Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Week Full of Emotions!!

What a week!!  It was our first full week at YISS for the 2014-15 school year and it was a very busy week as well as a week full of many and varied emotions.  The week began on Monday morning with all of the YISS staff once again gathering in the lobby of the school to greet students as they began entering the building at 7:20 with the singing of an old hymn, Nothing But the Blood of Jesus! I love observing the students as they enter and walk between the teachers as we sing and then begin the week with prayer.

Later that day our Elementary Principal, Bev Birmingham, called our elementary admin staff together to inform us that one of our second grade students had passed away.  What a shock to all of us!  Irene Bang had developed cancer over the summer and had not attended school this year. However, the parents had been setting up a time to come in and talk with Mrs. Birmingham to see about getting her back in school in Second Semester.  Then suddenly God took sweet little Irene Home to be with Him.  Irene was a beautiful example of loving and caring for others.  She had started with us in Kindergarten and then one of her brothers, Stephen, began last year.  Stephen is in Grade 1 this year.  The news of Irene's passing was quite a shock to our young elementary students who knew her so well.  Out Elementary Chaplain and other staff spent many hours this past week talking with children concerning Irene.  On Friday Mrs. Franck, our Chaplain, used our 3 Chapel times and OASIS time to share a time of remembering Irene.  Mrs. Franck did a beautiful job of communicating Irene's death but letting children know about her faith in God.  There were a number of parents, including Mr. and Mrs. Bang, present for these memorial times.  Ms. Regnier, KA teacher, had prepared a brief Power Point presentation on the life and impact of Irene at YISS.  It was quite moving and again directed children and adults to Jesus.  I hope I can get a copy of this to share with you next week.  Below are a couple items that I thought you might find interesting as well as some pictures of my special friend, Irene, who is now enjoying being with her Savior.  I still miss her!

"Dear Elementary Parents,
Today we received the sad news that one of our YISS elementary students has passed away. Jungwon (Irene) Bang attended our school in Kindergarten and first grade. She would have been in second grade this year. Irene lost her life to cancer this morning, and we are all terribly saddened by this news. She was a sweet, friendly little girl who was always ready and eager to help others. Her parents and her brother Stephen, who is now in first grade, are in our thoughts and prayers. We will be remembering Irene in our chapel times this Friday. Mrs. Franck will be available to meet with students who are grieving over the loss of a friend throughout this time as well. I'm sure all of our elementary families will join with us to remember and pray for the family and the students. We will always remember Irene with love and fondness. "

 Thank you,
 Bev Birmingham
The above was sent out to all parents in the elementary school from our principal to inform them of Irene's passing.

This is what greeted students, teachers, and parents on Friday as they entered Chapel or Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Bang had put this together.  There were also NUMEROUS handmade cards from students in the early grades who knew Irene.  They were given to the Bangs, who were very touched from the comments that these little ones made about their precious friend, Irene.

Above is a picture I took of Irene at one of the Elementary Christmas concerts! She is right in the center of the first row with the red ribbon in her hair.

Here is my precious friend, Irene at her Kindergarten graduation
ceremony 2 years ago.                               

"While on earth, Irene was a beautiful girl. Her heart - the person she was on the inside - was loving and humble. She was a 'little mommy' to her younger brothers, and I saw her show the same kind of patience you see from a good, loving mother in our class every day.  In some ways, Irene seemed older than her age. She was a wise girl. I think that's because she built her life on the rock of Jesus and what he says to do. He said love, she loved. He said, try hard, she did. He said, forgive your friends, and she would. Irene made many many choices that made her grow in wisdom and in knowing God's love for her.

Irene also always worked hard! I could often hold up Irene's work and say "Good job, Irene! Wow guys. Look at this!" Irene never ever made others feel left out. She really did treat everyone with equal love, and actually wanted other people to shine. Some people like to look the best, even if it means pushing others down to look 'better' than their friends. Not Irene. She would let others shine, and I know that's one reason why children and adults loved her so much. Irene was humble, and… she also loved Jesus with a BIG and simple faith from the heart. She really did believe that He is her friend, and I also know that her friendship with Jesus on earth was just the start. She is continuing her wonderful friendship with Jesus in heaven right now! Irene loved to smile, to laugh, to draw with lovely colors, and to hug! Ooh she was a good hugger! I know Jesus loves Irene's smile, laughter, drawing and hugs too! Irene would want us to let God give us a big hug that never-ever stops.  As we grieve and are sad that she has left us, she would want us to trust in God's love and friendship just as she did."
Above is the beautiful piece that Irene's first grade teacher, Mr. Adams, wrote and read to everyone on Friday during our times in Chapels.  It was perfect to describe this wonderful little girl!

