Saturday, October 4, 2014

Continued Reminders of the Importance of Relationships!!

I often take for granted the importance of relationships and relationship building.  That really has been my life - making and building relationships!  But it is so easy to forget the importance of relationships - especially in our society today where it is so easy to forget about relationships and developing them when I want everything fast and tend to want things and people I can dispose of as needed.  I have to be reminded often that building relationships is something that takes time, and relationships cannot be discarded just because it is taking too long.  This week I was once again reminded of just how important relationships are and that they take time.

It was a week of renewing some relationships, continuing some and realizing how important relationships are.  First, our headmaster, Ray Johnson, shared a YISS Staff photo with us.  I actually took a look at the one he sent on Friday, which was a day off for YISS staff and students.  It was Korea's National Foundation Day (Gaecheon-jeol) which commemorates the legendary founding of the Korean nation in 2333 BC by Tangun.  As I looked at the photo, I was reminded of how important these people are in my life and how they continue to help me grow.  Then I reflected on other places where I have served and was reminded once again of the powerful impact that staff and students in all of these places have had on my life.  I could go on and on, but I trust you will not take for granted all of those beautiful people God has put in your life to encourage and admonish you and help you to grow to be more like Him.

YISS 2014-15 Teachers and Administrators

Early in the week YISS was visited by Pete Simano, one of the leaders from the NICS home office. Pete spent some time sharing from his experience about Staff Development, Leadership and Discipline.  I had the privilege of being in two of his sessions and was once again reminded of the value of relationships.

On Tuesday afternoon right before one of the most hectic times of the day at YISS (Dismissal between 2:55 and 3:30 PM), I looked up from my desk and there stood Matthew !  Many of you have been praying for Matthew ever since I met him my first year at YISS.  Matthew is a senior this year (so hard to believe) and he was dressed in a suit and tie.  He was wearing a beautiful smile and just wanted to talk about plans for next year.  I stopped what I was doing and spent some time with Matthew.  Continue to pray for him as he is seeking colleges that would have an Air Force R.O.T.C. program.  If any of you reading this know of any, please send them my way.  Matthew is doing so much better and I am grateful that God allowed us to connect when Matthew was in 8th grade at YISS.

Matthew and GGG in the Elementary Office.  Matthew is wearing
            his senior picture suit and tie!  Looking very sharp!

Matthew wanted to take a silly picture...and so did I! :-)  He selected
a pose of his doing the "Gangnam Style" dance!  Yes, we are crazy!!

Wednesday was Elementary Picture Day!  Elementary students had their pictures taken for the YISS Yearbook.  As I watched students come to the Photo room, I reflected on my early days in elementary school and the influence of my family and teachers on those early years.  I often get exhausted and want to give up building relationships with these young cherubs, but God used Picture Day to help me realize that there are still many children who need adults in their lives!

Right in the middle of Picture Day, and a busy time of working with a staff member who is assisting me with the work involved with the After School Activities Program, I received a phone call from the front desk.  I was informed that I had some unannounced visitors who would like to say hello.  It really was not a good time for me, but I went to the front desk and there stood Phil and Mary Parsons!  I had not seen them since I had taken a group of students from Cairn University on a mission trip to The Philippines back in 1995.  I met them first at Camp Berea in New Hampshire. Once again, a reminder of the beauty of relationships.  I didn't have a lot of time with Phil and Mary, but was able to catch up a bit and introduce them to two YISS staff who that knew during their time of ministry in Honduras.

Here I am with our Elementary Chaplain, Carol Franck, and Mary and Phil Parsons.  Phil and Mary are now serving at the CMML (Christian Missions in Many Lands) home office in New Jersey.  So good to be reconnected with them!

I forget the actual day, but early in the week I received a package I had been waiting for!  Through Facebook I was able to connect with a former student when I was Headmaster at Mercer Christian Academy.  I was so happy to reconnect with Rob Joseph.  At MCA it was evident that Rob had some excellent artistic talent!  He and I had started a relationship back then but it had drifted ever since I left.  I was thrilled to see some of his art work on Facebook.  I saw a couple that really were very beautiful and I wrote to him to ask how I could purchase them.  We have been talking on Facebook and reconnecting!  And yes, the package included the two pieces I had ordered.  I am having them framed and one will be in my office and one at home as reminders to pray for Rob.  I am going to share one of Rob's paintings here.

I really like this painting by Rob Joseph!

As I mentioned to you, Friday was a Korean holiday and YISS did not have school.  After many weeks of not being able to meet, a former SYME student and my wonderful friend and brother, Gunmo Kim were able to meet for lunch!  These are always special times in building our relationship.  Friday was no different.  What a great time of fun and fellowship we enjoyed.  I continue to learn more about the work that Gunmo is doing with GrapeSEED.  GrapeSEED publishes curriculum for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners located in 17 countries.  Gunmo works very closely with the principals of schools in Korea - especially getting resources to kindergarten and first grade teachers.  For those of you who are on Gunmo's email prayer letter list, he should be sending you an email soon with more details about his ministry.  Gunmo has moved into his own apartment now since his sister's home was getting filled with children!  Please continue to pray for Gunmo and his job as well as his relationship with his girl friend.  Continue to pray for his father to come to know the Lord.

There is a new Tourist Information booth in Itaewon!  Gunmo and
             I decided to get our picture taken at the booth! :-)

Then we went to enjoy lunch at Busan Galbi.  We enjoyed this Kimchi Pancake and side dishes + Bulgogi Stew.  Sooooo yummy!

Here we are preparing to enjoy our feast at the window seat overlooking
some of Itaewon.                                      

Here is the very tasty Bulgogi Stew!!

Saturday evening I enjoyed another time of building some relationships!  I was invited by Yeongmin and our newly wed friends, Sungmin and Soohee, to have a very yummy Samgyeopsal (Grilled Pork Belly) barbecue in Daebang.  The newly weds had recently returned from their honeymoon to Guam and wanted to get together with me to catch up and continue getting to know each other.  We had a wonderful time together - eating, laughing, and just enjoying one another!

Here we are preparing to enjoy a most delicious Samgyeopsal!  Left to right: Sungmin, Soohee, GGG, and Yeongmin!

 This little Korean restaurant in Daebang is owned and
operated by this lovely husband and wife!  They treated
        us like special people and were so much fun!

This is our table's grill in the center of the table.  Sungmin had just placed the pork belly, garlic, mushrooms, and kimchi on the grill and the fragrant aroma was just beginning!

A few new strips of pork along with the cut up grilled 
pieces, garlic, kimchi and mushrooms now ready for 
preparing in one of the green leaves and popping into
out waiting mouths!!  Soooo tasty!              

Sungmin and Soohee brought me this box of Chocolate covered Macadamia Nuts from Guam!!

Thank you so much for allowing me to be in a relationship with you.  I hope you will continue building relationships with those God brings into you life - young and/or old!  Thank you for your encouragement, love, prayers, notes, and support!

Love, Gregg

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