Saturday, December 15, 2012

Quarter Two Ends; Christmas Break Begins!!

This past week was a cold one outside, but it was quite warm and lively inside the walls of YISS! High School students were taking final exams!  The Elementary School had its 7th and final Christmas concert!  The YISS staff and their families were treated to a magnificent Christmas Gala at the Seoul Hilton Ballroom!  Christmas was everywhere; class parties, Christmas Dress Day to the delight of the teachers and elementary students, the Elementary Christmas Assembly in the High School gym, and much more!

I think I will let the pictures give you a glimpse of the very busy week!  I still can't believe Quarter Two is finished and teachers have three weeks to refresh and celebrate Christmas!  Please pray for the staff.  Many are flying back to Canada or the States to be with family.  Others, including me, are heading to nearby warm countries!  Still others are celebrating with family or friends in Italy, Germany, and France.  Pray that they will have safe travels and return refreshed and ready for Quarter Three!

YISS Christmas Gala! The YISS staff were treated to a very delightful Christmas evening on Monday at the Seoul Hilton.  It was a beautiful event and everyone had a great time!

This is the gorgeous Christmas tree that 
greeted us as we entered the Seoul Hilton!

Here I am sitting in front of the other side of the Seoul Hilton Christmas tree!

The picture on the left above is the center section of the large ice sculpture that had been prepared by the staff at the Seoul Hilton for our group!  On the right is the table setting awaiting us for dinner.

Above is my plate of food after my first trip to the huge
buffet spread!  The food was amazing and so plentiful!!

Above is Mr. Lazor, Elementary Principal,
with one of his daughters, Nora.  Nora is my
girlfriend and gave me her special look in this 
picture!  :-)  She is so cute!  She always asks
me if I have any chocolate for her!

Quarter Two After School Activities End! This was our final week of After School Activities in Quarter Two.  I am working on finalizing all of the activities for Quarter Three.

Above are three pictures of three of the 2nd and 3rd grade students who were taking the Ceramics After School Activity this past quarter.  They were working on making a reindeer this past week!  I love the intensity and focus they are expressing in their creations!

Class Christmas Parties All Week!  Each elementary class had a party sometime during the week.  Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time and learning about the real meaning of Christmas.  I was very moved by one of our 4th grade sections.  Instead of bringing gifts, they decided to have a Market Day and give the proceeds to an organization called Gospel for Asia.  They always invite me and always have whipped cream ready for me.  I believe three boys had some food items that they put whipped cream on.  They are always surprised when I only ask for a cup of whipped cream! :-)  One even had freshly made whipped cream!  I was enjoying eating my whipped cream! :-)

Ms. McGinnis took her kindergarten cherubs to several classrooms to sing Christmas songs.  Above are some of her delightful children singing for Grade 1C.

Here are a few of the 1C students listening
to KB students sing!

Mr. Adams with his 1C students enjoying the  KB
students singing for them this past week!

Friday was a Christmas Dress Down Day and our big Christmas Assembly!

 On the left is a little boy from Grade 1 and on the left is a little girl from Grade 2.  They came to school dressed in these wonderful costumes!  They are so cute!

Above (left) is one of our great second grade teachers, Ms. Weir, in her Christmas
outfit! (It was also Starbucks Friday and Ms. Weir is proudly holding her Toffee
Nut Latte!)  :-)  On the right are Ms. Everett from Grade 3C and Ms. Greaves from 4C 
wearing their masks which appear to be a mix between Santa and Rudolph!

Friday we also had our annual Christmas Assembly for the entire Elementary School.  It was a wonderful morning as Mrs. Franck had puppets doing a skit that asked and answered the question: What really is Christmas?  Above is the entire elementary student body getting ready to listen to the fifth graders sing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus

This is Ms. Bandy, grade 5C teacher, with Havin, Mr. Murphy's (grade 5A teacher) daughter.  They were enjoying the puppets at the time.  It was a great morning as all the students head once again about the coming of Jesus Christ and His gift to all people.

This week I want to leave you with a picture of me with one of the seniors.  Arnold Byun met me the first day I came to YISS when students were present.  For the longest time he thought I was the Headmaster!  We still joke about that.  He is a fine Christian young man and has received early acceptance at Penn State University at the main campus.  Arnold is very active in many organizations and is on the Cross Country team.  He has a passion for business and finding ways to help those around the world who are less fortunate.  Arnold is the president of a campus group called The Supply, one of the most rapidly increasing non-governmental organizations.  YISS is one of 13 high school chapters and the first chapter in South Korea.

Arnold and I in the Elementary Office right after he finished his final exams.  I am really enjoying getting to know Arnold and am excited about what God has planned for his future!

Actually I will leave you with two more pictures! :-)  Saturday afternoon I had a delightful visit in Insadong (a part of Seoul where many tourists go to sample Korean food and their arts and crafts) with three SYME friends.  Yeongmin and I met up with Allison, a former SYME teacher, and Lauren, one of our former students.  Both Yeongmin and I had not seen these two ladies in a long time.  Yeongmin took us to a famous restaurant in Insadong that prepares traditional Korean food.  One of its specialities is a dumpling (North Korean style) handmade while you wait in the restaurant.  The food was so yummy!  We had a great time catching up and enjoying one and another.

Here we are preparing to eat our yummy Korean feast!  Clockwise: GGG, Yeongmin, Lauren, and Allison.  

This is the dear lady that helped prepare the dumplings for us at our table!  It was a really tasty lunch!!

I leave for Chiang Mai, Thailand on Sunday afternoon.  I am looking forward to some warm weather and some relaxation and sightseeing, and of course some yummy food!! :-)  I also want to ride an elephant!!  Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, prayers, and support!  Please enjoy a really meaningful Christmas with your family and friends!

Love, Gregg

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