Saturday, September 15, 2012

Time Continues to Zoom By!

Having trouble realizing that we have had school for over a month and we are half way through September!  There is no stopping of time!  Monday we had off school and I spent some of the day just sitting at Starbucks and reflecting on time and what it will be like to someday not have to worry about time and deadlines!  Eternity!  It still boggles my mind to reflect about a time that will never end; it will go on and on!

When I returned to YISS on Tuesday, I was greeted by a young student, Matthew!  He was in 8th grade when I met him during my first year at YISS.  We connected and it has been a joy to continue to get to know this young man.  He is very talented, but has struggled with depression because of man hurts in his life with his family.  Matthew is now a sophomore and this year he seems to be happier.  This week we had some excellent conversations and I am praying that he will come to have a strong faith in Jesus.

Above is my wonderful friend, Matthew! He stopped by to chat on Friday.  He had lost his notebook with all of his notes in it.  Even though he was depressed about it, his attitude was so different than last year.  I am excited about the growth in this young man.  He let me pray with him about his missing notebook and called me Dad.  Please pray for Matthew; he is always on my heart!

I had the privilege of assisting the Curriculum Director with some of the MAP Testing in a few of the elementary classes last week.  These tests are individualized for Math, Reading and Language for students.  They take the test on the computer (which they love) and the questions are adjusted to each child's level as they answer questions.  

It was also my privilege to substitute in 4A as well as teach in OASIS assembly this week.  I loved how the 4A students are learning to think!  We had some great discussions on the character trait of "joyfulness" with students showing great enthusiasm in our discussions and learning.  In OASIS I also was able to share concerning "joyfulness." After school on Friday one of the 3rd grade students commented about the assembly in front of her parents.  She said, "Mr. Garman, I have a question...well, really a comment.  I love hearing you in assembly.  The stories you share tell me that you have an exciting life."  I told her that I have truly had an exciting life and have enjoyed many amazing experiences which have taught me so much.  Please pray for Michaela that she will want to discover an exciting life with Jesus.

After School Activities continue to go well.  We did have to cancel our two soccer activities on Thursday since it was raining.  That usually is a nightmare to contact parents (there are 52 students in grades 2 - 5 involved in soccer) to cancel and set up an additional day.  Through the great help of Mrs. Baek, Elementary School secretary, that process went very smoothly.  It has been exciting to visit each of the After School Activities and see students enthusiastically involved in learning something new!  I have shared some pictures from the Ceramics class this week.  I hope you enjoying seeing these cherubs in grades 1-3 creating their ceramic pieces!

Here are a couple more from the Ballet class!  These five girls from Kindergarten - Grade 2 have so much fun and are so cute!  They are learning so much!


I am in the process of making final preparations with our Elementary School Librarian for an Author Visit via Skype with our fourth and fifth grade classes.  The Librarian and I have read two of their books to children in Grades 3 - 5 the last several years and the students love the books.  You might want to take a look at them: My Freedom Trip and  The Royal Bee.  The authors are Frances and Ginger Park and the stories are historical fiction based on the real experiences of their mother and grandfather.  If you are ever in the Washington, DC area, you should check out the Park sisters' chocolate boutique, Chocolate Chocolate.  I was able to stop there last summer and meet Ginger and Frances and enjoy some most yummy chocolate!!  The sisters are excited about their visit through Skype to YISS on September 25 during our Celebrate Korea Days!  

Here I am with Frances and Ginger Park in their Chocolate Chocolate boutique in DC last June!  I was delighted to meet these wonderful ladies and talk about their books as well as enjoy some most delicious chocolates!!!  If you would like to read an exciting story of how their mother escaped from North Korea to South Korea and met their father, check out To Swim Across the World written by both sisters.

The Elementary School Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon is coming up on October 5!  This year the kids are collecting their 100 Won coins to fill their fun Korean socks.  They will bring them to school and, depending on their grade, will enjoy some fun activities around the school or walking to Namsam Tower and back.  The coins will be sent this year to an organization called Mountain Child in Nepal to help the children and families in the mountain areas of Nepal to get clean water.  It is always a great time and the kids raise a lot of money without going around asking people to give.  Many have been saving their 100 Won coins since the end of last year's Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon!  Thanks for your prayers for this special event!

I am enclosing a link for you if you would like to look at some of the pictures the PTO took last week at our Back to School Picnic.  What a fun evening we had!  Here is the link:

Thanks so much for your continued encouragement, prayers, love, and support!  Please enjoy a great week!

Love,  Gregg

PS:  From my friend, Margie in Yardley:

A little back-to-school humor:

Times sure have changed!

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