Saturday, March 21, 2015

Arrival of Spring; Finish of Quarter Three; and Beginning of Refreshment and/or Service!!

This past week brought a wonderful beginning to Spring!  Temperatures hit 65 degrees Fahrenheit!  I am thrilled with the weather and it can continue this way for a good long time! :-)  The week also brought a finish to Quarter Three!  It continues to boggle my mind when I think of how quickly time passes.  Friday was an Early Release Day at YISS so that the 35+ staff and 165+ high school and middle school students could begin their service and ministry trips during Spring Break.  These staff members and students will be heading out to nine countries to serve and minister in so many different settings.  I know they would value your prayers!  Others will be serving on their own somewhere and/or just relaxing and refreshing in order to begin Quarter Four on March 30!

So much was happening this past week at YISS!  I think I will let the pictures do most of the talking this week.  As I already mentioned, our GWAM (Guardians With a Message) Teams had a commissioning service in the YISS auditorium on Monday.  From all reports, it appears that all nine teams made it safely to their destinations and are actively involved in ministry.

Some of the students in the YISS auditorium during the Commissioning Service for the GWAM teams on Monday!

Wednesday was certainly a packed and busy day!!  It was March's Fun Day in Elementary - Hat Day!!  Enjoy this diversity of hats of some of our elementary students!


It was also the day when those, who had been selected because of their great reading efforts during the Read-A-Thon to be principal and assistant principals for the day, actually got to play those roles. Actually, because of the busyness of Wednesday, one of their special promises to the 460 elementary cherubs was fulfilled on Thursday afternoon!

Here is Assistant Principal Jayme from 2D at her desk on Wednesday
                       morning doing official business!  :-)

Assistant Principal Jayme allowed me to have my picture taken in "her" office with her!  What a great day we had together!

On Hat Day at 8:00 AM Mrs. Birmingham met with Principal Cade,
Assistant Principal Sophie and Assistant Principal Jayme to prep them
for giving announcements to all of the elementary school over the P.A.
system.  They were so excited to be able to have their voices broadcast!

Here they are in the little room where we make announcements to the elementary children. They are informing the students of their three proclamations: 1) All students will have an extra 10 minutes at Lunch Recess; 2) Thursday each student will be given a free Melon Ice Cream Bar; and 3) On Friday students may bring an electronic device to school and use it for 30 minutes.

Also in the morning on Wednesday the four fourth grade sections had a combined Market Day in the New Multipurpose Room!  What a great event the children had to raise money for two organizations: Free the Children and Gospel for Asia.  It was a grand event that allowed even middle school and high school students to come and purchase food and game items.  When I entered the large room, it just sounded like a real market day - similar to ones I have enjoyed in La Paz, Bolivia and Manila in The Philippines.

            Some of the 4th Grade girls selling!

Some of the 4th Grade boys proclaiming their goodies for sale!

Two more young ladies who had quite a variety of
goods for sale!!                       

I love this little lady!  She is selling but I believe she also wants to eat some!! 

 Here is my Assistant Principal for the Day, Ms. Jayme from 2D at
 the Market Day!  I told her that principals and assistant principals
have to find time in their schedules to make a stop at special events
  like this.  She loved it and had a difficult time deciding what she 
                                   was going to purchase!

Throughout the day on Wednesday, our Elementary (K-2) Music teacher, Ms. Shauna Weir, and the Elementary (K-2) Physical Education teacher, Ms. Jamie Buster, had teamed up to have a fun Salsa Party during the Kinder and Grade 1 Music and P. E. classes.  They joined together to learn about Latin music, to make maracas, and to dance the Salsa!  What a great culmination to a special unit to combine music and dance and art in a grand celebration!  It was so much fun!!

   Ms. Weir (Music) and Ms. Buster (Phys. Ed.) practicing the
     Salsa before having each Kinder student make a maraca for 
                                   the final Salsa dance!

The Kinder cherubs designing the outside of their maracas!

Hard at work designing her maraca!!                     

You might recognize George, the little man that got to smear a pie in my face last week at the Wrap Up Assembly for Read-A-Thon! :-)  Here he is designing his maraca!

A finished maraca!!  The kids loved them - especially
                       since they made them!

Getting ready to dance the Salsa with their maracas!!

One more event on Wednesday: the quarterly PTO and Elementary Principal's meeting.  This was held in the New Multipurpose Room and it was a very positive time of sharing with the parents about our new Readers; and Writers' Workshop curriculum for 2015-16 + our Elementary Awards at the close of the year and our anti-bullying campaign ("Stand Up!") during the month of February.  The event was well attended and we had many new parents in attendance.

As mentioned above, the Principals for the Day completed their responsibilities on Thursday by delivering to each elementary classroom a very yummy Melon Ice Cream Bar!  I love these and so do the children.  They were thrilled to receive this special treat from the Principals and Assistant Principals for the Day!

A box of the very tasty Melon Ice Cream
Bars that were delivered to the classrooms!

The two Assistant Principals for the Day with GGG delivering Melon Bars to Grade 1A where Mrs. Palmer was substituting for Mrs. Miller.

Principal Cade delivering Melon Pops to one of the
Grade 5 sections!  They all fell in love with the little
man from Kindergarten! :-)               

Friday was a busy half day of school.  The GWAM teams were completing what they needed to do before departing.  There were students saying "goodbye" to their friends as they and their parents have been reassigned to another country.  This is still a difficult thing at an international school. After we made sure everyone was on the right bus or picked up at 11:45, the elementary staff had gathered in the elementary office complex and surprised me with and early birthday song and very tasty Strawberry Cheese Cake!  They are such a wonderful group and I love them very much!

Friday around Noon in the Elementary School/High School Office
 with staff wishing me an early Happy Birthday!  There is one 4th 
grade student in front of Mr. Adams.  He was waiting for his Mom
               to pick him up after dismissal.  He sang along!

Mrs. Birmingham presenting me with the Strawberry Cheese Cake!!  I shared with everyone present! Soooo delicious!

There is my piece with some blueberries, too!     

I almost forgot!  Last Sunday evening my dear friend and former SYME student, Jin Seok met me for dinner at Suji's (his choice).  He told me he was bringing a special friend along and I could not take any pictures of her yet. :-)  I was a good boy and only took pictures of the tasty food and one of Jin Seok (he will not like it). :-)  We had a great time and I was delighted to meet his special friend. Jin Seok also gave me and early birthday gift - a beautiful new necktie!  It is always so great to see Jin Seok and fellowship with him.  God is working in his life and I am so excited to see what will continue to take place in Jin Seok's life as he serves Him.

  My new necktie that Jin Seok gave me 
       for my birthday with a nice card!

This is the Mexican Brunch that Jin Seok's special friend enjoyed!

I enjoyed Suji's Reuben Sandwich!              

Jin Seok wanted the Suji's tasty cheeseburger!

  This is the only picture of people I took on this special evening!
                     Jin Seok won't be happy, I'm sure! :-)

Once again, it gives me great pleasure to thank you for your continued encouragement, care, love, notes, emails, prayers, and support!  Please enjoy a great week!  I will enjoy a time of rest and refreshment + a little work on the Quarter Four After School Activities!

Love, Gregg

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