Saturday, December 26, 2015

Relationships Continue to be so Important!

Christmas has always been a wonderful time for me!  I loved our times together as a family growing up and being taught how important relationships are.  I learned early from my parents and grandparents about the most beautiful relationships ever; that relationship that allowed my nasty sin nature to be redeemed and restored by God sending His Son to be born to die so that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!  A friend and colleague of mine at YISS, Mrs. Vicky Deetlefs, shared the following image that I found to be so powerful!  I will post it here without any words.  Take some time to look at the various details in the painting.  I end up each time expressing, "Thank you, God!"


I also believe that we are to build relationships with those God brings into our lives throughout our lives.  Christmas has always been a special time when I can renew relationships that started years ago as well as relationships just begun.  This past week was a special time of relationships.  I spent some time at YISS working on Quarter Three After School Activities and Teachers' Grades and Comments, but also made time to meet some great friends I had made here in South Korea.  I will share some of those delightful times with you this week in my post.

On Monday, I was able to meet my Muslim friend and alum of YISS, Alwarith.  Alwarith is studying at the University of Nebraska and always makes a point  to come and see me when he is back in Korea.  His Dad is the Ambassador from Oman to South Korea.  Alwarith and I had a delightful visit on Monday at Los Amigos.  Alwarith continues to ask me questions about my faith and it's exciting to me that he always comes looking for me when he is back in Korea.  I am excited for Alwarith and when you think of him, please pray that he will come to experience Jesus Christ.  He still has three brothers at YISS who are also good friends of mine.  I am thankful for a number of Muslim students that have become good friends and they keep coming by my office to talk.  Thank you for remembering these young men.

Alwarith wanted this picture with our arms folded .  He said that is how Mexicans sit for pictures. :-)  We are preparing to eat our yummy Mexican dishes!

Then August, our server and my good friend, wanted each of us to pose wearing a sombrero!

Wednesday I met with a fine young man who is very eager to follow the Lord.  Jace is a graduate of YISS as well and is studying at Washington University in St, Louis.  We have developed a great relationship and spent Wednesday evening at On the Border talking and sharing what God has been teaching us.  Jace has a real heart for the people in North Korea as well.  He has been given the opportunity to study at Oxford University during this next semester.  Please pray for Jace as he leaves on January 6 for the United Kingdom and Oxford.  He is a bit nervous and worried, but also excited to see what God has in store for him.

Here I am with my great friend, Jace, preparing to eat our very tasty OTB dinners!

     This is one of my favorites at On The Border!!

Jace chose the Southwest Tacos with a double order 
of rice!  Also very tasty!                    

Christmas Eve day was an exciting one.  I first made a new friend and have already started building that new relationship.  I discovered a new eating establishment in Itaewon!  "The Original Pancake House" - started in Portland, Oregon in 1953 - has come to Itaewon!  I had breakfast on Christmas Eve day on the first day it opened.  I was there at 10 AM when it opened and was the fifth person to enter.  The owner, Joon, welcomed me and starting asking all about me and what I did.  We had a great time getting to know each other.  I actually came back on Christmas Day for breakfast and we continued our conversations.  I look forward to getting to know Joon!

  GGG preparing to eat a most delicious breakfast at The Original
                             Pancake House in Itaewon!

My first, but not last, breakfast at The Original Pancake House!!

Here I am with Joon, the owner of both Pancake Houses (or do I say Pancake Homes?) in Seoul!

Placemat giving a little history of The Original Pancake House - started in 1953 in Oregon!

Then on Christmas Eve, my wonderful friend of 7 years,  Jungmin, invited me to Christmas Eve dinner at a new Italian restaurant, Cucciolo's, very close to my apartment.  I always love the conversations I have with this intelligent, insightful, and caring believer.  Our conversations range from some lighthearted chats to some very deep discussions.  Please continue to pray for Jungmin as he seeks to follow the Lord.

My excellent friend, Jungmin, and I at Cucciolo's on Christmas Eve!

Our yummy pasta dinners!  One of the two service gifts we were
given is between the pasta dishes.  They were very tasty Risotto
                        Balls with a spicy dipping sauce!

Although we Jungmin had made reservations, they asked us to move
our seats twice.  Each time we received a service gift!  This was our 
second one: a very delicious homemade Tiramisu!!!                    

Christmas Day was a beautiful day for me.  I woke up and opened some gifts from family and friends back in the USA.  That was fun and gave me opportunities to remember wonderful memories I have of all those who sent me some gifts.  Then I opened my email and discovered that my one sister was given an iPhone for Christmas by her son.  She gave her new number so I decided to call her on her new phone.  Julee answered but had trouble hearing and I kept hearing her ask her son, Adam and his wife, Wendy, how to work the volume, etc.  Then she hung up! :-(  I called back and she had learned what to do and we had a delightful conversation.  She and her hubby, Leigh, had traveled to Los Angeles to spend Christmas with Adam and Wendy.  It was Christmas Eve when I was talking to them and they were in the car driving to some special event.  It was wonderful to talk with all four of them on Julee's new phone!

After some walking and reflection and reading, I came home and prepared to have Christmas dinner in the evening with my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin.  He had selected a place we had eaten at one other time but we both forgot exactly when it was. :-)  It is a restaurant called Olea Kitchen & Grocery near my apartment.  We had the Christmas Set B dinner which included yummy bread, tasty asparagus soup, a huge Prawn and Avocado Salad, delicious Crab Pasta, and then a perfectly prepared Steak with Mushrooms and some Mashed Potatoes.  I would ask you to continue to pray for Yeongmin that he would come to know Jesus.  We had a great time together as usual.

Yeongmin and I enjoying our delicious Christmas dinner at Olea Kitchen & Grocery!

   The huge Prawn and Avocado Salad!  Yummy!

Our tasty Crab Pasta!

Our perfectly prepared Medium Steak with Mushrooms, etc.     

Thank you so much for all of your greetings in various ways over this Christmas season.  I would appreciate your prayers as I continue to do some work at YISS in order to complete the Quarter Three After School Activities four our students in the elementary school.  I am hoping to get away for three days and two nights to a beautiful and quaint little place on the eastern shore of South Korea on January 4 - 6.  One of our teaching assistants at YISS told me about "Hotel November" and I am really looking forward to my stay there.  Thank you for your faithful love, care, emails, encouragement, packages, prayers, and support.  I trust that you and your family will experience a very special New Year in 2016!

Love,  Gregg

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