Saturday, October 25, 2014

Such a Busy, Yet Fun Week at YISS!!

Quarter Two began with so many events throughout the week!  There were many long days for all of us as Quarter One grades were finalized and posted, busy preparations for Parent-Teacher Conferences on Friday, Quarter Two online registration for After School Activities, Kinder Publishing Parties, Grade 4's Market Day, Mo Willems' surprise reading to Kinder cherubs, and the invasion of international schools from the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea for the ACSC (Asia Christian Schools Conference) Soccer Tournament from October 21 - 25! It was a very special week!  But I am very grateful for the weekend to catch up after 12 - 13 hour days this past week.  I think I am going to let the pictures do most of my talking this week.

Monday was a very busy day completing Quarter One Comments and Grades so that they could emailed to parents.  In addition, I was working on last minute preparations for the online registration for Quarter Two After School Activities.  It began on Tuesday morning at 8:00 AM and within four minutes, five classes had already gone over their capacity!  It was a very unusual morning of registration, but we made it through.  Registration closed on Wednesday afternoon and then the fun began of preparing Excel documents for the Business Office for each of the activities so that a GIRO Payment Slip could be processed.  In Korea almost all bills are paid electronically through GIRO slips.  I have been blessed this past quarter with a helper, Abby Williamson.  Abby became the wife of our 5A teacher, Ross Williamson over the summer and she is certified as a Ballet instructor and working on her certification for teaching in our ELL (English Language Learners) program.  She will be teaching Ballet as an After School Activity as well as assisting me with all of the organizational stuff that has to happen in order for the activities to become a reality.  Wednesday through Friday we were very busy organizing over 400 participants in 27 activities for Quarter Two.

My awesome assistant, Abby Williamson, helping
me in my office with all of the ASA organization!

You can only see my desk; there are more piles behind
me.  Sorting over 400 GIRO slips for students enrolled
in Quarter Two After School Activities!            

Tuesday was also the beginning of the ACSC Tournament hosted this year by YISS.  Soccer teams from six countries descended upon YISS beginning on Tuesday evening and began playing on Wednesday.  Most of the players stayed at YISS and on a couple days the teams went on service trips in and around Seoul. It was so great to have them on our campus and it was a great time for everyone!  And what was really special is that the YISS Varsity Soccer team won the championship on Saturday afternoon!  The weather was gorgeous and after falling behind 1-0 to Grace International School from Thailand, the guys continued to be aggressive and scored three unanswered goals to win 3 - 1!  Our goalie, Jordan, played an amazing game in goal!  He made some really fantastic saves and I think was the MVP of the game in my book!  Way to go Guardians!!  Our Elementary P.E. teacher, Mr. Resende is the High School Coach and he has done a tremendous job with these young men!

The banner that greeted the athletes from all over Asia as they arrived at the YISS gymnasium and soccer field!

When the buzzer sounded, YISS had won the championship 3 - 1!
           Victory celebration right after the buzzer sounded!

The YISS Soccer team right after winning the championship.  The MAN, Jordan, is in the center of the kneeling men!

Both teams (Grace and YISS) came together for prayer
right after the championship game ended!         

Here is the 2014 YISS Soccer team - Champions!!!

After the championship game all six teams in the tournament gathered for a group photo on the YISS Soccer Field!

The scoreboard on the Soccer Field tells the story at the close of the game!

Wednesday was a very busy day with ASA registrations plus two Kindergarten Publishing Parties and a special surprise reading of a Mo Willems' book in Kindergarten by GGG.  The Publishing Parties are culminations of the kinder cherubs working hard on a writing unit to become better authors and illustrators.  They had written, rewritten, and edited personal narratives and were finally ready to share their finished books!  Parents were invited to have the authors read their books to them and sign autographs!  It was so much fun!

Here are three of authors who autographed their pictures for me!!

KC teacher, Ms. Wheat, writing a note to this up and
                               coming author!

Lydia had just read her book to me!  I loved her illustrations and her great expressions as she read her delightful story!

Seth just finished reading his book to me and I took  
advantage of the photo op to get one with this great  
author from KC!                        

Two mothers being read to.  I love the one where Mother is holding the little brother of the author!

                    Mother and son reading time!!

Mother and daughter enjoying this time together!

I had such a great time with Ashton!  He is an excellent
author and reads with such great expression!!       

Some of the children with some of the parents and teachers who attended this Publishing Party!

In addition, Ms. Regnier, KA's teacher, invited me to come and surprise the kindergarten children with a reading of a Mo Willems' book.  They have been studying Mo Willems' books since he is both an author and illustrator.  He is one of my favorite authors for young children - or old children like me - and it was a delight to read to them.  I brought four of my 30+ Willems' books and had them decide which they wanted me to read.  They chose My New Friend Is So Fun!  They and I were having so much fun reading interactively with them!


Periodically Grade 4 teachers have a Market Day for their students.  They have been earning money by following the Guardian Honor Code and doing what is expected of them throughout the quarter. Then the students are encouraged to bring in handmade items or some candies or toys to "sell" to other students and teachers.  The profit is used to help some needy group throughout the world such as International Justice Mission.  I love how they are able to utilize what they are learning about math, economy, communication, and creativity during these Market Days.  The highlight for me was finding one business owner who had whipped cream!! I purchased a cup of whipped cream and then came back for a spoonful on my Dark Hershey Kiss.  Katie couldn't believe I would pay for just whipped cream! :-)

Grade 4C teacher, Ms. Greaves, preparing her fourth graders for Market Day!

This business lady had a Stuffed Animal

This young lady is quite the sales lady! She had great communication skills!

My buddy Ian's little store had a variety of many treats!

Grace is quite the sales lady, too!  Many little toys that kids love up for sale!

   Benjamin and Aidan selling candy of various sorts!

Homemade creative decorative and practical boxes by this young saleslady!

Homemade and yummy dark chocolate in 
various shapes!  VERY tasty!!        

My highlight was purchasing whipped cream from Katie!  I love the look on her face as I eat some very tasty whipped cream!  

Friday was a day off for students as parents came to YISS and engaged in Parent-teacher conferences. It was a very busy day for teachers!  It was so much fun to walk around and see our elementary teachers engaged in very profitable discussions with parents!  The elementary administrators decided to purchase Caribou Coffee (Americano and Latte) to take around on a cart to the elementary classrooms early in the morning to share with our wonderful staff.  What a joy it was to serve them coffee and Mrs. Birmingham's homemade peanut butter cookies and brownies!  It was a great day of conferences, but I know that teachers went home exhausted! :-)  A long day!

The Coffee Cart with cookies and brownies for our great elementary teachers on Parent-Teacher Conference morning!  Here I am with Principal Beverly Birmingham and Assistant Principal Krista Roll making our deliveries door-to-door!  So much fun!!            

Thanks, once again, for continuing to pray for me, to send me emails of encouragement, to love me, and to support me!  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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