Saturday, December 26, 2015

Relationships Continue to be so Important!

Christmas has always been a wonderful time for me!  I loved our times together as a family growing up and being taught how important relationships are.  I learned early from my parents and grandparents about the most beautiful relationships ever; that relationship that allowed my nasty sin nature to be redeemed and restored by God sending His Son to be born to die so that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!  A friend and colleague of mine at YISS, Mrs. Vicky Deetlefs, shared the following image that I found to be so powerful!  I will post it here without any words.  Take some time to look at the various details in the painting.  I end up each time expressing, "Thank you, God!"


I also believe that we are to build relationships with those God brings into our lives throughout our lives.  Christmas has always been a special time when I can renew relationships that started years ago as well as relationships just begun.  This past week was a special time of relationships.  I spent some time at YISS working on Quarter Three After School Activities and Teachers' Grades and Comments, but also made time to meet some great friends I had made here in South Korea.  I will share some of those delightful times with you this week in my post.

On Monday, I was able to meet my Muslim friend and alum of YISS, Alwarith.  Alwarith is studying at the University of Nebraska and always makes a point  to come and see me when he is back in Korea.  His Dad is the Ambassador from Oman to South Korea.  Alwarith and I had a delightful visit on Monday at Los Amigos.  Alwarith continues to ask me questions about my faith and it's exciting to me that he always comes looking for me when he is back in Korea.  I am excited for Alwarith and when you think of him, please pray that he will come to experience Jesus Christ.  He still has three brothers at YISS who are also good friends of mine.  I am thankful for a number of Muslim students that have become good friends and they keep coming by my office to talk.  Thank you for remembering these young men.

Alwarith wanted this picture with our arms folded .  He said that is how Mexicans sit for pictures. :-)  We are preparing to eat our yummy Mexican dishes!

Then August, our server and my good friend, wanted each of us to pose wearing a sombrero!

Wednesday I met with a fine young man who is very eager to follow the Lord.  Jace is a graduate of YISS as well and is studying at Washington University in St, Louis.  We have developed a great relationship and spent Wednesday evening at On the Border talking and sharing what God has been teaching us.  Jace has a real heart for the people in North Korea as well.  He has been given the opportunity to study at Oxford University during this next semester.  Please pray for Jace as he leaves on January 6 for the United Kingdom and Oxford.  He is a bit nervous and worried, but also excited to see what God has in store for him.

Here I am with my great friend, Jace, preparing to eat our very tasty OTB dinners!

     This is one of my favorites at On The Border!!

Jace chose the Southwest Tacos with a double order 
of rice!  Also very tasty!                    

Christmas Eve day was an exciting one.  I first made a new friend and have already started building that new relationship.  I discovered a new eating establishment in Itaewon!  "The Original Pancake House" - started in Portland, Oregon in 1953 - has come to Itaewon!  I had breakfast on Christmas Eve day on the first day it opened.  I was there at 10 AM when it opened and was the fifth person to enter.  The owner, Joon, welcomed me and starting asking all about me and what I did.  We had a great time getting to know each other.  I actually came back on Christmas Day for breakfast and we continued our conversations.  I look forward to getting to know Joon!

  GGG preparing to eat a most delicious breakfast at The Original
                             Pancake House in Itaewon!

My first, but not last, breakfast at The Original Pancake House!!

Here I am with Joon, the owner of both Pancake Houses (or do I say Pancake Homes?) in Seoul!

Placemat giving a little history of The Original Pancake House - started in 1953 in Oregon!

Then on Christmas Eve, my wonderful friend of 7 years,  Jungmin, invited me to Christmas Eve dinner at a new Italian restaurant, Cucciolo's, very close to my apartment.  I always love the conversations I have with this intelligent, insightful, and caring believer.  Our conversations range from some lighthearted chats to some very deep discussions.  Please continue to pray for Jungmin as he seeks to follow the Lord.

My excellent friend, Jungmin, and I at Cucciolo's on Christmas Eve!

Our yummy pasta dinners!  One of the two service gifts we were
given is between the pasta dishes.  They were very tasty Risotto
                        Balls with a spicy dipping sauce!

Although we Jungmin had made reservations, they asked us to move
our seats twice.  Each time we received a service gift!  This was our 
second one: a very delicious homemade Tiramisu!!!                    

