Saturday, May 3, 2014

Busy, Busy Fun and Learning...Then Labor Day!!

It was another fun week filled with many events and activities.  Still hard to believe it is May! The past week started off with another teacher being sick and one taking his Spiritual Day of rest. That meant that all three of the Elementary administrators were in a class subbing.  I had the joy of being in 1C from 12 Noon to the close of their day.  Such fun!  They are quite an energetic group and they love to learn!  Wish I could have gotten some pictures of these cherubs at work but I was too busy being involved with them that I just had no time to get any.  They started my week off just right!

The week was another very full and busy week although on Thursday we did have a national holiday in Korea - Korean Labor Day!  It was interesting that almost all businesses and government offices were open and much labor was happening on Labor Day!  I walked to the Post Office to mail a couple cards to the USA and when I was almost there, I was going to turn around and go home since I realized it was a national holiday and the Post Office would most likely be closed.  Wrong!!  I kept walking and found the Post Office open and very busy!  The banks were open!  I think the only places closed were schools. :-)

On Korean Labor Day, YISS had its annual Labor Day Picnic!  This year one of the staff mothers instituted a Rummage Swap Day.  We were encouraged to bring clothing, toys, kitchen items, books, etc. to put on display and then take what we wanted from the all of the stuff.  So many tables full of all kinds of things.  At the close of the afternoon, all items remaining were given to an organization in Korea that will use the items for those families who are in need.  It was a great day of fun, food and fellowship, and the weather was gorgeous!

Mr. Dwight and Mr. Franck checking out some of 
         the many books at the Rummage Swap.

Two staff children having fun with some of the toys that were available for swapping!

Mr. Bertholf and his youngest playing with some of
the toys!                             

GGG trying on a pair of crazy glasses.  I chose not to take them. :-)

       The Pitts and Parsons playing Dutch Blitz!

The Parkhursts and Parsons playing another table game at the YISS Picnic!

A sample of the yummy food available at the picnic!

Some of the staff enjoying great food and wonderful fellowship in the sun on the stairs leading to the YISS Soccer Field!

Wednesday was a special day for elementary students.  Each class got together and decided on a class theme for its dress that day.  We call it "Class Spirit Day."  In addition, those students who had been selected from the top readers in the Read-A-Thon to be Principal of the Day and Assistant Principals for the Day, accompanied the administrators throughout the day.  There were three selected but the one who was selected for me decided he did not want to be Assistant Principal.  His teacher encouraged him, I encouraged him, and even his mother, but he was too shy.  So Mr. Lazor's "Principal" and Mrs. Birmingham's "Assistant Principal" had a great day of assuming their roles.  They decided that children could bring one electronic game/device to school and that their teachers would set aside 20 minutes for individual electronic game playing.  The kids loved it!  The "Principal" ordered relay races for each grade with the four House Teams competing for points for our final quarter of House team Competition.  Then in the afternoon the "Principal" and "Assistant Principal" delivered one of my favorite ice cream treats (Melon Bars) to each student!  The two "administrators" took turns with me in the morning and afternoon to deliver the "Words Of Wisdom" we give each morning and then an end-of-school-day announcement giving the winners for Relay Races.  The two boys were so cute as they learned about being an administrator.  The "Assistant Principal" is a Kindergarten boy and he looked so tired at the end of the day, but he had a great smile on his face and loved giving the announcements at the end of the day.

   Fifth Grade students getting in their House Team
       Groups in preparation for the Relay Races!

Ms. Dyanne Wheat, KC Teacher, in her delightful costume for Class Spirit Day!

Here is all of the cherubs in KC with their silly pose
with their class theme!                    

First graders getting ready for the Relay Races!

1A's wonderful teacher, Ms. Ku, in her Class Spirit 
outfit with some of her cherubs getting ready for the 
                             Relay Races!

Grade 3B students with their teacher, Ms. Corbett, in front of the Guardian Wall in the Courtyard!

