Saturday, August 2, 2014

Happy August!! Heat and Humidity and Lots of Rain!

Yes, it is August already and it is hot in Seoul, and the humidity is so delightful, too!  NOT!  We had a quick break in the rain on Friday and Saturday, but the rain is supposed to be returning for almost all of this week!  It is August and we can expect rain here in Seoul.

New Staff Orientation ended on Friday and returning staff have arrived back in Seoul to begin All Staff Orientation on Monday!  It is always great to be reunited with returning staff!  I am sure our returning staff are going to enjoy our new teachers.  They are such a fun and creative group!  I am so excited to see how God is going to work in each of our teachers' lives this year at YISS.  Thanks for your prayers.

This past week was a good one as I got to know more of our new staff at our orientation sessions.  It has been really exciting to see them take their classrooms and begin to incorporate their unique personalities into their rooms!  Thanks for continuing to pray for this great group of new staff at YISS.  Here are some more pictures of new elementary teachers - ones I did not have a picture of last week.  I also included a few pictures of some of the orientation times.

Matthew and Brittany Miller enjoying some pizza
from Crow's Nest Pizza during orientation.  Matthew
        will teach 5A and Brittany will teach 1A!

Kara Minor and Itiel Sarmiento also enjoying 
some yummy Crow's Nest pizza!  Kara will be 
teaching Grade 2D and Itiel will be teaching 4B!

New teachers in the New Multipurpose Room for orientation!

Our new Headmaster, Ray Johnson, leading an orientation  
session last week!                                 

Mr. Matthew Miller, Grade 5A.

   Mrs. Brittany Miller, Grade 1A.

 Mrs. Kimberly Lynch, Grade 4D.

Ms. Ellie Moncado, Grade 5C.

 Ms. Jamie Buster, Elementary Physical Education.

        Ms. Heidi Kim, Grade 1B.

It was a busy week of orientation sessions as well as planning and preparation for a new school year.  I was heavily involved with plans for the After School Activities' Program as well as working with our Elementary Admin Team in planning our schedule of Related Arts classes for each of our elementary classes (22 sections this year).  This is a very complex task as we have to also include times for planning for teachers as well as their various duties in addition to the classroom.  We think we have it ready to go, but there are always little changes at the last minute.  I'd appreciate your prayers.

In between all of the orientation sessions and planning sessions, I was able to take some time to meet two special friends.  Both are former students when I was teaching in the SYME program my first two years in South Korea.  And both have become excellent friends!

Friday evening I was able to meet with Yeongmin (John), who continues to enjoy his position at SK Telecom.  He took me to a new restaurant on one of the back streets of Itaewon.  There are so many side streets and so MANY eating establishments in Itaewon.  I think I could eat at an establishment every night for at least 2 months and not frequent the same restaurant!

As I waited for Yeongmin at the end of Itaewon, I witnessed this beautiful sunset!  I wish my picture could really show the beauty of what I saw!

Yeongmin and GGG preparing to enjoy some yummy food at
a new restaurant near Suji's in Itaewon.  I am sure I will be back
here!  Please continue to pray for Yeongmin in his work and 
               that he will come to believe in Jesus!

 I had this yummy Chicken, Rice, and Green Curry meal!!

Yeongmin chose this stew of Rice Rolls and Noodles!
Also very tasty!                            

Then on Saturday morning I met Gunmo (Steve) at a Starbucks in Itaewon for coffee and great conversation!  I hadn't seen him since back in May.  I always enjoy our times together.  He continues to do well at his position with GrapeSeed, but I know he would value your prayers as he is a little frustrated that his coworkers and boss seem to be satisfied with the "way things are" and don't want to make many changes that would make the GrapeSeed program an even better one. Gunmo will be moving to his own apartment in mid-August.  He has some painting and remodeling to do before he moves in so I know he would appreciate your prayers.

Gunmo and GGG at Starbucks on Saturday morning!

Gunmo modeling his new "holy" jeans - the new fashion look!!

After meeting with Gunmo on Saturday, I took a walk through Itaewon to do some shopping.  It was so hot and humid and I suddenly saw a new store in Itaewon after taking care of getting a picture framed at Mr. Lee's Frame Shop.  It was a Patbingsu store!  Patbingsu is a popular Korean refreshing snack usually made of shaved ice, condensed milk, red bean paste, fruit, fruit syrup.  I saw this new store and just had to stop and try one of their specialty Patbingsu's - Oreo Cookie Patbingsu.  It was quite refreshing and just the right size, but still not as delicious as the Patbingsu place in Ichon.  I must return there to get a very yummy Patbingsu before summer is gone.  I do like the fact that this new little place is located about a 5 minute walk from YISS!!

Here is the Oreo Patbingsu that I enjoyed on my
                   walk in Itaewon today!

A close up of the Oreo Patbingsu before I mixed
it all together and then enjoyed eating it!!     

As always, I want to thank you for your great encouragement, notes, emails, prayer, and support. You are very special to me and I value your prayers and support especially in this year of transition. I think it is going to be great!

Love, Gregg

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