Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas is in the Air!!

Yeppers, Christmas is in the air!!  On Thursday of this week we enjoyed our first real snow of the season!  We also enjoyed two more Christmas Concerts!  The week before this one we enjoyed a morning Christmas Concert by our Kindergarten cherubs.  On Tuesday, we enjoyed our 3rd and 4th grade students as they sang The Next Noel!  Then on Thursday evening, we were filled with joy by the 1st and 2nd grade cherubs as they performed Shepherd, Sheep and a Savior!  Both of this week's concerts were standing room only! Then on Saturday evening, many of us gathered at our Elementary Principal's apartment for our Elementary Staff Christmas party!  To make it even more like Christmas (at least the Christmases I spent growing up in Chambersburg, PA), the temperatures were at the freezing mark most of the week!

As I mentioned, the week before last we enjoyed our Kinder cherubs as they sang their delightful Christmas Concert on Thursday morning, November 29, which was actually American Thanksgiving Day.  They were so wonderful!  The camera I have been using has started producing videos with a shakiness throughout the video when I replay it.  I purchased a new camera, but have yet to set it up for proper use - too much going on and I need one of my Korean friends to help me set it up.  So, our sound technician and website person, Mr. Brian Beatty, took a video of the entire concert.  Here is the link to the Kindergarten Christmas concert.  I hope it doesn't give you any trouble as you try to view it.  When you have about 30 minutes, you can enjoy it. If the link for the video clip does not function properly, please copy and paste the link into your browser and you should be directed to it.


This past Tuesday evening was our 3rd and 4th grade Christmas Concert.  I was so impressed with the actors and actresses as they presented The Next Noel under the direction of our 3-5 Music Teacher,  Ms. Tori Palmer.  I am hoping to also send later some video clips from their performance since mine are all shaky. :-(  I love our Christmas concerts as we can share the true meaning of Christmas to everyone.  Children love telling and singing the story of the birth of Jesus and why He came to this earth to be born.  I wish you could have been present for their excellent performance to see the joy in their singing.  Everyone could hear every word so clearly!  Here are a few pictures from their rehearsals as well as the performance on Tuesday.

3rd and 4th grade actors and actresses during dress rehearsal!  They
          were so good!  Some amazing talent in this group!

Another pic of the 3rd and 4th grade actors during rehearsal.  The 4th grade boy on the right is Brian.  When he came to YISS last year, he didn't talk a lot with me and I kept trying to engage him in conversation and this year we have become very good friends.  He is so talented and yet so humble.

This is Isaac, a 4th grade boy who is very gifted and yet so humble.
He was one of the soloists for the concert.                 

This is a picture of all the actors, soloists, and singers taking their curtain calls at the close of Tuesday's performance!

After the concert, I went to meet Brian's parents and siblings and they wanted a picture of the two of us.  Praying that God will really use this young man!

Thursday morning we woke up to snow in Seoul!  It started lightly then became heavier and then calmed down and then picked up and finally stopped.  But enough white stuff fell so that we had our first real snow of the season and the kids of all ages at YISS enjoyed some wonderful time outside playing in the snow.  Here are a few snow pictures from our delightful day of snow.

This is a picture taken from the YISS cafeteria on our third floor on Thursday!  This is looking down on the main entrance to YISS and across the street from YISS!

Snow Angel making time by the cherubs at recess!

I believe these little ones were making an Olaf    
  Snowman!  They were having so much fun!!     

The view on Thursday morning from my office!  So sorry for the reflection of my office light in the window! :-)

The snow set the stage for our Christmas Concert for Thursday evening!  It was time for Grades 1 and 2 to present their Christmas musical, Shepherds, Sheep and a Savior!  What a fantastic performance by these delightful cherubs!  Again, the actors and actresses were simply amazing and you could understand every word they spoke as well as each word of the songs all of the children sang to tell the story of the birth of Jesus.  At the point when the shepherds come to the manger to see the baby Jesus, the one shepherd comes to the manger and looks at the baby and says, "This is God? He looks so human."  Then he asks, "Does he have a name?"  The little boy playing the part of Joseph answers so clearly (I got chills all over me), "His name is Jesus!  That means the Lord saves.  He will save His people from their sins."  Then they close the concert by singing This is Jesus and then those playing the parts of the shepherds joyfully call out, "This is great news!  This is exciting news!  We must go and tell everyone this good news!"  And the concert closed with these delightful cherubs singing joyfully Go and Tell!  Enjoy some pictures from the rehearsals and the concert!

Rehearsal picture of the shepherds around the fire and a second 
  grade boy pretending to play the saxophone in the jazz song, 
Shaggy, Smelly Sheep!  The actors were soooo good and each of 
                          the singers were wonderful! 

Here they are at the manger scene in rehearsal!  One of my favorite scenes that let to one of my favorite songs, This is Jesus!

The audience on Thursday night!

Concert picture of the Grade 1 and 2 Christmas Concert.  So sorry it is blurry.

Saturday evening was the Elementary Staff Christmas Party at the apartment of the Willetts!  Our Elementary Principal, Mrs. Sara Willetts, invited all elementary teachers and staff to the Willetts' apartment for food, fun, and festivities! We all had a wonderful time of fun, food, and laughter!  Here are a few pictures of our special Christmas time together with our hosts, Julian and Sara Willetts!

Here I am with the hosts of our Elementary Staff Christmas Party,
                            Julian and Sara Willietts!

Here are the Elementary Assistant Principals in the picture frame, GGG and Mrs. Krista Roll!

Just a few of the 20+ staff who came out to the party on Saturday

This is just a sample of the yummy treats that staff brought to share and enjoy!  There were two other tables with tasty dips and desserts!

I took this picture of two of our teachers sitting beside
the Willetts' Christmas tree.  Kelly Han, KB teacher 
and Natasha Spiers, K-1 Art Teacher.  Each person
 was to wear one of the party hats, but so many came 
               that there weren't enough hats!

A busy two weeks remain until Christmas Break begins on December 18.  Please pray as teachers work on finishing well with their students before the Christmas Break.  One more Elementary Christmas Concert will happen on Tuesday, December 8.  Grade 5 students will be performing that evening.  There are many special culminating events in each of the classrooms as Quarter Two comes to a close.  After School Activities will also finish for another quarter and I still have lots of work to do before the break for Quarter Three After School Activities.  As always, thank you for your many prayers, your great encouragement, your love, your emails, your notes, your packages, and your support.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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