This is Grade 2B with their teacher, Mrs. Palmer.  
Actually Mrs. Palmer has been subbing for the regular
2B teacher, Mr. Bennett!                  

Principal of the Day, Gautham Sudhakar from 4A, giving the morning Words of Wisdom to all elementary students over the P. A. system.

Mr. Lazor working with Mr. Sudhakar concerning
                various "Principal issues."

Mr. Sudhakar at work at Mr. Lazor's desk!

Our Assistant Principal of the Day, Ken White, came
from the KA class.  Here Mr. White is working at Mrs.
Birmingham's desk in the Elementary Office!  He looks
rather dapper for his position!               

Mr. Sudhakar and Mr. White in conference about the rules for the House Team Relay Races that were enjoyed by all of the elementary students!

Two other special events that I was invited to were Grade 4C's Government Play and the annual Grade 5 Poetry Recital!  Both groups did great jobs!  Parents were invited to the 5th Grade Poetry Recital and room mothers had prepared Hot Chocolate and Donut Holes for the poetry reciters! The kids did a super job and enjoyed the taste treats early in the morning.  One of my favorite things to do is watch and observe people, and I just really love watching parents watch their children perform!  I was delighted to see so many parents at the Poetry Recital - especially a lot of Dads!

4C students performing their lay at the close of a unit
on government - particularly how a bill becomes a law!

Another group of 4C students who were part of this
little production that the students wrote and performed
following their unit on Government!  They did great!

Opening Power Point Slide welcoming students, parents, and guests to the 5th Grade Poetry Recital!

5th Grade students being nervous but enjoying the
hot chocolate and donut holes before they perform.

Another picture of 5th graders getting ready.  Olivia is the girl in the pink hat and dress.  Olivia has come sooooo far since arriving at YISS in Grade 2!  Children were encouraged to prepare a slide for the PP slides that depicted their selected poem as well as dress in a costume reflective of the poem.  Olivia's poem was about feathers and when she stood up to recite, everyone loved her outfit and her recitation!

David performing The Thousandth Man! Such a great job!

I thought Dyanne did the best at interpreting her poem!  She used great expression as well as actions that added to her recitation!

One of my former Discipleship boys, Joshua, doing 
       a great job with his poem, The Joyful Bird!

Saturday afternoon I had the delight of meeting my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Jin-Seok!  I was in for a nice "gift" from Jin-Seok!  He surprised me by inviting a former SYME student of mine to join us for lunch.  I was so thrilled to be greeted at Itaewon Subway Station, Exit 1 by Ji Eun (Emily)! I had not seen her in over 3 years!  We had a delightful lunch together and enjoyed a great time of conversation. Jin Seok seems to be enjoying his internship right now and I know he would appreciate your prayers as he makes application and goes through the interview process to obtain a full time position with the Korea National Tax Service, the organization he is doing this internship with.  Ji Eun is currently studying to take the GREs in June so that she can apply for a graduate school in Nursing at a university in the USA.  I know she would appreciate your prayers as she faces many decisions ahead!  After lunch we enjoyed more wonderful conversation at a delightful little coffee shop on the bottom floor of my apartment building.

Here we are at Suji's Restaurant in Itaewon.  It was 
Jin-Seok's choice as he wanted to introduce Ji Eun
     to one of our favorite eating establishments!

Jin-Seok and Ji Eun enjoying coffee and cheese cake after lunch!

GGG enjoying his coffee as well...and sharing the 
yummy cheese cake!                     

Monday is Children's Day in Korea so YISS has off from school.  I am hoping to catch up on a number of little projects and just relax.  Please pray as we get into full force of bringing another school year to a close.  It will be filled with many concerts and activities as well as preparations by teachers and administrators for final grades, etc.  This next week we begin our Spring MAP Testing in the Elementary School and Middle School, while the High School will be administering over 215 AP Exams to HS students.  Thanks so much for your prayers, encouragement, and support!

Love, Gregg

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