Saturday, September 22, 2012

Beautiful Weather Retuns!

After a heavy rain all day on Monday, beautiful fall weather has returned to Seoul!  The sun has been shining and the air conditioning has been taking a break.

This past week was busy with helping to administer MAP tests in Grade 2.  I will be doing some more of those next week and then should be finished for a little while.  I actually enjoy getting into the classrooms and seeing the kids and working with the computers.  I also had some subbing in Grade 2A for Ms. Weir.  Always enjoy going into her classroom.  There are four children from 2A who sent me a cute homemade card calling me "Mr. Gardener" and telling me that they are my secret admirers!  So cute!  Then I was subbing for Mrs. Harding in her 4th grade music classes on Friday.  That was fun, too!  I love being able to get back into music classes.  I usually am playing a piece on the piano as they enter or conducting the music to a recording I have on the computer speakers.  They love that I sing with them and are always surprised that I can play the piano.  It was a fun day with Music!!

On Wednesday mornings this year the teachers meet in small prayer groups.  Many of the groups are self-formed while others have a particular theme for prayer.  I meet with a small group of colleagues to pray for North Korea.  I have been so impressed with the passion from each participant as they pray for our many concerns for North Korea.  I have never been in a prayer group like this.  There is rarely a Wednesday when the Kleenex box is not being passed around as people pray with tears pouring down our cheeks.  I am especially interested in North Korea because of people like Gunmo who wants to be a "businary" there some day + there are several on staff who were able to go into North Korea last summer to play basketball and conduct basketball clinics with North Korean young people.  I am learning so much about the passion of prayer.

As you think of me, you can pray as I put together another quarter of after school activities.  I am presently working on activities for Quarter Two and it is quite a puzzle to put everything together especially when space is limited because of the expansion construction going on.  Thanks for your prayers.

Some of you know Ross Williamson, a teacher who came to YISS in 2011 to teach in our Student Learning Center in the elementary school as well as teach some Math classes in the middle school.  Through my friend, Margie, in PA, I was able to connect with Ross and have him apply for teaching at YISS.  This past week was his birthday and I took him out to treat him to a belated birthday dinner on Thursday evening.

I asked Ross to choose a place for his birthday treat.  He said he was in the mood for a nice steak so we went to Butcher's Cut, a restaurant that opened last year in Itaewon near the school.  Here we are enjoying out steaks.  Ross said it was the best steak he has ever had!  Ross continues to be so involved with the students at YISS.  He is really excited about what is happening in the SLC and especially enjoys his middle school math classes!

Friday after school I was able to meet up with Jae Hong (Dr. Fred) for a yummy dinner at a Greek restaurant - Jae Hong's choice!  You may remember that Jae Hong was the first SYME student I met back in September of 2008.  When I arrived in Songtan to go to my little room located in Dorm 404 at SYME, Mr. Spalding took me to my room.  When we walked in, there was Jae Hong sleeping in my bed.  He was embarrassed and immediately jumped up and left the room.  (Later he told me that he thought I would never be his friend because he was sleeping in my room.)  Since that first meeting Jae Hong and I have become great friends.  Recently he graduated from Word of Life's Bible Institute on Jeju Island.  I know he would appreciate your prayers.  He is going through some struggles now of doubt.  We had a great discussion over dinner about these struggles and his doubt and how doubt causes one to be stronger in his faith.  Jae Hong is a thinker and worrier.  He believes he is to go into some medical profession and is looking at a medical school in Hungary. 

Jae Hong and I enjoying a very delicious Greek dinner in Itaewon.  The windows were open and we had a nice view of the busy Itaewon street and the many people going out on a Friday night.  Jae Hong is heavy on my heart right now and I know he would value your prayers as you think of him.

Another great friend, Yeongmin, returns this weekend from a week in London with some of his coworkers at SK Telecom.  This was a vacation for him.  Some of you may have seen the picture I posted on Facebook, but here it is again.

Yeongmin sent this picture to me from London.  He knows that I am a "Gregg" and not a "Greg" so when he saw this, he smiled and sent it to me.  I hope I can visit this bake shop some day and meet the Gregg who owns the shop.

My excellent friend. Kent, from Chambersburg, PA surprised me when he called and said he was in Seoul on company business.  I am always thrilled when someone from home comes to visit South Korea and makes a point to connect with me.  

Kent and Jenny,his coworker from Volvo in Sweden, were hungry for steak after walking all day in Seoul so we met at Butcher's Cut for another delicious meal.  They also said that it was one of the best steaks they have had!  After we ordered, the hostess came to our table with the lovely salad pictured below.  It was delicious - especially the dressing.  She said it was a "service gift."


This next week is going to be a very busy week with many activities for the students as we enjoy Celebrate Korea Days at YISS.  Thank you, once again, for your many words of encouragement, prayers, love, and support!  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

PS: Some riddles this week.  Perhaps you have heard some of them.  Enjoy!  I will not give the answers.  You can write and ask for them or wait until next week! :-)

1 - I know a word of letters three, add two and fewer there will be.  

2 - How are a jeweler and a jailer alike?

3 - How many bricks does it take to complete a building made of brick?

4 - How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

5 - If there are fifteen crows on a fence and the farmer shoots a third of them, how many crows are left?

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