Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Relaxing Chuseok + Two Days of School!

We're almost half way through September!  As mentioned last week, we had three days off from YISS in celebration of Chuseok in Korea.  Those were three greatly appreciated days of rest and refreshment!  I spent much of the time enjoying the gorgeous weather: lots of walking throughout Seoul, lots of reading, enjoying some yummy meals, and just relaxing and getting a few extra hours of sleep.  They were three great days!

On Monday I was able to continue a Chuseok tradition (at least for the last five years) by going to the delightful apartment of Yeongmin Baek's parents.  Yeongmin still lives at home with his parents and they always want him to invite me to their home for special holidays.  As always, I had a really great time with Yeongmin and his parents.  And, as always, Mother Baek had prepared a most yummy feast of traditional Korean foods for Chuseok!  She always prepares way too much; impossible to eat everything!  I hope you will continue to pray for this wonderful family so that they will come to know Jesus Christ.

   This is the feast that I enjoyed on Chuseok with
          the Baek family!  Soooooo delicious!!

Clockwise starting at the left: Yeongmin,  GGG, Mr. Baek, and 
 Mrs. Baek enjoying the yummy Chuseok feast!!     

Following the three-day Chuseok break, faculty and staff returned to YISS for busy days on Thursday and Friday.  Some of you had been praying for one of our fifth grade teachers, Ms. Kelley Creecy who had been out of school about 6 days with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease.  Kelley returned on Thursday fully recovered and excited to be back in Grade 5B.  We still have a few teachers fighting off sore throats and colds, but all were back with the exception of Ms. Heidi Corbett, who had taken personal days to attend a family function back in the USA.  Heidi will return on Monday.

Our Elementary Chaplain, Mrs. Carol Franck, was very busy on Thursday preparing for the three Chapels and the OASIS Assembly on Friday.  Coming up is our big Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon on October 10 so she was busy preparing all of  the details for that for children and teachers.  You may remember that this is an event held annually in the elementary school to raise funds for some project that is in need of funds to help those who are in situations where they need clean water, food, clothing, etc.  Mrs.Franck will be announcing next week the group our school will be sending our 100 Won coins to this year.  My collection of 100 Won coins is growing and I may need several socks this year.  The kids are all excited about collecting 100 Won coins and bringing them to YISS on October 10 in socks.  In celebration all of the kids and staff participate in a walk that takes many of them almost to the Namsan Tower near YISS.

Mrs. Franck's office on Thursday as she prepared letters and socks
       for elementary students about the Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon!

Mrs. Franck preparing the letters and socks for    
distribution during Friday's Chapels and Assembly!

On Friday I helped Mrs. Franck introduce the Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon to the students.  During the Chapel and OASIS times one of my favorite things is to witness the kids singing!  They do such a great job!  One of these times I will get a video clip to show you some of their great singing.  This past Friday, one of our new students to YISS was all smiles as he sang and danced with his class in Chapel.  I love his smile!  He is so full of joy.  His class arrived early to Chapel and they sang while other classes arrived.  here are a couple pictures of this little buddy enjoying the music!

My new buddy loving the music in Chapel!!

Another picture of my buddy singing and dancing to the Chapel music!

I had a delightful visit with a YISS graduate of last May on Friday!  I thought James Bai had already gone to Stanford University to begin his freshman year, but learned through Facebook on Thursday that Stanford doesn't begin until September 23.  James told me he was going to stop at YISS on Friday before he left on Saturday to head to Stanford Orientation.  This young man is such a fine young Christian and has been a great role model to YISS students from elementary through high school.  God has gifted James in so many ways, and yet he has been able to keep humble.  Our elementary kids just LOVE when James can spend time with them.  I am so excited to see what God has in store for this young man.  Would you please pray for James as he is a little worried about doing well at Stanford?  He asked me specifically to pray for him as he decides what he should major in.  He has so many interests and abilities and wants to do what God wants for him.  He wants so much to be an excellent witness of Jesus Christ among the student body at Stanford.  Thanks for praying for my excellent friend.

James Bai and GGG in the Elementary School Office at YISS on Friday!  Thanks for praying for this wonderful young man!

Saturday was a fun day!  I was able to attend another Korean wedding!  (I think I will be attending at least three more in the next 3 months!) Through Yeongmin Baek I met a wonderful couple, Sungmin and Soohee!  This was several years ago when Yeongmin graduated from Yonsei University.  We have continued to grow in our friendship and I want Sungmin and Soohee to come to know Jesus, too.  Saturday was such a fun time to enjoy their union as husband and wife!  At every Korean wedding I have attended, there is always an amazing wedding feast for all of the guests! Saturday was no exception!  I am definitely going to have to be careful how much I eat of all this yummy food - especially since I will be going to three more of these in the next few months.

Yeongmin, Sungmin, and GGG just before the start
                    of the wedding ceremony!

The beautiful bride, Soohee and GGG in the VIP room prior to the wedding. I love that you can get your picture taken with the wedding couple prior to the wedding in Korea.

Here I am with Soohee and Sungmin in the VIP room.         
Here is Yeongmin doing a great job as the MC during the wedding ceremony!

       Soohee and Sungmin greeting the bride's parents with the 
       traditional bows following the pronouncement of marriage!

Following the ceremony, the happy couple changed into their Hanboks to greet guests at each of the reception tables.

I won't torture you with pictures of ALL the food; you
can take a look on facebook to see much more.  This 
was my first plate of tasty food!                 

I had the privilege of eating at the reception with two of Yeongmin's university friends, Suji and Young.  I had met Young at Yeongmin's graduation from Yonsei University.  He and his girlfriend are such delightful people.  We hope to meet again soon!

I want to leave you this week with a special request for some former SYME students and my great friends, David (Nam Gyu) and Victoria Baek.  Nam Gyu was one of the first SYME students I met when I starting teaching at SYME in August 2008.  One of the first things I found out in my conversations with Nam Gyu was that he believed God wanted him to be a missionary.  After finishing at SYME, Nam Gyu went to Word of Life Bible Institute on Jeju Island and then on to WOL Bible Institute in New York. He met Victoria and they continued their relationship with each other until they were married in January 2014.  I was privileged to be asked to sing Amazing Grace at their wedding.  They are now officially designated as full time missionaries with Word of Life in Korea.  Nam Gyu and I have been meeting regularly for accountability since last January and this week he informed me that he and Victoria have been given the OK to begin raising support.  Nam Gyu and Victoria are planning to come to the USA to begin raising prayer and financial support. Since neither of them have many contacts in the US, I am asking if you are interested in having this delightful couple come to your church to share their testimonies and/or share concerning the ministry in which they will be involved, I know this would be a great encouragement to them.  They have very limited funds and when they come to the USA, they would be in need of inexpensive housing when they are in an area.  If you have any contacts that you could help put them in touch with, I know this would be a tremendous encouragement to them.

Nam Gyu and Victoria at lunch with me in Itaewon.

If you are able to help Nam Gyu and Victoria in any way during their visit to the USA, please contact Nam Gyu at his email address: .  You can also email me if you prefer.  Thank you very much for anything you can do to assist this wonderful Christian couple who are so eager to serve the Lord.

Thanks, once again, for your many emails and notes of encouragement as well as your love, prayers, and support.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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