Christmas Day was a beautiful day for me.  I woke up and opened some gifts from family and friends back in the USA.  That was fun and gave me opportunities to remember wonderful memories I have of all those who sent me some gifts.  Then I opened my email and discovered that my one sister was given an iPhone for Christmas by her son.  She gave her new number so I decided to call her on her new phone.  Julee answered but had trouble hearing and I kept hearing her ask her son, Adam and his wife, Wendy, how to work the volume, etc.  Then she hung up! :-(  I called back and she had learned what to do and we had a delightful conversation.  She and her hubby, Leigh, had traveled to Los Angeles to spend Christmas with Adam and Wendy.  It was Christmas Eve when I was talking to them and they were in the car driving to some special event.  It was wonderful to talk with all four of them on Julee's new phone!

After some walking and reflection and reading, I came home and prepared to have Christmas dinner in the evening with my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin.  He had selected a place we had eaten at one other time but we both forgot exactly when it was. :-)  It is a restaurant called Olea Kitchen & Grocery near my apartment.  We had the Christmas Set B dinner which included yummy bread, tasty asparagus soup, a huge Prawn and Avocado Salad, delicious Crab Pasta, and then a perfectly prepared Steak with Mushrooms and some Mashed Potatoes.  I would ask you to continue to pray for Yeongmin that he would come to know Jesus.  We had a great time together as usual.

Yeongmin and I enjoying our delicious Christmas dinner at Olea Kitchen & Grocery!

   The huge Prawn and Avocado Salad!  Yummy!

Our tasty Crab Pasta!

Our perfectly prepared Medium Steak with Mushrooms, etc.     

Thank you so much for all of your greetings in various ways over this Christmas season.  I would appreciate your prayers as I continue to do some work at YISS in order to complete the Quarter Three After School Activities four our students in the elementary school.  I am hoping to get away for three days and two nights to a beautiful and quaint little place on the eastern shore of South Korea on January 4 - 6.  One of our teaching assistants at YISS told me about "Hotel November" and I am really looking forward to my stay there.  Thank you for your faithful love, care, emails, encouragement, packages, prayers, and support.  I trust that you and your family will experience a very special New Year in 2016!

Love,  Gregg

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Quarter Two Ends; Christmas Break Begins!!

The last week of Quarter Two was certainly a busy one!  So many culminating activities, as well as many class visits to the Elementary Office to bring Christmas wishes and cards and songs!  I love Christmas and this past week was such a good one to end Quarter Two!  Teachers and administrators are tired and ready for a break.  Students were excited to be able to have three weeks of family time and rest!  Teachers still have to complete grades and comments for their cherubs for Quarter Two. Some completed them before heading to various locations for the Christmas Break.  They just wanted to enjoy a time of refreshment and relaxation with family and friends.  I will be staying nearby Seoul so that I can complete the preparations for Quarter Three After School Activities. Lots to do, but now I will have quietness in my office except for the Christmas music I will play while completing all of the many things that need to be accomplished in order to have a smooth online registration the first week students return after the Break.  Your prayers are appreciated.  I will still have some time to refresh and take some short trips as well as meet with some of my Korean friends as well as meet with some of the YISS alumni who are back from the States for their Christmas Break. I always enjoy those times.  When you think of it, I would appreciate your prayers as I meet with one of our alumni young men, Alwarith.  His Dad is the Ambassador from Oman to South Korea.  Alwarith came to my office on Friday to let me know he is home and wants to meet.  We will be meeting on Monday around 3:00 (Korean time).  He always has some great questions and I love our conversations.

OK, you should have read in the email letting you know this post is ready concerning the decision that I have made for 2016-17.  I am excited and would value your prayers as I make the transition.  I will be sharing more in the future as soon as the YISS administration informs teachers and parents. Thank you, once again, for not posting anything on facebook or other social media concerning this decision.  Thanks for praying.

This may be the last post I will write for 2015 (not sure yet) so I am going to make it as brief as possible and try to let the pictures do most of the talking.  I am going to place the links for the three elementary concerts that I did not give you the link to as of yet.  Here are the links for the Grades 1 & 2 concert, Grades 3 & 4 concert, and Grade 5 concert. The reason for this special season was made very clear to the "standing room only" audiences at each of the concerts!  Here are the links where you can few each of the above-mentioned concerts when you have 30 minutes to an hour:

*  Link for the concert for Grades 1 & 2:

*  Link for the concert for Grades 3 & 4:

*  Link for the concert for Grade 5:


Here are a few highlights from this past week:

*  Grade 2's Writing Celebration - On Tuesday morning the children in Grade 2 had a Writing Celebration to read the stories they had written on their favorite country.  They have been working on writing non-fiction stories and it was so exciting to see how their writing is developing so well. Enjoy some pictures of this celebration on Tuesday:

Welcome sign in the MPR where Grade 2 set up its Writing Celebration for their Non-Fiction Writers!

