Saturday, September 27, 2014

Progress Reports, Fun Day, More ASAs, Another Wedding, etc.

Hard to believe it was time to send out Progress Reports to our elementary parents this past week! Teachers were busy preparing grades/comments for Progress Reports for checking by the elementary principals on Tuesday.  Parents received them via email on Tuesday evening.  With so many new teachers in the elementary school this year, it has been so busy getting everyone up to speed on the many and various responsibilities, but it has been exciting to begin to see new staff feeling more comfortable with all of their tasks!  Thanks for praying.

On Wednesday we enjoyed our monthly "Fun Dress Down Day" in the elementary school.  It's a favorite of our students - "Mismatch Day."  I thought I had selected a terrible combination of a shirt, tie, slacks, and jacket with some nasty socks, BUT when I arrived and modeled for our Elementary Secretary, Mrs. Kim said, "Oh, that's nice!  It's the style today in Korea!"  I told her that I would never have her pick out shirts and ties for me.  I guess I am getting really old. :-)  But I will continue to select my own ties and shirts since I have been doing it for years! :-)

  The two Elementary Assistant Principals, Mrs. Roll
and GGG, along with the Principal, Mrs. Birmingham,
                         on Mismatch Day!

Mrs. Birmingham in the elementary office with Alyx
in her delightful Mismatch outfit!!  :-)         

Five Mismatched cherubs from Grade 1!!  I love them!!

    1B teacher, Ms. Kim, doing a Math lesson on Mismatch Day!

Some of the girls watching one of the boys share his Math solution on Mismatch Day!

More Math interaction in Grade 1 on Mismatch Day!!          

After a busy day at YISS on Wednesday, I stopped at one of my favorite restaurants, On the Border! One of the servers has become a good fiend and he will text or call me with questions about his relationships with girls and his future and about God.  His English name is Lid!  When I first met him, I asked him why he chose that name.  Lid said, "Look at my hair style.  It looks like a lid was placed in my head when it was cut."  :-) Take a look at his picture below.  He is so humble and always wanting to serve with his great smile.  He texted me on Monday and asked if I could stop by on Wednesday since it might be his last day for some time as he prepares for an audition for singing. He wants to go to university for vocal music.  So I stopped by and he introduced me to two new menu items that were soooo yummy!  We had a great talk while he worked and he said he would keep me posted on his audition, etc.  Please pray for my wonderful friend, Lid.

GGG with Lid at On the Border after my yummy meal!

One of my new favorites at OTB: Pork Belly Tacos with pineapple and a yummy sauce + Grilled Corn on the Cob!!

This past Monday was a day off for YISS staff and students and when I got back to school on Tuesday, there were two special packages that had been delivered to me.  Each year for the the last several years around Chuesok, one of my former SYME students and great friend, Chang Yong, sends me a box of Asian pears and a box of numerous individual containers of pear juice.  Chang Yong's Dad operates a pear orchard in the south of South Korea.  I LOVE Asian pears and the elementary staff and I have been enjoying them all week.

Soooo delicious!!  

Friday during our Elementary Chapel times, our Grade 5 Praise Team led the kids in our music part of Chapel.  Ms. Greaves, 4C's teacher, works with three different teams of fifth grade students and gives them the opportunity to lead the music worship.  They did a great job for their first time.  The two boys on this team are also on the Elementary Soccer team which will be involved in a Soccer Tournament for elementary schools on Saturday.  They were wearing neckties on Friday to let the school kids know they are representing YISS Elementary at the tournament.

       5C teacher and violinist, Ms. Moncada with the two boys 
 (Sean and Evan) from the 5th Grade Praise Team leading Chapel 
 music worship on Friday!  Ms. Jeon, Kinder teaching assistant, is 
                                        the pianist!

The three fifth grade girls with the Elementary Chaplain, Mrs. Franck
during Chapel music worship time on Friday!                  

Below are pictures of the three soccer teams that will represent YISS from the elementary school on Saturday at Chadwick International School.  I would love to be there but I had already committed to attend a wedding of one of my former SYME students, Andrea.  (Pictures of the wedding later in the post.)

Ms. Buster, Elementary P. E. teacher, with the Fifth Grade soccer
   team in their soccer jerseys. They are one of three YISS teams
                participating in the tournament on Saturday!

One of the two boys' teams that will represent YISS at the Elementary Soccer Tournament.  Mr. Resende, our other P.E. teacher, was on recess duty when we took the pictures.

The other boys' soccer team who will represent YISS on Saturday!

This past week I also took some pictures of one of the After School Activities, Korean Painting.  Ms. Lee, one of our Teaching Assistants in Grade 1, leads this activity.  Ms. Lee is a gifted artist and has her training in that field.  She does a great job and this past Thursday they were creating Tie Dye Paper!  Very cool!  The kids loved it and I loved watching them produce these beautiful pieces!  I also captured a couple of one of the finished products of the Ceramics After School Activity class.

  Two cherubs working on the Tie Dye Paper Korean art project!

A finished product of the the Tie Dye Paper project!

James is so focused on his Tie Dye Paper project!  It is always a
delight to see him enjoying these art projects.  It is hard for James
to focus often, but he never has a problem when working with art!

Three cherubs from the K-3 Ceramics After School class with their finished ceramic mirrors!!

Saturday I attended the beautiful wedding of a former SYME student, Andrea!  Andrea came to SYME through the encouragement of my great friend, Jungmin.  Andrea was a member of the church where Jungmin's father is pastor up near the border between North and South Korea.  Jungmin met me at Seoul Station and we went to the wedding.  Other former SYME students in attendance were Chang Yong and Jay Chae.  Jungmin's Dad, Pastor of Jesus Road Presbyterian Church in Paju City, performed the ceremony.  It was a great time of celebration, fun, and reunion!  Here are a few pictures from the beautiful wedding and reception of Andrea and Min Hyuk!

Prior to the wedding, Jungmin, Jay Chae, and I posed with Andrea in the Bridal Room!

Andrea and Min Hyuk wearing their Hanboks during the reception
           as they went from table to table greeting their guests!

Here are the four men right before the reception: Jungmin, GGG, Chang Yong, and Jay Chae!

I really love this family!  I was delighted to be reunited with Jungmin
and his parents.  We had a great conversation at the reception.       

Not sure why this picture is fighting with me.  I had it rotated but when I put it in the blog, it returned to the side view of one of my favorite foods, Pig's Feet! So yummy with a little mustard!

                         Some very tasty chocolate truffles!!

Again, this picture is being bad! :-)  I can't get it from being sideways.  My first two plates at the reception! :-)

Following the reception, Chang Yong and his girl friend, Eun Jung,
took me to a new coffee shop for a time of coffee and wonderful con-
versation.  This followed my very frightening sliding fall after tripping
down the step I did not see coming in to the coffee shop!  All ended well!
I hope you are ready for a great month of October!  Thank you very much for your faithful encouragement, love, prayers, and support. 

Love, Gregg

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