Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas at YISS is in the Air!

Happy December!  I cannot believe we are in the final month of 2102!  The year has gone rapidly by!  As many of you know, Christmas is one of my most favorite times of the year.  I am one of those who believe the real Christmas should be celebrated along with the real Easter every day of the year!

This past week the elementary school began its series of seven mini-concerts for Christmas!  With the expansion project not completed, we have no auditorium for are usual three concerts.  So, as it often happens, we needed to be flexible.  Parents, teachers, and students jumped right into things and everyone seemed to enjoy our first three concerts; grade 2 had their concert at 6:00 on Tuesday; grade 3 performed on Tuesday at 7:30; and grade 5 had their concert on Thursday at 7:00 PM.  All three concerts were in the cafeteria.  The acoustics were amazing!  Lots of tearing down, setting up, tearing down again, and setting up again happened throughout the week.  I was thrilled with Dr. Harding's selection of songs and the excellent performances from the children!  I was so proud of them.  The theme for 2nd Grade was Christmas Dreams; 3rd Grade's theme was Celebrate the Season; and 5th Grade ended the week with A Fifth Grade Christmas Sampler with yummy sampler chocolates at each cafeteria table for parents and students to enjoy while the students sang!  Some of my favorite selections were Snowman Jump and Lullaby for Christmas Eve from Grade 2; Over the River, Shout, and The Angels Sang from Grade 3; and Sing We Now of Christmas, Rock 'N Roll Snowman, Hip Hop Reindeer, and an amazing rendition of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus!  Each concert ended with a beautiful blessing for everyone present - Go In Peace.  What especially thrills me is the variety of music as well as the fact that every child and parent hears the real message of Christmas - the coming of the Messiah!

Several of the Second Grade cherubs preparing to enter
the stage for their concert on Tuesday evening!

 Grade 2 sharing one of their beautiful songs on Tuesday evening.  The parents had a difficult time staying in their seats.  They LOVE to take pictures of their children and often do not care who they are blocking. :-)

During Snowman Jump the second graders did a form of
the Gangnam Style dance!  Here I am with two of my buddies,
Michael and Mario doing the "Horse Dance" from Gangnam Style.

 Ms. Corbett (teacher in 3B) and Mrs. Birmingham (Elementary Assistant Principal) sorting the bow ties the children in grades 2 and 3 wore during their concerts.

Above is Mr. Adams (Grade 1C teacher) who was 
narrator for Grade 5's concert along with the two rock 
stars in Rock 'N Roll Snowman in Grade 5's concert.  
They are Catherine and Alex! They were amazing!!

Grade 5 performing on Thursday evening!  I wish you could have heard this group of young boys and girls sing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus!  Sooooo good!

Not only do I love Christmas music, but I enjoy seeing Christmas decorations.  Restaurants and stores in Seoul began to display their many Christmas decorations and it also got very cold this past week in Seoul!  We might even get some snow next week!  I will try to get more pictures of the many decorations in Seoul, but will share one that I was able to capture on my cell phone from a favorite bakery and restaurant called Passion 5.  I dropped my camera on the trip to Jeonju last week and am saving my money to purchase a better camera.  One of the Korean staff at YISS is connecting me with a friend who is going to help me purchase a camera that is more sophisticated and yet not too complex for someone who is not a skilled photographer. :-)

This picture does not do justice to the wonderful decorations on the outside of the Passion 5 restaurant's building!

Another huge event this past week was the annual Fall Book Fair sponsored by the PTO.  It was conducted from November 28 - 30 and many students and parents took advantage of the great savings that two bookstores in Korea give us plus they give us 10% of the total sales to purchase new books and additional resources for our Library!  I am always thrilled to see the number of children and teens at YISS who flock to the Book Fair to purchase books!  YISS is a great community of readers!  I love it!  Parents can also purchase books on a teacher's "Wish List" for a particular classroom library.  I am always amazed at the number of books parents sponsor for classroom libraries!