This was part of the celebration assignment!

  There were chairs set up all around the MPR and students would
   go to various students to hear them read about the country they 
                                             had selected!

Our Library Media Specialist, Ms. Henspeter, listening to one of the second grade girls!

Love this picture!  These boys are twins but in two 
different sections of second grade.  Here the one is 
reading his book to his brother!             

Another of my favorites!  Noah was passionately reading his book to these three boys who were obviously very interested. 

This young lady was so wonderful as she read her
  story to me!  She kept looking up to see if I was 
                       listening to her! :-)

This is me with Jeffrey!  He read it, but then wanted me to 
read his book to him! :-)                       

*  Christmas Dress Down Day - Wednesday was a day when students and teachers were encouraged to come to school dressed in Christmas outfits and colors!  Such a fun time.  The kids and teachers loved it!  Here are a few pictures of the kids and teachers.

  One of the fourth grade boys with his Christmas
                       hat and his usual smile!

A little blurry but a weefie of Ms. Weir and GGG's Christmas fun stuff!

Ms. Weir again with two second graders with their Christmas sweaters and caps!  If you look closely at Ms. Weir's sweater, it reads, "Elfie Selfie."  It took some a long time to figure it out! :-)

Grade 2A teacher, Ms. Minor, arranged the back of her head hair to look like Rudolph!  Very clever!

  Grade 5D teacher, Mr. Benedict, with his Jingle 
                              Bells' Beard! :-)

A weefie with Mrs. Roll.  She wanted a picture of me with my Rudolph glasses!

*  Grade 1B Christmas Story TimeThe Tiny Star as well as telling them the story of my stuffed dog, who recently was given a name after 64 years without one.  The children loved the telling of how I was given Faith (that is the name chosen for my dog because of how faithful she has been as well as how Faith reminds me of all that my parents taught me about faith in God and His son, Jesus).  They also met the only remaining puppy of Faith. He is a little black one, who was given the name recently of Zippy, because of the zipper on the back of Faith.  Pull the zipper back to find out where Zippy lives. They loved hearing all about my 64-year-old Faith and Zippy!  We had a great time in 1B!

GGG in Grade 1B telling my story about my stuffed dog, Faith, and
   one of her remaining puppies, Zippy, to the eager first graders!

After relating about Faith and Zippy and my parents, I read The Tiny
Star to these eager cherubs!  They loved hearing this story which led
to the birth of Jesus.  Lots of questions throughout and at the end!  

Mrs. Miller, Grade 1B teacher, and GGG with these delightful cherubs!  Some of you may recognize the little man on my right.  That is George!  He was the one who had the privilege of smearing a pie in my face last year at the Read-A-Thon!  He absolutely loved it and we have built a great relationship.  He says that he is already preparing a pie for my face again! :-)

*  Special Visits to the Elementary Office - There were a number of visits to the elementary office from various classes throughout the week. They came bearing cards and usually a song.  The songs have been posted on facebook if you wish to hear them.  I had visits from Grades KA, KB, KC, 2B, 3D, and 5D.  I posted some music videos of 2B, 3D, and 5D on facebook.  I was not present when KC stopped by so I have no pictures of their visit.  Below are some pictures from the visits from KA and KB.  I always love these special visits from the cherubs!

Here is KA in the Elementary Office singing a Christmas Carol for
  the principals and Mrs. Yoo, our secretary!  They were so cute!

Here I am with some of the KA students in the office.  The little man to my right always greets me every morning with his big smile and dancing eyes.  His name is Eli and he was the one chosen to give me the Christmas Card, a photo of KA around the YISS Christmas tree, and the little art work I am holding that they had made for me.

The Chrismas card and the photo of KA at the Christmas tree!   

KB also came for a visit to the office.  Here they are with their teacher, Ms. Han.  They wanted to do a silly Christmas pose!  :-)

They also presented me with some cards they had made! Here are
 two that made me almost laugh out loud, but I controlled it until 
                            they left the office!  So cute!

