Saturday, November 22, 2014

Another Active Week at YISS; Pause for Thanksgiving!!

Yes, it was another week full of active involvement with teachers, parents, and students at YISS!  But it was also a time for me to just pause and reflect on all that the Lord has done for me and continues to do for me!  American Thanksgiving will be celebrated this coming Thursday.  YISS will have school that day, but off on Friday, November 28.  This past week I have been taking time each evening and then this weekend to thank God for so much!  I have an amazing family, awesome and encouraging friends, an opportunity to be involved daily in the lives of children, teens, and people of all ages!  My needs are met and often many of my "wants."  This year during this time of Thanksgiving and Christmas I have been trying to be more observant of those who are in need or are hurting or just need a smile or an encouraging word.  Please pray that I will continue this throughout the next few very busy weeks.  I trust you will take some time to express your gratitude and look for opportunities to encourage someone or share with someone or a family.  Often it only takes a minute or two of our time.  I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!!

This past week was a very active week!  Tuesday and Thursday evenings were the Parent meetings held quarterly through our PTO and the elementary principal.  The main topic this quarter was our new Math curriculum.  Two of our teachers shared concerning this curriculum and gave great ideas for parents in order to help their children in positive and encouraging ways.  Rehearsals were in full swing for the first elementary Christmas concert to be held on Wednesday, November 26.  It will feature our Kindergarten and Grade 1 children! I had the pleasure of observing a couple of the rehearsals this week. I am so excited!  They are so enthusiastic as they sing and tell the story of Christmas. I will have pictures after their concert on Wednesday.

Quarter Two After School Activities continued in full swing plus I began preparations for Quarter Three activities.  The wife of our 5A teacher is such a great help to me in these preparations!  Abby Williamson has been working with me on all of the logistics and prep work that goes into these activities each quarter.  On Monday I went to meet with one of our Ed Tech people, Mr. Pitts to discuss how we could work on making the online registration smoother.  He had some excellent news!  Google had just instituted a new Google App which will be soooooo wonderful!  This new app can be combined with our online registration forms so that when an activity reaches its maximum number of students, it will close automatically and generate a personal email to the parents giving confirmation details, payment information, and dates of the activity!  It will also indicate on the website that the activity that the it is closed, BUT there will be a note with a link to a form where the parents can add their child to a "Waiting List" for that activity.  When I learned of formLimiter and Form Notifications, I let out a very loud happy cheer!  You have to realize that the tech office is located next to the Secondary Media Center where students are to be quiet!  I scared a number of students and teachers, and quickly apologized! :-)  Now I just have to relax and quit worrying about whether this will actually work when registration begins on January 15 for Quarter Three.  You can pray for the old man, who continues to learn more than I ever thought I would about technology!

Speaking of my assistant, Abby, she celebrated her birthday on Thursday.  Her hubby in 5A asked me to be part of a surprise his class of cherubs had planned for Mrs. Williamson.  It worked well and Abby was very surprised.  Here are a few pictures of the event:

         The first picture of Abby as she is greeted by Grade 5A!

Abby still appears to be stunned by the students' surprise!  She was so happy!

Students bringing special gifts to Abby.  Mr. Williamson       
is enjoying being able to be part of this birthday surprise!       

Mr. Williamson presented Abby with a cupcake with a mini candle on it.  Here is Abby blowing out the candle's flame!

This past month YISS staff have been praying for several of the NICS schools around the world.  My friend, Tony Kuhn, teaches at one of the three Korean NICS' schools in Pyeongtaek.  In our staff lounge, there were pictures and prayer needs for the schools we are praying for.  I wanted to share the list for Pyeongtaek International Christmas School.  Thank you for joining me in praying for Tony and his wife, Sue, as they serve with the other staff at PICS.

I know the staff at Pyeongtaek International Christian School would appreciate your prayers.