One of the sections of books arranged on the 
first floor lobby of YISS for the Fall Book Fair!
The young man in front is one of my Discipleship 
boys from last year - Josh.  He is now in 6th grade
and it is so much fun staying in contact with him
and seeing his growth!

Some more of the students and parents at the Book Fair!  Please note one of my little friends.  He is not able to read yet, but I love seeing him every day at YISS.  He is the little white Poodle!  he loves when I come and talk to him and pet him! :-)

In the center is our Elementary Librarian, Ms. Creecy.  She 
is a great asset to our parents all year long, but especially at
the Book Fair.  They get many recommendations from her!

One of our After School Activities this quarter is Praize by Kidz.  It is for students in grades 2 and 3.  They learn worship songs with Dr. Harding and then perform them in front of each of the Chapels.  This past Friday was the first time a group of them led praise and worship songs!  In addition to teaching the children new songs, Dr. Harding gives them training in speaking in front of a large group.  It was so wonderful to see these little ones share on Friday!  They were delightful!

Five of the Praize by Kidz children from grades 2 and 3 performing on Friday in Chapels!  They did a great job for their first Chapel appearance!

I have had the privilege of having my good friend, Benjamin Gavina from the USA stay with me the last couple weeks.  He stopped in Korea after teaching at Japan SYME for 10 weeks.  He has been traveling throughout Korea visiting many of his Korean friends from WOLBI NY days!  Today after church I took him to one of my new favorite brunch cafes: Bim Bom!

I hope you enjoyed seeing our yummy food!  You knew I would have to show you our selections!  The were sooo delicious!  We had some great food and wonderful conversation.  Please pray for Ben as he returns to the USA and makes decisions concerning what God has planned for him.

I want to leave you with a few items to pray for this next week.

*     South Korea has begun in full force its Presidential Election Campaign.  South Korea will select a president on December 19.  Pray for the two candidates, Mrs. Park and Mr. Moon, as they campaign.  Korean election campaigns are very interesting to witness.  It is an important election in South Korea and I know my Korean friends would appreciate your prayers.

*     Quarter Two at YISS will end on December 14.  Teachers will need to prepare grades and comments before they head out for Christmas break.  There is much to be done in each classroom before the 14th as well.

*     The expansion project continues at YISS.  It appears to be on target to finish in April or May.  Some sections may finish prior to April.  Pray as much will need to be done to move resources and furniture to the new areas.  There is also much planning to be prepared for the increased enrollment and all that is impacted by that.

*     I would ask you to pray for a number of YISS elementary students who are struggling with some discipline issues compacted by language and cultural matters as well as family situations.  As you think of them, please pray for these especially: Dor in 4A, Dev in 3A, Juno in 2B, Justin in 3A, plus a number of boys in 3C having trouble among themselves.

*     Next Saturday, December 8, the elementary Compassion Club will participate in its "Bundle Up" project at Seoul Station.  They will be packing scarves, mittens, hats, and other warm clothing (much of which is brand new) into bags for distribution to those who have no warm clothing and often sleep in the underground walkways of the subway/train station.  It is a highlight for these children to share God's love to these special people.  I am so thankful to my friends, Ken and Judy, my sister, Gae, and my Choir friends, Joseph and Rebekah, who have sent me many beautiful and warm items for the children to distribute.  The children at YISS have also been collecting new and gently used warm clothing throughout November for this special event! 

*     As you think of them, please pray for the Korean students I have had the privilege of building relationships with - especially the following: Gunmo (his current and future plans to serve the Lord), JiSang (studying at Liberty and will need to change housing for 2nd semester), Jin Seok and Sa Ra/Cindy (studying at Handong Global University), Jae Hong/Dr. Fred (still searching and questioning), and Yeongmin (still searching and asking concerning God).

Thank you for your continued encouragement, prayers, love, and support!  Please enjoy a great first week of December!

Love, Gregg

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