Saturday, March 30, 2013

Relaxation, Reflection and Refreshment + a Little YISS Work

You will receive this installment on Easter Sunday in most places! :-) I trust that you will spend some time reflecting on the suffering, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ during this weekend.  During the past week I have thought about all (I am sure not "all" but as much as I can) that He did for me.  Last Sunday our little choir sang a song I had never heard before we started practicing it.  As we practiced Eli, Eli!! (composer is Gyorgy Deak Bardos), and then as we sang it, I was reflecting on what Jesus Christ endured for me - someone created by Him to bring glory to Him but often do not.  BUT He suffered and died for me when I was a filthy and unrighteous man; He didn't wait until I was perfect or even good!  Knowing my filth and nastiness, He gave His life for me!  I am so grateful that He did not wait until I was a good person; I would be hopelessly lost and doomed Hell forever.  But He is risen!  He has conquered sin and death and taken away ALL my sin!  When God looks at me, He sees me through the eyes of Jesus Christ - forgiven and redeemed!  I know that I included the Eli, Eli!! anthem last week in my email but I thought I would post it in my blog and perhaps you will have an opportunity to reflect on what He did for you!  Here is the link to the song: .

It was a week of sleeping in late, reading, relaxing, walking, and refreshing!  I also spent a little time on the After School Activities for Quarter Four since there was no one at school and I could work undisturbed! :-) The weather was beautiful and I was able to get out and enjoy walking.  I completed one of my little fun projects: getting pictures of all of the coffee shops between the two arches of the main street of Itaewon.  I continually am amazed at the number of coffee shops.  The distance between the two arches is about a 15-20 minute walk.  Just on the main street I took pictures of 21 coffee shops, including two different Starbucks and two different Caffe Bene coffee shops!  If you wish to see all of them, you will have to check out my facebook page.  I think on my next extended walk, I will take pictures of all the skin care shops; there may be a similar total. :-)

Last Sunday evening I had a special birthday dinner with my dear friends, Gunmo and Chang Yong and then enjoyed a FREE stay at the WWalkerhill-Seoul Hotel that included a free yummy buffet breakfast in "The Kitchen" in the hotel overlooking the Han River.  I had won this Lodging Certificate at last year's International Bazaar at YISS.  It was so good to be with these two wonderful young men. I would really appreciate your prayers for both of them.  Gunmo has done such an excellent job in his position at his company that they have asked him to go to their office about 2 hours from Seoul.  Gunmo began that position this past week.  He has asked prayer for a smooth adjustment as well as traveling back to Seoul on the weekends to be involved with his ministry at church.  Chang Yong is such a great employee at his company, and is such a willing and humble servant, that he is becoming a bit stressed with how he is treated at the company.  Chang Yong is working MANY hours and is so eager to be able to be involved with ministry as well as trying to find the right lady for a future wife.  Please pray for him during this time.

My yummy duck birthday dinner with Gunmo and 
Chang Yong in Seoul!

Gunmo and Chang Yong and I preparing to eat our very delicious duck birthday dinner!

Breakfast in "The Kitchen" at the WWalkerhill-Seoul
overlooking the Han River!  It was a very special birthday!

On Thursday evening a former SYME student, Young Kwang (Dennis), came for a visit.  It was so good to see him and spend some time together.  He brought me samples of the skin care products his company sells.  One in particular indicated it was for "anti-aging".  :-)  I told him it was too late for me! :-)  I did tell him about my nasty dry skin on my feet.  He said he will bring me a new product that will come out in April that is supposed to work wonders on dry feet!  We shall see! :-)

Here I am with Young Kwang at Suji's after our tasty dinner!  It was Young Kwang's choice!  I love Young Kwang's beautiful smile!

During the week many of our students were on GWAM (Guardians With a Message) trips.  Some of the places they went to include Taebaek, South Korea (working at the Mirea Special Needs School), Hong Kong, Yanji (China), Baguio (The Philippines), Manila (The Philippines), and Malaysia.  I will be excited to hear more specifics of each of the trips but initial reports indicate that some exciting things were happening as our YISS middle school and high school kids shared!  Thanks for praying for them!

I would also appreciate prayers for my wonderful friend, JiSang who is studying at Liberty University.  He has about 4 more weeks in this semester and he has some decisions to make concerning returning to Korea for the summer and finding an internship.  I know he would value your prayers.  I do a lot of grammar checking for him and I love seeing how he has grown in his English.  Another great Korean friend studying at Liberty is Jay Chae.  He is also looking for an internship in marketing for the summer.  If you know of any possibilities, please let me know.  Thanks for praying for Jay, too.  As a reminder for prayer I will post a picture of these two young men when I went to see them at Word of Life Ranch several summers ago.  They were being very "bad." :-)

JiSang on the left and Jay Chae on the right.  They seem to be enjoying placing me in the stocks at the Ranch! 

You are very special to me!  I would appreciate your prayers for this coming week as we begin Quarter Four.  So much will be happening this first week back to YISS after Spring Break.  Thanks so much for your love, prayers, encouragement, emails, snail mail, and support.

Love, Gregg

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