Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas with Some Special Friends!

Christmas week was relaxing, yet filled with many joyful experiences with some special friends!  It was a very cold week but my heart was very warm!  We even had snow on Christmas Day and then again on Saturday!  This morning going to church and choir was very "skiddy" as one our neighbors used to say! :-)  I made it though without falling although I saw a number of people taking a spill on the slippery sidewalks and streets!  It was worth getting through the ice and snow just to hear the choir sing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus and the excellent message form Pastor Park!

I think I will let the pictures tell the stories of this past week!  I trust you enjoyed a very special Christmas with family and friends!

Monday, December 24 -  Lunch with two friends from Pyeongtaek, Luke and Andrew, at Sjui's, their choice!

Here I am at Suji's with Andrew and Luke, two friends who graduated from Pyeongtaek International Christian School.  Tony Kuhn introduced them to me and we have become excellent friends.  Your prayers for these two young men are appreciated.  Andrew is a freshman at Seattle Pacific University and Luke is seeking to enter the Air Force.

Luke chose the chocolate chip french toast with 
whipped cream!

Andrew chose the Lumber Jack breakfast!!

 I selected the Jason Deluxe Cheeseburger.  Of course 
all tasted a little of each other's meal - as is good Korean
manners! :-)

Monday, December 24 - Dinner at the Hamilton Grill with a former SYME student and Doosan Bears' fan, Kangwook (Aidan) and his girlfriend!

Christmas Eve with my very good friend, Kangwook and his girlfriend, Seul Hee. Kangwook went to SYME for a couple terms and then returned to university.  He is now working as a Research Engineer for the Hyundai Motor Group in Korea.  They are a delightful couple and I was so happy to spend Christmas Eve with them.

Christmas Day, 2012 - Carol and Ivan Franck invited YISS staff who were in the Seoul area and were not going anywhere on Christmas to their apartment for a Christmas feast and celebration!

These two pictures show Carol and Ivan Franck, as they
prepare the punch and Hot Chocolate for our Christmas
feast in their apartment.  What a great time we had!

The Francks' Christmas tree - just part of the beautifully decorated apartment to put us in the Christmas spirit!

Above is my first plate of delicious food!  I won't tell you
how much more I ate!  And this did not include desserts!

Above are those who were able to enjoy this special Christmas with the Francks.  The Bridegmans and Lazors joined the Francks and me for a great time of fellowship and fun!

This picture was taken right after my "girlfriend,"
Nora - one of the Lazors' children - brought me a
slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream on it.  Nora
wanted the little antler hat she has on her head and I 
had gotten that as my white elephant gift.  Nora knows
she can bribe me with whipped cream so that's what she
did!  It was so cute but she doesn't like getting her picture
taken so she has on her "mean" face! :-)

Thursday, December 27 - Lunch with a YISS high school senior, Arnold, at Suji's - his choice!

I am with Arnold, a high school senior at YISS, at Suji's.  He had never been there and heard a lot about it so he wanted to go there.  This young man is such a joy!  He has a heart for making money so that he can help those who are in poverty.  He has been accepted at Penn State University and New York University.  I know he would value your prayers as he decides on which university.  He lives with his father and brother and hasn't seen his mother since he was in 7th grade.  

Thursday, December 27 - Dinner with Jin Seok (Simon) at a new restaurant for me, Autumn in New York!

Here is my excellent friend, Jin Seok at Autumn in New York in Itaewon!  This was the first time at this restaurant and we both enjoyed it very much!  Jin Seok is studying interpretation and translation at Handong Global University near Pohang in the southern part of South Korea.  I asked him if he had any prayer concerns.  He said his studies, but then added that he really wants to find a wife! Thanks for praying for Jin Seok!

Friday, December 28 - I went with Jin Seok to Hongik University to an art exhibition put on by the senior art students at Hongik.  His cousin, Gil Bin is a senior there.

I wish I could show you all of the paintings we saw at
the Hongik University College of Fine Arts Senior Art 
Exhibition.  Above is one of Gilbin's paintings.  There 
were over 30 paintings in the exhibit and hers was the 
first to be bought! Above is Gilbin and her friend, then
Jin Seok and me.

Above are two of the paintings that caught my eye as I went through the exhibit!  There were others but I don't have room for all of them.

Saturday, December 29 - A delicious brunch with Gunmo at Pancake Story, a restaurant I discovered near my home.  I am sure I will be going there more often!!

I had a delightful time with my excellent friend, Gunmo, at the Pancake Story, a restaurant I have heard good things about but never went.  Saturday I took Gunmo there for our Christmas Brunch! We always have a great time talking about many topics and Saturday was no exception.  We also exchanged some Christmas gifts.  You will note that Gunmo gave me the perfect gift!  Yes, that is correct; a can of Reddiwip Whipped Cream!!  Please continue to pray for this dear young man as he continues to study and prepare to serve the Lord.  I am excited that he may be able to stay in my apartment.  He is currently living with his sister and brother-in-law and their two children.  He loves that but he really has no quiet time or privacy.  Thanks for praying for him.

This is perhaps the most delicious omelet I have ever eaten!  At the Pancake Story they specialize in "Puffy" omelets.  I had the Mozzarella Omelet and Gunmo enjoyed the Garden Omelet. They were both amazing!

Gunmo captured this picture of me right after I received my omelet.  I could not believe it!  Sooooo good!!

Saturday, December 29 - Today included a late afternoon visit with Yeongmin to see Les Miserables, which we both enjoyed.  Yeongmin was seeing it for the second time.  He was very moved during different parts of the movie - especially with those parts dealing with forgiveness and redemption.  Praying that we will be able to continue to talk about these concepts and that he will come to know Jesus Christ.  After the movie we went to another new restaurant called Blacksmith with his university friend and mine, Sungmin.  I am sorry but I failed to get pictures Saturday evening so you will have to imagine the yummy spoon pizza and pasta we enjoyed!

OK, that's it for this week. More next week!  By then we will be enjoying 2013!  I trust that you will experience a great New Year!  Thank you very much for your love, prayers, encouragement, and support!  What a blessing you continue to be to me!

Love, Gregg

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