Saturday, December 12, 2015

Final Week Coming Up! So Much to Do!

This last week was a busy and exciting one, but there is one more to go before YISS faculty and staff get a much-needed break!  Please pray that all of us will finish well.  This week I am gong to be posting many pictures and not quite as much writing.  I believe the pictures with a few captions will tell the week's story for you.  I am hoping to get everything finished so that I can post this at my normal day and time. :-)

First, I have to tell and show you I surprise I received when I returned home from work on Monday and there was this large package at the bottom of my apartment stairs.  I usually do not have packages mailed to my apartment so I was really surprised.  The only thing in English on the address label was "Gregg."  Everything else was in Korean.  I opened it and inside was a beautiful note in Korean and a large box of Jeju oranges - known as some of the better tasting oranges around.  They were from my dear friends - recently married - Gunmo and Sujin Kim!!  I immediately sent a text message to Gunmo thanking him for such a great surprise!  They had sent them from Jeju Island while they were on their honeymoon!  What a special treat from some very special lovebirds!

Jeju oranges from Gunmo & Sujin!  The note and gift were a thank you to Jungmin and me for doing such a nice job at their wedding.

Monday:  Grade One's Culture Day - Enjoy these pictures from a wonderful afternoon in our large Multipurpose Room. All four sections had a culture day and so many parents came and many of our other students came to experience these first grade cherubs share the culture of their country.  There were games, food, clothing, history, maps, language, books, and many other items on display.  The first graders did an outstanding job of sharing their home culture.

I hope the above pictures gave you a little glimpse into the many cultures represented in our Grade 1 classes!  I loved seeing them teach other students about their country and culture.  Everyone loved seeing the different forms of dress, yummy food, artifacts, maps, etc.  It was a great day!!

Tuesday:  Grade 5 Christmas Concert

In a week filled with many teacher observations - especially for those who wish to apply for the next level of teacher advancement - Grade 5 students under the direction of Ms. Tori Palmer presented their Christmas concert, Glad Tidings We Bring." It was the fourth and final elementary Christmas concert for this season, and the fifth graders did a great job telling the story of Christmas!

                     A picture during final dress rehearsal.

Another dress rehearsal picture with one of the instrumentalists.   

The 5th Grade singers on Tuesday evening with two soloists.

This is Catarina, one of the narrators, with the 5th Grade cherubs!

The entire 5th Grade Choir with the Hand Chimes' Choir on Tuesday evening!

Wednesday:  Teacher Interviews for 2016-17

No pictures but Wednesday began interviews for possible elementary teachers for 2016-17.  There are not too many positions to be filled, but we need to begin early in order to secure the best candidates.  We interviewed two through Skype on Wednesday and then one more on Thursday. Please pray as we interview and make selections.

Thursday:  Lots of After School Activities, including Compassion Club

The highlight of After School Activities this week was Compassion Club's activity on Thursday. Under the direction of two teachers, Ms. Weir and Mrs. Lynch, the children in this club collected all of the scarves, caps, gloves, and socks that students brought in during a three-week period.  I also had a number of my family and friends who had either purchased or knitted scarves and caps send packages of goodies to be used!  Thanks so much!  The students collected sufficient to prepare 135 individual bags to be distributed on Saturday, December 12!  Saturday was a great experience for these little ones and their parents.  Many had never encountered a homeless person up close and personal.  I would love to have recorded their conversations as we debriefed at Dunkin' Donuts at Seoul Station.  Enjoy the pictures!  Thanks for your support and prayers!

Ketu and Nathan holding hand-knitted scarves and caps sent to
                us from my family and friends in the USA!

William also showing some of the handiwork from those back in the States!

Two more cherubs showing some of the homemade
scarves and caps!                     

Some of the 135 bags that the Compassion Club sorted to hand out at Seoul Station.

Thank you to family and friends who sent these beautiful creations!!
                            These were sets that matched!

Some more from my friends in the States that were   
single hand-knitted caps!                  

Sherfalli and Ketu bringing some of the boxes of clothing that were brought into school and placed in boxes outside elementary classroom doors!

These ladies were placing tags with Christmas greetings
(in English and Korean) on the bags once students had
                                packed them.

Assembly line in progress as students took gloves, socks, caps, and scarves from each pile to complete each bag.

The assembly line production continues!        

Saturday morning in Ms. Weir's classroom with Compassion Club members and their parents.  Ms. Weir was given a little introduction as to what they would experiences at Seoul Station.

Right after getting off the bus, Ms. Weir got the group together for final instructions.  The kids, and parents, were so excited about being part of this!

Here is one of our parents explaining the bags to these homeless ones at Seoul Station.

I loved watching Ketu and her mother deliver bags.  This gentleman
was sort of sleeping but the spoke to him and left the bag.  Later we
  saw him wake up, look in the bag and put the scarf and cap on and 
    placed the other items in his pockets.  Would like to have had a 
                      picture, but didn't want to be too intrusive.

Another group of homeless men enjoying their bags of clothing.

The person on the steps with white hair started opening the bag. (I thought she was
a lady, but wasn't sure.)  As she took each item out of the bag, she touched them,
smiled and began putting them on.                               

Here is the same person with her new cap and scarf on!

  You can see a little better in this picture that she has
  the scarf and cap on and is now putting on the gloves!
The person above is excited with his hand-knitted scarf,
              which matches his sweat pants!

When all 135 packages were given out, we went to the Dunkin' Donuts at Seoul Station and bought Hot Chocolate or Coffee for everyone and enjoyed a time of debriefing while munching on some donut holes.  What a great time we had listening to the children express their experiences.  One fifth grade girl had delivered all of her bags and a man came by and wanted to know if he could have one. The girl started to remove her boots and take her socks off because she wanted him to have something.  We told her how proud we were of her, but we would go and buy him some since we had run out.
Friday: Visit to my Delightful Foot Doctor

After a busy day at School on Friday, I went for my appointment with Dr. Park so that he could once again try to repair the corns and callouses on several of my toes.  He again did some laser work. They are somewhat better, but I am sure I will return.  Sure wish I could find shoes that fit me without causing the corns, etc. Hoping to see a specialist to see if he can give me any relief or get my some custom made shoes.  Thanks for your prayers.

Instead of putting some pictures of some of the After School Activities, I am going to give you a link to a brief article that I wrote along with the help of our Community Relations Director, Mrs. Jin Park.  It is highlighting some of our activities from Quarter Two.  Lots of work to do for Quarter Three activities and I would value your prayers.  Here is the link - hoping it will work for you.  Let me know if it does not.


As always, I want to thank you for continuing to love me and give me encouragement!  Thank you for your notes, emails, packages, prayers, and support.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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