Saturday, September 6, 2014

Happy Chuseok!! After a VERY Busy Week; a Much-needed Break of Refreshment!!

Happy Chuseok!!  After a very busy and hectic week at YISS, students and teachers (and a certain assistant principal) were ready for the weekend and then a three-day break to celebrate Chuseok (Hangawi)!  Chuseok is a major harvest festival and a three-day holiday in Korea celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar.  It is a little like American Thanksgiving and is very family-oriented.  Lots of yummy food, too! :-)  We are having a number of teachers fighting off sore throats so this break is greatly needed!  One of our fifth grade teachers has been out for over a week because of hand, foot, and mouth disease.  Please pray that Ms. Creecy will be able to return to YISS on Thursday.  One of our first grade teachers has also found out that she needs knee replacement surgery.  Pray for Mrs. Thomas as she prepares for surgery and then the "delightful" recovery!  She has been listening to my many tales of rehab! :-)  It also means that we will need a substitute for her for about 2 months.  One of our other elementary teachers in the related arts area is having some medical problems and I would really appreciate your prayers.  If things do not improve, we will need a Music teacher for grades 4 and 5 - maybe sooner than we think.  If you know of someone who would be a great Music teacher for that age group, please send me details.

Above is a new wall hanging I just had framed for my office.  It was a gift from our Elementary Principal and I just had it hung this past week just in time for Chuseok!  I have been spending more time lately on thanksgiving.  It has been a great experience!  I post the picture here to encourage you to join me in becoming more thankful.  

On Thursday afternoon, the After School Activities Ceramics teacher came to my office with a box of handmade taste treats and a little note.  In addition to her goodies, the elementary office received other treats including songpyeon (rice cakes) from a parent.  She handmade these and they were so yummy!  Songpyeon are one of the traditional Korean foods at Chuseok.

Note that Ms. Kim, Ceramics teacher, placed inside the box of Chuseok snacks for me.

           These are the snacks that Ms. Kim handmade for me!

On the left are a basket of handmade songpyeon (rice cakes), one of
the traditional Chuseok foods.  They were soooo yummy!!      

During the past week, in addition to our permanent elementary substitute teacher, Mrs. Palmer, we had to have the principal, both assistant principals,  and the two Elementary P.E. teachers go into classes to sub for teachers who were sick or away on a personal day.  Friday we had one of our Mandarin teachers out sick as well as Ms. Creecy + Ms. Corbett in 3B had to return to the USA for a family wedding.  Such excitement!  I had the privilege of having first grade recess duty!  I was exhausted after 35 minutes of these cherubs!! :-)

Above are three pictures of the first grade cherubs enjoying the playground equipment they love so much!!  They wanted me to go down the slides, but I thought I better not.  What if I got stuck and they couldn't get me out? :-)  The kids would have loved that sight!!

In addition to all of the regular events in our elementary classes, it was also a week of MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing in most of the elementary grades.  On my walks throughout the building I noticed this bulletin board outside our kinder classes.  The three kinder teachers are amazing!  I just thought the bulletin board was kind of cool; not sure why.  I just liked it. :-)


Friday was a busy day with three Chapels and one OASIS Assembly.  I love to go into these and announce those students who have been singled out for meeting our ESLRs (Expected Student Learning Results) and showing they are following the Guardian Way!  I also love to hear our kids sing!  I wish you could attend sometime.


I thought I would also share a few pictures from two of our after school activities on Friday. I wanted to get more, but ran out of time. :-(  More will be coming.  The After School Activities program is off and running.  I am already beginning to put together activities for Quarter Two  Thanks for your prayers.

The K-3 kids love Mr. Hong, the ASA instructor for Sports (K-3).  Here they are collecting a stamp on their hand or arm for performing well!

This quarter we have 16 students in the String Performance
  Ensemble ASA!  These are some of the 2nd through 4th
grade students on Friday!  They were having a great time!

Some more of these young string players practicing during the ASA on Friday!

Here is Ms. Han, the Strings instructor for the ASA  
working with two of the Cellists!               

Friday evening, after an exhausting week, I received a phone call from a former SYME student and a my great friend, Yeongmin Baek.  He was hoping I could join him for dinner and then a movie.  I met Yeongmin at City Hall Subway Station and he introduced me to a new Noodle House in the Myeongdong area of Seoul.  We had a delicious bowl of noodles and then we went to Jamba Juice.  I did not know Jamba Juice had Bingsu (one of my favorite cold refreshing desserts in Korea) and Yeongmin introduced me to their Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) and Mango Bingsu!  Oh man, was it delicious and refreshing!!  The ice flakes were so creamy and the fresh fruit (two of my favorite) made it even better.  Continue to pray for my dear friend that he will come to know Jesus.

Here I am with Yeongmin preparing to enjoy and be refreshed with our very tasty Bingsu!!

Here is the most delicious Dragon Fruit and Mango Bingsu!!!!  I will have more of this later!!

Saturday was a relaxing and refreshing day topped off by a visit to Itaewon from Tony and Sue Kuhn as well as mutual friends John and Pam Richards.  Both of these couples are teaching at the NICS school in Pyeongtaek, South Korea.  It was also special because Yeongmin was able to join us for Brunch in Itaewon.  After a long discussion, it was decided to eat at Tartine's.  None of the group received any resistance from me on their decision! :-)  We enjoyed a wonderful time of fun, laughter, and fellowship!  Tony and Yeongmin had not seen each other for about 3 years so it was an especially good time for them.

Here we are getting ready to feast on our yummy brunches at Tartine's.  Clockwise beginning on the left: Yeongmin, GGG, John Richards, Pam Richards, Sue Kuhn, and Tony Kuhn.  Several enjoyed the German Pancake, Tony and Yeongmin enjoyed a "Make Your Own" omelet with  hash browns and a pancake (Tony added a side of yummy Chili), and I had my usual Tartine's favorite - French Toast, scrambled eggs, and sage sausage!  What a wonderful time together!

Since this is a time of thanksgiving in Korea (Chuseok), I want to pause to thank the Lord for giving me such a wonderful family and such great friends who support me, pray for me, encourage me, and love me.  Thank you so much!!  Please enjoy a great month of September!

Love, Gregg

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