Three more cards with interesting spellings of "Mr. Garman." :-)

*  Friday Christmas Assembly - We also closed the week on Friday with a Christmas Assembly for all of the 460 elementary students in Kinder through Grade 5.  Lots of great Christmas music, skits, a fun version of The Twelve Days of Christmas where each grade, the teachers, and the principals each had a part.  The kids loved it.  Our small group of fifth graders who took the Grade 5 orchestra after school activity in Quarter Two performed.  Our elementary chaplain announced the final total for our Elementary Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon back at the end of October.  Our students raised a grand total of 10,313,560  KRW by collecting only 100 Won coins.  In USD that is about $8,800!  The kids were so excited since that money will be given to an organization in Cambodia called Rahab's House.  They are working to stop the sex trafficking and slavery  among the Cambodian children and young teens and giving them a school to learn about the Lord.

   Music Teacher for Grades K-2, Ms. Weir, had a group of young
     cherubs come up to show the motions for one of their favorite 
  Christmas concert songs, The Best Present Ever!  It was great to
hear all 460 kids singing this lively song about Jesus in the assembly!

The kids were really excited when Ms. Johnson, Elementary    
Chaplain, projected the total amount of Korean Won that the kids
collected for our Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon!                  

I was really proud of this small group who performed in the Christmas Assembly.  There were four fifth graders in this After School Activity in Quarter Two, but one was not able to be present at Friday's assembly.  They still performed and Ms. Ohnstad, our high school orchestra teacher sat in and played with them.

One of the difficult things at an international school is that families come and you become very close and then they are assigned to another country and have to leave.  Friday, one of the families who arrived shortly after I arrived at YISS came into the office to inform us that they had been reassigned. They spoke so highly of the school and all their two children grew in their education as well as their character because of the teachers and administrators.  Their son is in Grade 5 this year and the daughter is in 9th grade and both are taking this departure very hard - especially the daughter. Thank you for praying for them as they adjust to a new school.  Please pray that what they heard about Jesus will take root in their young lives.

Here are Mr. and Mrs. Kidwai on Friday with Mrs. Krista Roll and me in the Elementary Office.  They came to get the withdrawal papers and proceeded to share with Krista and me how difficult it is for them to leave YISS where their two children have had such a great experience.  They invited us to visit them and they said there would always be a place to stay when would come to visit them in their home country.  Thanks for praying for this lovely family!

You continue to be very special to me!  Thank you for your love, care, encouragement, prayers, and support.  I trust that you and your family and friends will enjoy a very meaningful Christmas this year!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Final Week Coming Up! So Much to Do!

This last week was a busy and exciting one, but there is one more to go before YISS faculty and staff get a much-needed break!  Please pray that all of us will finish well.  This week I am gong to be posting many pictures and not quite as much writing.  I believe the pictures with a few captions will tell the week's story for you.  I am hoping to get everything finished so that I can post this at my normal day and time. :-)

First, I have to tell and show you I surprise I received when I returned home from work on Monday and there was this large package at the bottom of my apartment stairs.  I usually do not have packages mailed to my apartment so I was really surprised.  The only thing in English on the address label was "Gregg."  Everything else was in Korean.  I opened it and inside was a beautiful note in Korean and a large box of Jeju oranges - known as some of the better tasting oranges around.  They were from my dear friends - recently married - Gunmo and Sujin Kim!!  I immediately sent a text message to Gunmo thanking him for such a great surprise!  They had sent them from Jeju Island while they were on their honeymoon!  What a special treat from some very special lovebirds!

Jeju oranges from Gunmo & Sujin!  The note and gift were a thank you to Jungmin and me for doing such a nice job at their wedding.

Monday:  Grade One's Culture Day - Enjoy these pictures from a wonderful afternoon in our large Multipurpose Room. All four sections had a culture day and so many parents came and many of our other students came to experience these first grade cherubs share the culture of their country.  There were games, food, clothing, history, maps, language, books, and many other items on display.  The first graders did an outstanding job of sharing their home culture.

I hope the above pictures gave you a little glimpse into the many cultures represented in our Grade 1 classes!  I loved seeing them teach other students about their country and culture.  Everyone loved seeing the different forms of dress, yummy food, artifacts, maps, etc.  It was a great day!!

Tuesday:  Grade 5 Christmas Concert

In a week filled with many teacher observations - especially for those who wish to apply for the next level of teacher advancement - Grade 5 students under the direction of Ms. Tori Palmer presented their Christmas concert, Glad Tidings We Bring." It was the fourth and final elementary Christmas concert for this season, and the fifth graders did a great job telling the story of Christmas!

                     A picture during final dress rehearsal.

Another dress rehearsal picture with one of the instrumentalists.   

The 5th Grade singers on Tuesday evening with two soloists.