In addition to all of the activities this past week, elementary teachers were preparing Progress Report Grades for their students.  All teachers had completed their grades prior to the deadline so that administrators could check to see if they were all set in the computer program to email to parents.  I continue to be so thankful for the great teachers we have at YISS!

I wanted to let those of you who have been praying for my wonderful friend, Matthew.  Matthew was one of the first Middle School students I befriended when he was in 8th grade.  He has struggled with depression, but returned this year with a great spirit.  We have been talking a lot about his goals for next year.  I can't believe he is a Senior already and will be graduating.  He continues to be interested in attending a university or college that will allow him to be part of an Air Force or Army R.O.T.C. program.  Thank you for continuing to pray for this wonderful young man.  Here is one of my favorite pictures of Matthew and me.

GGG and Matthew!

Friday was a busy day with Chapels and OASIS assembly.  I was involved in reading a book in the OASIS assembly.  The kids love when I read to them.  In addition, there was a puppet skit in each Chapel and OASIS assembly on the fruit of the Spirit.  The kids involved in the Puppet Ministry after school activity work on these skits each week.  The students in Puppet Ministry are 4th and 5th grade students who have participated in our Discipleship after school activity.  The two on Friday did an awesome job with their puppets!  The kids enjoyed the skit and heard that the foundation of that fruit is love - that love that comes from God.  Enjoy some pictures from the puppet skit on Friday.


Saturday I finally got to hear the Yonsei University Men's Glee Club!  They are a wonderful group and I have been wanting to hear them for 2 years.  I always get information about the dates of their concerts too late.  This year I became friends through facebook with the conductor and he made sure I knew the date of this year's 30th Anniversary concert. After wanting to hear them live, and only being able to see and hear some video clips, I attended an awesome concert tonight at Yonsei University! I heard one of my very favorite men's glee clubs tonight!! They were tremendous!! They were joined by the ladies of the Ewha Chorus, the Magnificat Children's Choir, and Sweet Sorrow!! It was definitely a splendid evening conducted by my friend (meeting and talking on facebook), Conductor Eric Shinhaeng Lee! I loved the "Nothin' Like a Dame" selection from the musical "South Pacific." I sang this in Esquires (way back) in the Chambersburg Area Senior High School Glee Club, but this was the first I heard it in Korean!! The first part of the program included three songs that I thought were really quite well done: Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Witness, and Amazing Grace!

Above is my friend, Conductor Lee and me after the concert!

     This Yonsei Glee Club member is actually the 
   president of the Club and he came looking for me
     after the concert.  He said that I have become a 
     celebrity among the men in club because of my 
    comments on facebook encouraging the men and 
                                their music!

Here I am with one of the First Tenors in the group!  

Since I was not able to take any videos or pictures during the concert, these pictures on the program will have to do!

        Page one of Saturday evening's concert!

Page two of the program for Saturday's concert!   

Several of the parents from YISS invited me to a Thanksgiving meal and celebration on Sunday, November 23.  I am excited to be able to attend this Thanksgiving experience.  I really miss family times that I enjoyed with my family growing up in Pennsylvania.  This will help me to really get into the Thanksgiving and Christmas mood! :-)  More about this event and others with pictures next week.

I want to leave you with a prayer request for my dear friend, Jin Seok.  His grandfather has been suffering from dementia over the last year or so.  Jin Seok contacted me early this past week to let me know that his grandfather passed away.  Jin Seok left his work in Incheon to head down to Busan to be with his family during this time.  I know he would really value your prayers.

Here is another prayer item for you.  South Korea has one of the highest rates of suicide in the world. Below is an article that appeared in The Korea Herald on Monday, November 17.  I believe you will be able to read most of the article from the photo below.  My heart is heavy for South Korea at this time particularly.  Your prayers are appreciated - especially as I have opportunity to speak with students and parents concerning the hope we have in Jesus.

Your prayers for South Korea are greatly appreciated!!

Especially at this special time of Thanksgiving, I want to thank you so much for your continued love, encouragement, prayers, and support!  You are so special to me!  Please enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!


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