Saturday, November 15, 2014

Half Way Through November and Another Very Busy Week!!

I continue to be surprised how quickly time seems to fly by!  Here we are in the middle of November, approaching American Thanksgiving, and it just seems like we started this school year.  This past week was an extremely busy one with lots of readjusted schedules for our elementary teachers and students in the Elementary School.

YISS adopted a new Math curriculum for this school year and we were able to secure a Math elementary teacher from Singapore to give some valuable workshops to our elementary teachers on Friday and Saturday.  She will also be meeting with each of our grade level teams on Monday to give additional instruction.  This will be so valuable to our teachers.  This opportunity came suddenly and right in the middle of our Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) in the elementary school.  This is a week our Elementary Chaplain organizes each November for our students.  This year we were to have Mr. Peter Schriemer join us for the theme of "Our Super Natural World."  He had an emergency at the last minute and could not fly to Seoul from the North Central part of the USA so Mrs. Franck worked together with him on the use of some video clips he made specifically for YISS as well as videos that he has filmed and produced on all sorts of creatures in nature and how God has designed and created them specifically for the purpose He created them.  Then on Friday we had a live Skype visit with him with our students, who had created MANY questions for him.  In addition to the Math Workshops and SEW assemblies on Friday, there was the YISS PTO Volunteer Appreciation Brunch!  With so many events happening all week - especially on Friday - Friday's schedule had to be drastically changed and we had to use many of our related arts teachers as substitutes so that our regular classroom teachers could be involved in the Math Curriculum workshops.  I was involved in the PTO Appreciation Brunch in the AM and then all afternoon was in the Library with 4 groups of cherubs ranging in numbers from 60 to 175 cherubs at one time.  I had such a great time with students in grades K through 5 all afternoon as I read some of my favorite books to them and interacted with them as I read.

Two more items made the week even busier!  On Wednesday we learned that our Grade 3D teacher, Mrs. Biersteker, learned that her father had passed away.  Mrs. Biersteker had traveled home to Canada last year when he had become very sick.  She has taken a couple days off and may need more time later.  I know she would value your prayers.  Teachers were also preparing Progress Reports for their students for Quarter Two.  They are due at the beginning of this next week so I know they would appreciate your prayers.

In the middle of this busy week I received a special package in the mail as well as a special visit from a friend who teaches at our sister school in Pyeongtaek, South Korea!  For a few years now my one sister, Gae, knits scarves and hats for our Elementary Compassion Club to distribute through their "Bundle Up" project for the homeless at Seoul Station.  I had received Gae's scarves earlier and then this week I received 19 more scarves and caps from my dear friends, Ken and Judy Kiesler.  Judy knits scarves and caps throughout the year and sends them to me for our Compassion Club kids to distribute when they go to Seoul Station.  Below is a picture of the scarves and caps Judy and Gae have sent for our use this year.  Our "Bundle Up" day will be on December 13 this year.  Thanks for praying!

Scarves and caps in my office!  Getting ready for our distribution on December 13th!

On Thursday morning I was in the lobby of YISS speaking with a staff member from our Business Office when my friend, Jonathan Edwards, a teacher at Pyeongtaek International Christian School, tapped me on the shoulder.  I was so surprised.  I did not know he was coming to YISS.  Jonathan was at YISS for 2 days observing some of our Middle School Science teachers for his Master's program.  He asked if we could go to dinner on Thursday.  I was delighted and we met after school around 5:30 and headed to one of my favorite restaurants, Suji's in Itaewon.  We had a very special time together as we ate some yummy meals and had some great conversation.  Would you please pray for Jonathan and his wife, Laura, as they are in the process of adopting a child from Uganda? I know they would appreciate it!

Jonathan and I enjoying our time together with yummy food at Suji's!!

Here are some pictures from the YISS PTO Volunteer Appreciation Brunch on Friday. This is always a special time to give special thanks to all of those who volunteer at YISS!  It is a great time of fellowship, tasty food, games, special music, etc.  Here are a few pictures from the event!

 The scrumptious Brunch Buffet for the YISS

Three of my favorite desserts at the Brunch!!  Oh my, they were soooo tasty!!  But I was a good boy!

YISS Headmaster, Ray Johnson, welcoming the volunteers!!  

In case you can't read the letters, some of our YISS elementary cherubs spelled out their message to the volunteers!  It reads "THANK YOU!"  The volunteers loved them!

As I mentioned, this was the week for our Elementary SEW.  It is always a great time and it takes lots of work and organization from Mrs. Franck as well as all of our teachers and staff.  It would be great if you could witness one of these weeks in person.  This week on Friday when Mr. Schriemer Skyped with the students, there were so many great questions about God, our Creator from the students.  It was a very good week!  Here are a few pictures from the week.  I posted a couple video clips of their singing on Facebook should you care to check them out.


As previously mentioned, I enjoyed my Friday afternoon reading a number of books to our cherubs in each of the grades.  It was a full afternoon of interaction and fun and learning.  I was getting so excited reading some of my favorite books that I almost lost my voice, but I survived with God's help and some cool water and my Vitamin C Drops. :-)  Here are a few pictures for you.

In Kinder and Grade 1 I read a new Mo Willems' book on manners!

I told the Kinder and First Grade angels that they would be the first group to hear me read my favorite new book, The Book With No Pictures, by B. J. Novak.  You can see that there are no pictures in the above photo!  They had not heard of the book and I was thrilled with their responses.  They were so involved with me as I read and interacted with them.  So much fun!!  They wanted me to read more books without the pictures! :-)

More reading to Kinder cherubs!                  

In Grades 2 and 3 I read one of my favorite books by my friends, Frances and Ginger Park.  They are sisters who are authors.  This particular book is The Royal Bee, an inspired fiction book based on the life of their grandfather in Korea.  Their grandfather eventually got married and then went to China as a missionary.  The kids loved the book!  If you haven't read it, I recommend it.

  In Grades 4 and 5, I read another of my favorites by the Park
sisters - My Freedom Trip: A Child's Escape from North Korea.
   Again, an inspired fiction book based on the life of the Park
sisters' mother and her escape from North Korea to South Korea
 where she met her husband.  The kids were so interested and
 at the end many were clapping and/or crying.  Again, I would
                recommend it to you for your reading.

Plans are in progress for two special events coming up!  One is the author visit to our children in Grades K - 3.  Darren Farrell will be coming for several interactive sessions on November 27. Darren has written two books and is coming to a close on his third book. The kids love him and he wanted to specifically come to YISS because he wants to get ideas for illustrations for his new book from our children.  Darren is an author as well as an illustrator.  Then we will have a Winter Book Fair this year instead of the Fall Book Fair.  There were some complications with the dates in the Fall so we will have a Winter Book Fair between December 3 and 5.  The kids are already excited about it.  Our YISS kids LOVE to read!

One of the posters throughout YISS announcing the Winter Book Fair!

It is getting cold in Seoul!  I am staying warm though!  Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, prayers, and support.  Enjoy the rest of November!

Love, Gregg

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