Saturday, August 30, 2014

One Very Busy Week: ASAs Begin, "Goodbye to Summer", Open House, and Friends!

Yeppers, it was a very full and busy week!  I am so grateful for the assistance I received the last two weeks form Mrs. Abby Williamson, our Grade 5A teacher's wife.  Abby has been so helpful in assisting me in getting everything accomplished for the ever-growing After School Activities program in the Elementary School!  I am not sure we would have been ready to begin this past Friday without her assistance.  I am grateful to Abby, Mrs. Yoo (Elementary Secretary), and Mrs. Roll (the other Elementary School Assistant Principal) for all they did to assist in so many ways to assist with bus monitors, After School Activities' Monitors, etc. We had a number of changes in procedures and things went fairly smoothly considering everything.

In addition to getting things ready for the kickoff of the After School Activities' Program, Mrs. Roll and I had to deal with a number of parent meetings involving various situations in the elementary school.  I could tell many people were praying.  I believe all of the meetings ended positively.

Each day this past week was an exhausting one.  I slept well when I went home each evening! :-) On Wednesday it was fun to just enjoy a relaxed dress day to celebrate our monthly Fun Day at YISS. Wednesday was "Say Goodbye to Summer" Day and the kids loved it.  They came dressed in a favorite summer outfit to officially say goodbye to summer.  Here are a few pictures from that day for your enjoyment:

Three fifth grade boys modeling their summer outfits!  I love Ryan's

Pranav modeling his outfit beside the Yellow House Team's House Point box near the gym.  He's on the yellow team and wanted his picture taken there. :-)

Here I am with six boys as they entered school on    
Wednesday morning!                        

William showing off his summer outfit!

GGG with a brother and sister from China!

      Ms. Wheat's Kindergarten class in their summer costumes!

Ms. Han's Kindergarten B class modeling for the photographer!

And finally, Ms. Regnier's Kindergarten A class showing off their
summer outfits!                                       

Thursday was a long day for elementary teachers and staff!  It was our Elementary Open House for parents.  Parents were invited to the school from 6:00 - 8:00 PM to visit their child's classroom and hear about what would be happening in that classroom throughout the year.  From 6 - 6:30 teachers in Kindergarten and First Grade had formal presentations for the parents in their classrooms; 6:30 - 7 was the time set aside for Grades 2 and 3; 7 - 7:30 was for Grades 4 and 5.  In between times parents could enjoy refreshments in the main lobby, chat with administrators, visit their child's Related Arts teachers (Physical Education, Art, Music, Mandarin, ELL, etc.), or make connections with other parents.  We had a great attendance and it is always a joy to meet the parents.

You may remember the second grader, Irene Bang, who recently passed away.  Irene's parents came to Open House (they have a son, Stephen, in grade 1) and wanted to express to our Elementary Chaplain, Mrs. Carol Franck, and me how much they really appreciated the memorial times we had in Chapels last week.  They were also so touched that YISS was planting a tree in memory of Irene in our one little courtyard.  It was great to speak with Mr. and Mrs. Bang once again.


Throughout this past exhausting week I was privileged to have little breaks with some great friends. One is a new friend I have been getting to know at a little restaurant I go to near YISS.  It is called Rose Bakery and they have a great Tomato and Mozzarella sandwich with a special dressing.  I really like it!  The last several weeks there has been a new server at the restaurant who is always smiling and he loves it that I take time to talk with him.  His name is Ko and he is planning to go to university and also do his military service soon.  He always has a great smile and if he sees me walking past Rose Bakery, he will come outside and want me to come in.  Often I cannot stop so he will many times tell me to wait a minute until he prepares an iced coffee for me to go.  I try paying and he refuses.  After one of my exhausting days at YISS last week, I stopped in to have dinner and again we had a great conversation.  He wants to ask many questions and we are developing a great relationship. Please pray for this wonderful young man that he will come to experience Jesus.

Here I am with Ko after finishing my dinner at Rose Bakery!

Then on Wednesday evening I received a call from a former SYME student and excellent friend, Jay Chae.  Jay wanted to come to YISS and have lunch with me on Thursday.  It was a good time so he came on Thursday and we had a really wonderful time together.  I am so excited about Jay and his desire to serve the Lord.  He is working on a Master's Degree in Marketing.  When he was at SYME, he told me he thought God wanted him to make a lot of money so he could build centers to care of the elderly and handicapped in South Korea.  Jay is still actively involved in his church and is still excited about serving God in this way.  Please pray for him as you think of him.

Enjoying a YISS lunch and great conversation with my dear friend, Jay Chae on Thursday!

Saturday I had another special visit from my dear "son" and friend, JiSang.  We have not been able to meet since I have returned to Seoul after the summer break so I was excited to meet him!  We had a great time together.  We met at The Flying Pan Blue in Itaewon for brunch!  Please continue to pray for JiSang as he thinks and prays about his future.  He continues to work for a relative and is doing a great job, but he is not sure that is where he should be long term.  Pray that he will put on some weight! It was so good to see my dear friend once again!

JiSang and I about ready to enjoy our yummy brunches at The Flying Pan Blue!

My selection: The Fair Lady pancakes - strawberries,
    raspberries, whipped cream, and ricotta cheese!!

JiSang selected the Itaewon Breakfast with Savory
Pancakes!  It is one of their largest breakfasts and to
delight JiSang ate the entire breakfast.  It got tough 
near the end, but he finished everything!!      
Here is the proud "son" with the Korean sign "Fighting" as he chews the final bite!  Clean plate except the orange marmalade!

Thanks, once again, for all you do for me.  You are special to me and I value your prayers, love, and support.  Please enjoy a great month of September!

Love, Gregg

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