This is Catarina, one of the narrators, with the 5th Grade cherubs!

The entire 5th Grade Choir with the Hand Chimes' Choir on Tuesday evening!

Wednesday:  Teacher Interviews for 2016-17

No pictures but Wednesday began interviews for possible elementary teachers for 2016-17.  There are not too many positions to be filled, but we need to begin early in order to secure the best candidates.  We interviewed two through Skype on Wednesday and then one more on Thursday. Please pray as we interview and make selections.

Thursday:  Lots of After School Activities, including Compassion Club

The highlight of After School Activities this week was Compassion Club's activity on Thursday. Under the direction of two teachers, Ms. Weir and Mrs. Lynch, the children in this club collected all of the scarves, caps, gloves, and socks that students brought in during a three-week period.  I also had a number of my family and friends who had either purchased or knitted scarves and caps send packages of goodies to be used!  Thanks so much!  The students collected sufficient to prepare 135 individual bags to be distributed on Saturday, December 12!  Saturday was a great experience for these little ones and their parents.  Many had never encountered a homeless person up close and personal.  I would love to have recorded their conversations as we debriefed at Dunkin' Donuts at Seoul Station.  Enjoy the pictures!  Thanks for your support and prayers!

Ketu and Nathan holding hand-knitted scarves and caps sent to
                us from my family and friends in the USA!

William also showing some of the handiwork from those back in the States!

Two more cherubs showing some of the homemade
scarves and caps!                     

Some of the 135 bags that the Compassion Club sorted to hand out at Seoul Station.

Thank you to family and friends who sent these beautiful creations!!
                            These were sets that matched!

Some more from my friends in the States that were   
single hand-knitted caps!                  

Sherfalli and Ketu bringing some of the boxes of clothing that were brought into school and placed in boxes outside elementary classroom doors!

These ladies were placing tags with Christmas greetings
(in English and Korean) on the bags once students had
                                packed them.

Assembly line in progress as students took gloves, socks, caps, and scarves from each pile to complete each bag.

The assembly line production continues!        

Saturday morning in Ms. Weir's classroom with Compassion Club members and their parents.  Ms. Weir was given a little introduction as to what they would experiences at Seoul Station.

Right after getting off the bus, Ms. Weir got the group together for final instructions.  The kids, and parents, were so excited about being part of this!

Here is one of our parents explaining the bags to these homeless ones at Seoul Station.

I loved watching Ketu and her mother deliver bags.  This gentleman
was sort of sleeping but the spoke to him and left the bag.  Later we
  saw him wake up, look in the bag and put the scarf and cap on and 
    placed the other items in his pockets.  Would like to have had a 
                      picture, but didn't want to be too intrusive.

Another group of homeless men enjoying their bags of clothing.

The person on the steps with white hair started opening the bag. (I thought she was
a lady, but wasn't sure.)  As she took each item out of the bag, she touched them,
smiled and began putting them on.                               

Here is the same person with her new cap and scarf on!

  You can see a little better in this picture that she has
  the scarf and cap on and is now putting on the gloves!
The person above is excited with his hand-knitted scarf,
              which matches his sweat pants!

When all 135 packages were given out, we went to the Dunkin' Donuts at Seoul Station and bought Hot Chocolate or Coffee for everyone and enjoyed a time of debriefing while munching on some donut holes.  What a great time we had listening to the children express their experiences.  One fifth grade girl had delivered all of her bags and a man came by and wanted to know if he could have one. The girl started to remove her boots and take her socks off because she wanted him to have something.  We told her how proud we were of her, but we would go and buy him some since we had run out.
Friday: Visit to my Delightful Foot Doctor

After a busy day at School on Friday, I went for my appointment with Dr. Park so that he could once again try to repair the corns and callouses on several of my toes.  He again did some laser work. They are somewhat better, but I am sure I will return.  Sure wish I could find shoes that fit me without causing the corns, etc. Hoping to see a specialist to see if he can give me any relief or get my some custom made shoes.  Thanks for your prayers.

Instead of putting some pictures of some of the After School Activities, I am going to give you a link to a brief article that I wrote along with the help of our Community Relations Director, Mrs. Jin Park.  It is highlighting some of our activities from Quarter Two.  Lots of work to do for Quarter Three activities and I would value your prayers.  Here is the link - hoping it will work for you.  Let me know if it does not.


As always, I want to thank you for continuing to love me and give me encouragement!  Thank you for your notes, emails, packages, prayers, and support.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg