Sunday, April 22, 2018

Warmer weather brings some delightful flowers; 2 HS students accept Jesus Christ; Awesome Visits with Friends!

Yes, the warmer weather continued this week!  It was a busy week with a lot going on at school.  The real exciting news is that two high school students accepted Christ as their Savior this past week!!  Please pray for these two students to have the courage to share this with family and friends.  I also had the privilege of talking with one of our first-grade boys about his concern about his grandmother who was discovered to have a tumor on the brain and it is very scary for him.  His first name is Charles and I enjoyed a wonderful conversation with him.  He asked some great questions about God and sin.  I was impressed with his great questions at such a young age.  Please pray for him as he continues to worry about his grandmother and that he would come to know Christ as his Savior.

With the warmer weather, the flowers have begun to burst forth with color and beauty.  Here are a few pictures.  They really don't show how beautiful this time of year is in South Korea.  Enjoy!

The two photos above were taken on my brisk walk last Monday evening!

The two photos above were taken right outside the front of our main academic building at ICS-P!

Thursday Evening!

I was invited to the apartment of our HS Science teacher, Mr. Febus and his wife, HaYoung, along with two of our elementary teachers, Ms. Hunter (Grade 1), Ms. Colgain (Grade 3), and Ms. Emily Flaget (Student Teacher in Kindergarten).  It was a special farewell dinner for Emily.  Her last day of Student Teaching in kindergarten was Friday.  We had an enjoyable and fun time on Thursday evening.  Lots of fun stories and great conversations!  Ms. Flaget had told me on Monday that she has fallen in love with South Korea and was hoping to find a teaching position for 2018-19.  It just so happened that I knew that Yongsan International School of Seoul was looking for three elementary teachers.  I contacted Mr. Ray Johnson, Headmaster at YISS, and asked if YISS would be interested in interviewing our wonderful student teacher.  He was very excited and said, "YES!"  On Tuesday afternoon, Ms. Flaget traveled to YISS and was interviewed by Mr. Johnson and the elementary administrators.  She was all excited on Wednesday morning!  They offered her the Kindergarten Teacher position!  I am pretty sure she will accept the position!

Thursday evening dinner group: (left to right) Ms. Colgain, Ms. Flaget, Ms. Hunter, GGG, HaYoung Febus, and Ray Febus!

I forgot to get a photo of my first plate,
  so this is Ms. Hunter's second plate!

Dessert: Cheese Cake and Cream Puffs!


I left early Saturday morning to head to Itaewon to meet my dear friend and former colleague at YISS, Ms. Shauna Weir.  Shauna was in Seoul for about 8 days on a break from her ministry at an elementary school in Cambodia.  The school is involved in helping young girls get a job and education to free them from the massive sex trafficking industry in Cambodia.  Shauna and I enjoyed a wonderful time together catching up on each other's ministry and enjoying a delicious lunch together.  She left on Saturday to return to direct the program in Cambodia.  I know she would value your prayers!

Shauna Weir and GGG preparing to eat our yummy salads at La Grilla Restaurant in Itaewon!

 I chose the Cobb Salad!  Very yummy!

Shauna chose the Crispy Chicken Salad!
Also, quite tasty!                 

After lunch with Shauna, I met two of my very dear friends from SYME days, JiSang and ChangYong.  We met at a coffee shop near Nambu Bus Terminal and had such a great time together.  These two young men are two of about four or five Korean young men who would do almost anything for me.  I will miss them dearly.  They are starting to think about a visit to the USA and I hope to return to visit them.  JiSang was also celebrating my belated birthday and I was celebrating his early birthday, which is next week.  He has already blocked off the day I will leave for the airport to return to the USA so that he can drive me to the airport and help me with luggage, etc.  He is taking off work to take care of me.

At Tom N Toms Coffee Shop with ChangYong and JiSang!!

        ChangYong with his coffee!

JiSang opening the card and gift from his 
PA Mother, my sister- Julee Huss.  He loved
his early birthday present!            


After enjoying a wonderful morning at Dae Kwang Church, Pastor Mike Nicholes and his wife Alicia invited me to their new apartment for Sunday lunch and a fantastic time of fellowship.  I always enjoy my time with Mike and Alicia and their four children.  Sunday was no exception.  I know they would value your prayers as they will be leaving in May to return to the USA for a one year furlough from their ministry in South Korea through Word of Life.  This year will be the first Christmas they will celebrate in America together with their families in 30 years!

Pastor Mike and Alicia Nicholes in their new apartment preparing to enjoy a very delicious Chicken Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich!

My bowl of Chicken Soup!!! Soooooo good!!

    Titus and Josiah, the two sons of Mike
and Alicia having fun with me before lunch!

Michaela and Karis, the two daughters
of Mike and Alicia cleaning up things in
the kitchen following the delicious lunch!

Update on positions!  We just received word on Friday from the NICS Home Office that they have a candidate for the position of Director at ICS-Pyeongtaek!  We will be interviewing him and his wife on Wednesday of this coming week.  Please pray that this gentleman is the one God has for the Director's position at ICS-P.  We will be interviewing another candidate for the Art Teacher (K-12) position this coming week as well.  I am not sure of the day, but your prayers would be appreciated.  We still need one or the other of the following two positions: Middle School Math/General Science OR Physical Ed. Teacher/Athletic Director (K-12).

Thanks, as always for your faithful love, care, encouragement, mail, emails, prayers, and gifts of support.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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