrangements for getting things back to the States without paying an arm and a leg.  As always, thank you for continuing love, care, and encourage me as well as sending me emails, regular mail, prayers, and gifts of support.  I am so thankful for each one of you.  Enjoy your week!

Love, Gregg

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