Wednesday the PTO at YISS had a Newcomers' Coffee for all of the new Elementary School parents.  Quite a few of the parents came out to hear about things in the Elementary School as well as how to become involved in the PTO at YISS.  I was especially impressed with the number of Dads who came out this year.

Welcome sign that greeted new Elementary parents at the PTO Elementary Newcomers' Coffee!

Our Headmaster, Ray Johnson, welcoming newcomers to the coffee!

    Some of the families at the Newcomers' Coffee!

Another picture of some in attendance at the Coffee!

One more picture of some in attendance. They were working on their Ice Breaker!

Throughout the week I was quite busy with the online registration of our After School Activities. This is always a very exhausting time for me, but I was delighted to have the assistance of Abby Williamson, who married Ross Williamson, one of our veteran staff who is teaching Grade 5A this year.  Abby was a huge help and helped relieve a lot of the stress that usually accompanies this hectic time.  On Saturday I went to the office to organize all of the payment slips and liability forms to distribute to all of the cherubs who have registered for an ASA.  Activities will begin on Friday, August 29.  Thanks for your continued prayers.

This is what my desk and office looks like during the week of on line registration for After School Activities!  It is organized, but sure doesn't look like it! :-)

In the midst of this busy week, both Krista Roll and I had to deal with a number of issues related to several families int he elementary school.  I would ask your prayers as we have a couple serious situations with families who are separated and divorced with custody issues.  They are very complicated and very tough on the heart.  Please pray for the children especially as we work through various issues.

Friday was a wonderful day!  It had been raining all week, but on Friday morning the sun broke forth and the day became perfect for our Back to School Picnic scheduled for Friday night.  Before we enjoyed the Back to School Picnic festivities, YISS teachers and staff were encouraged to gather at the main entrance at 7:30 to greet students from the elementary through high school for "Weird Out Friday."  Our task was to greet students as they entered the building to "weird them out" a bit and help them to enjoy their day.  It was such a fun time to see students react to the various "weird" personalities of staff on this special Friday.  I was having so much fun being "weird" that I failed to get any pictures of this special time. :-( I did a dance with my dancing boy, Andrew, on the front steps of YISS.  I was not aware that one of the Tech people, Carol Pitts, was taking a video of my weirdness with Andrew.  I posted it on Facebook if you care to see it.  I might be able to get it available for posting on here sometime.

Then Friday evening was our annual Back to School Picnic sponsored by the YISS PTO.  The weather was perfect!  The food was so yummy!  The games for the kids were so much fun!  Many families came out for a grand evening of fun, food, and fellowship!  It was great to see families connect with each other at this special event!  Enjoy some of the pictures from this special evening!

     Here I am helping at the Raffle Booth for Kids!

The line begins to get longer for the Kids' raffle Booth!

Two YISS cherubs enjoying each other the doggie!  

The manager of On the Border, John Won, and I at the On the Border food booth at the picnic!

Enjoying my On the Border supper with two YISS 
                     siblings at the BTS Picnic!

Some of the families enjoying food and fellowship in the YISS Courtyard!

A PTO Officer, Mrs. Kim and I at the Raffle Booth. 
We both wanted to win the Jeju Island Trip prize, but 
we both failed. :-(                           

One of our students, who is very wet from the Water Battle Zone, with his cute doggie!

Here I am with one my favorite YISS Dads, Aaron
Simmons.  He and his wife have three wonderful girls
and they have been a delight to have at YISS.  They
are moving to Singapore; leaving on Sunday!  I am 
           going to miss this wonderful family!

I leave you with very good news!  Many of you have been praying for my dear friend, Matthew, for ever since my first year at YISS.  As you may remember, Matthew had to leave YISS last January. I saw him at YISS graduation in May and was so excited to hear that he would be returning to YISS for the 2014-15 school year!  I have seen Matthew many times since he has returned to YISS. Matthew is a senior this year and is very interested in going to an American college or university that would have a Military Science program including Air Force R.O.T.C.  This past week Matthew stopped by my office to tell me about some excellent experiences he has been having this year.  We cried together and then I prayed with him before taking him to his next class.  I am asking you to continue to pray for this wonderful young man.  If you know of any colleges that would have such a program as I mentioned, please let me know! More later.  I am going to include a previous photograph of Matthew for those of you who are my faithful prayer warriors.  Thanks!

Here I am with Matthew.  Thanks for praying!!
I really value your prayers - especially during this very busy time at YISS.  Thank you so much for your faithful notes, emails, encouragement, prayers, love, and support.  God continues to use so many of you in teaching me more about Him.  Have a great week!

Love, Gregg

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