Saturday, October 5, 2013

"Loose Change to Loosen Chains!" - Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon 2013

Friday was the highlight of our week at YISS as we conducted our annual Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon with our elementary students!  It was a gorgeous day and the kids and many parents came to school to take part in this wonderful walk.  This year our theme was "Loose Change to Loosen Chains" in order to raise funds for International Justice Mission, an organization that is fighting child slavery throughout the world.  Our elementary Chaplain and teachers have been sharing in Chapels, Assemblies, and classrooms for the past 4 - 6 weeks about this very important issue. Children have been so interested and so moved to do something about stopping child slavery. They have been saving their coins (we collect only 100 Won coins) and place them in a sock which they bring to YISS on the day of our walk.  The total raised so far (some students forgot their socks and we are still waiting for those students in HS and MS to hand in their coins) was almost 100 kg more than last year!  The coins are still coming in.

Friday morning was an exciting morning as children, teachers, and some parents gathered in the auditorium for our Tally Rally!  One of our new After School Activities' groups, POP Dance, performed the opening number.  They danced to the song "Every Move I Make, I Make in You." I was so proud of them for their first performance.  You can check out the video on facebook + many more pictures.  High School students had volunteered to be helpers with each of our grades as they went on the walk to Namsan Tower in Seoul - all uphill!  Our younger grades only went half way while most of our upper grades went to the top and back!  Children have a new understanding of how many children are being used as slaves throughout the world and are so eager to help.

                 Crazy  and creative socks!!

Another sample of the creative socks of our kids!

Ms. McGinnis (KB teacher) and Haven
with their creative and crazy socks!     

A group of second graders holding up their socks filled with 100 Won coins!

Classes begin to arrive for the Tally Rally
and place their socks of coins in the coin

Grade 5 Praise Team with 4C teacher, Ms. Greaves, leading  "You Gotta Have Love" in the Tally Rally!!

GGG showing off his nasty knees and 
crazy socks!  What a fun day we had!!

Classes leaving the Tally Rally to go down the YISS hill so they can walk up some more hills to Namsan Tower!!

The Namsan Tower - the goal for most of our upper
    grade students!  What a gorgeous day to walk!

Along the trail Mrs. Franck, Chaplain, had placed photos from the true story of a boy and girl in child slavery and how they were able to be freed!  These were used as markers for the children.  Many of the teachers stopped along the way at these markers to talk more about this family and the abuse of children throughout the world and what we can do to stop it!

Grade 1D and their teacher Mrs. Thomas on the stairs
leading up to Namsan Tower!               

A kindergarten group returning down the stairs from their walk.  They didn't walk the complete trail, but this was the first kindergarten and first grade actually went on the walk!

There were many other exciting events throughout the week - including "Wild West Day" on Wednesday, the beginning of MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) testing in the elementary school, continued After School Activities, and a day off on Thursday (Korea Foundation Day)!  Korea Foundation Day (Gae-cheon-jeol) is a national holiday in South Korea on October 3.  It means the "Festival of the Opening of Heaven."  This holiday celebrates the creation of the state of Gojoseon (ancient Korea) founded by Dangun Wanggeom in the year 2333 BC.

In the middle of proctoring MAP tests for Grades 2 and 4, I stopped on Wednesday to enjoy our Fun Day in October (Wild West Days).  The kids love this particular Fun Day and almost everyone dresses for the event!  It is so much fun to see them pretend to be cowgirls and cowboys and use their creativity!

The first thing in the morning on our Wild West Day
Grade 5B students and their teacher stampeded the 
Elementary Offices.  They were all dressed as cows 
with the exception of one who was the main rancher.
After making many sick-sounding cow noises, the head
rancher presented me with the above greeting!! :-)

Here is the Head Rancher and some of his cows!!  

One of the handsome cowboys preparing for lunch!

        Some of the beautiful cowgirls at lunch!

This is Simone and I loved her outfit - even the stuffed cow!!

This is Owen, one of my Discipleship boys
modeling his outfit with Ms. Bulkeley, our 
1B teacher.  Owen looked so great in his 
cowboy outfit!  He is smiling more and 
talking more!                     

Another cute cowgirl!!

This is me with my buddy, Sigge!  He went all out
                to dress as a cowboy today!

We also said "Hasta la Vista" to one of our fourth grade teachers at YISS on Wednesday afternoon.  Rachel Fitzwater resigned in June, but has remained in Seoul until her hubby was ready to go to New Zealand for their next phase of ministry.  Rachel had been volunteering at YISS during this first quarter.  Rachel taught over 6 years at YISS and she will be greatly missed!

Mrs. Fitzwater and GGG at Rachel's going away party on Wednesday!  Rachel is such a great teacher!  I will miss her very much!

On Thursday, Korea Foundation Day, I spent most of the morning working on After School Activities for Quarter Two.  I still have a lot to do to have everything ready for our students and parents by October 15.  I would value your prayers.  However, I met two new friends on Thursday and one of my dear friends, JiSang!  What a special time we had.

Here I am with two new friends I met in Itaewon.
Please pray for Jin Ho and Moo Sun as they learn
English and prepare to go to Australia. I had a great 
time practicing conversational English with them.  I
was able to share some about my belief in Jesus Christ
and trust that we will be able to continue meeting.

My "son" and dear friend, JiSang!  We were able to get together for dinner on Korea Foundation Day.  JiSang wanted Chinese so we ate at Ho Lee Chow!  Your prayers for JiSang are greatly appreciated as he finishes his studies at Liberty University and keeps seeking God's next steps for him.  We had such a wonderful time together!  What a wonderful young man, but he needs to gain some weight!! :-)

Here are the two yummy dishes we shared: Sweet 
and Sour Chicken and Mayo Shrimp!!  Oh, so good!!

I thought I would leave you with a photo of what I see each Sunday morning at the bus stop where I get off to go to church.  I think it is quite an interesting building and it looked even better today with the beautiful weather!


Thanks so much for all of your prayers for me.  I believe my home in Bensalem is almost cleared for settlement on October 24th.  Please keep praying that all will work out an that my sister, Julee (my Power of Attorney) will be able to take off work and go to settlement in my place.  You are very special to me and I thank the Lord for you often!  Have a great October!

Love, Gregg

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