Saturday, March 14, 2015

Winding Up to Wind Down!!

This past week was fast and furious as we were starting to begin to wind up Quarter Three.  A very busy and eventful week, and next week will be continuing the same pace as we approach Spring Break so that teachers, administrators, parents, and students can wind down - at least for the most part!  Many students and teachers will be heading out on GWAM (Guardians With a Mission) trips to various countries in Southeast Asia.  These teams are winding up all of their preparations so that they will be ready for some great times of serving and ministry and still be able to wind down a bit before heading back to begin Quarter Four!  Your prayers are appreciated!

For the cherubs in the elementary school, the Read-A-Thon Wrap Up Assembly on Wednesday afternoon was the highlight of the week!  They found out who the winners of the big prizes were! They learned who would be Principal of the Day + two Assistant Principals of the Day and Librarian of the Day!  They also found out from the PTO Co-Chairs that they exceeded their Reading Minutes' goal, finishing with 772,261 minutes of reading during the Read-A-Thon!  Were they excited? Oh yes!  Why did that make them excited?  Because that meant they chose three persons from all those who had read at least the minimum number of minutes to smear a pie in each of the elementary administrators' faces!  Oh such squealing and screaming!  Such bad children!! :-)  Not! :-)  Enjoy some pictures below.  I also posted many on facebook.

  Here are the three lucky winners of the three top prizes.  Students
   could have their names placed in the drawing box if they read a
certain number of minutes!  The young man in the middle was sooo
    excited!  I could see his shirt going in and out around his chest
                   area!  His heart was pounding sooo much!

Here are the winners of the drawing for Principal of the Day, Assistant Principals of the Day, and Librarian of the Day.  The little man on the left, Cade, was soooo excited to be selected as the Principal of the Day!!

You can see the image on the screen which the students were delighted to read!  Here I am trying to talk George out of smearing me with the pie.  He did not listen to me!  Such a naughty boy! :-)  The Co-Chair of the PTO Read-A-Thon is encouraging him to let me have it! And so are Mrs. Birmingham and Mrs. Roll on the far right! :-)

This is George after he has done the damage!  Oh, he loved this and the kids were sooo excited and making such grand noise!  To think that George is only in Kindergarten!  I love his smile!!

Our Elementary Principal, Mrs. Birmingham, presenting the PTO 
      ladies who worked so hard on the Read-A-Thon this year!

It was also the next to the last week of Quarter Three After School Activities.  Each activity is bringing their Quarter Three classes to a close.  That is always fun!  As they are winding up to a big finish, I am winding up to complete Quarter Four after school activities before March 18 so that I can wind down during Spring Break.  Things are going well.  My wonderful assistant, Mrs. Williamson, has been a huge help as we work through all of the little issues with the technology for the online registration.  All looks like it is a go for registration that will be right after we return from Spring Break.  Again, your prayers are greatly valued!  Enjoy a few pictures from a few more activities from Quarter Three.

               Boys' Grades 2-3 Basketball in Quarter Three!!

Our Taekwondo ASA boys with Master Kim!  Master Kim is so good with the class.  He expects great discipline and these very active boys respond with great love for their instructor!

Grade 2-3 Girls' Basketball in Quarter Three!!               

Speed Cup Stacking ( Grades 2-3) with Matthew practicing on the mat to beat his record!

        Sherfalli practicing her Speed Cup Stacking!!

Our puppeteers for Quarter Three!!

Sports (K-3) in Quarter Three!!                         

Some girls in Board Games in Quarter Three!

  Three very competitive boys in Board Games playing Qwirkle!!

Just a quick note here concerning one of my former elementary school students, Kenneth.  He is now in 8th grade and we continue to have a great relationship.  I see him almost every day and he is doing very well.  Last week he and a few of his 8th grade buddies were selected to be "angels" to deliver special cookies and treats of encouragement to middle school students.  This was a project set up by the Middle School counselor and they looked like they were having a great time.  Kenneth was not sure he wanted to wear his angel costume, but eventually he did and even allowed me to get a picture or two.  When you think of Kenneth, please continue to pray for him to be a strong witness in the Middle School.

     Kenneth with his angel costumes and wings!

Kenneth and several of his friends getting dressed 
in their angel costumes!! They had such fun!     

Winding up the week at YISS in the Elementary School was the first YISS-hosted Elementary School Basketball Jamboree.  One of our Physical Ed. teachers in the Elementary School, Ms. Jamie Buster, organized a tremendous Jamboree for Saturday, March 14!  Five international elementary schools in and around YISS participated from 9:00 AM - 2:15 PM on Saturday!  Jamie used so many volunteers - teachers, parents, high school students, etc.  YISS had two Boys' teams and two Girls' teams represented and they did so well.  The weather was gorgeous and parents and friends from all five schools commented about how much they enjoyed the day.  I was so pleased and privileged to volunteer to help in various ways for Jamie!  I also was able to meet a new friend!  I was so inspired by a fifth grade student from Gyeonggi Suwon International School!  His name is Jaffer, and he was all suited up to play basketball - in his wheel chair.  Jaffer has no legs from the knees down.  He played his heart out!  He was a joy to watch as he lead his team.  He was faster than many of the other boys who had full use of their bodies.  As I was watching Jaffer in his first game, he was so passionate that all of a sudden he fell out of his chair.  My first reaction was to leap up from my position behind the scorer's table to go and assist him.  But Jaffer quickly worked so that he was able to get back in his chair with very little assistance from anyone!  One time one of the boys on the opposing team was running and fell against Jaffer's chair.  Jaffer immediately stopped to help this boy get up from the floor.  I was in tears of joy!  After the game, I went to Jaffer and said, "I just had to come over and give you a hug!  You have blessed and inspired me so much.  I love you!  Keep on doing what you are doing."  He smiled this huge smile and we chatted for a little more.  I spoke with his mother later and she said that he is a beautiful boy inside and outside!  What a joy he was to me!

I am so delighted that Ms. Jamie Buster is on our Elementary Staff!  What a great job she did Saturday with the Elementary Basketball Jamboree!

Our two boys' teams with their coaches, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Resende.

One of our girls' teams from YISS with their coach, Ms. Moncada, 5C teacher!

Ms. Buster giving some instructions to her girls' team at half time!

Ms. Buster's girls' team!

My amazing new friend, Jaffer!  What a beautiful
                 young boy - inside and out!

Saturday evening I had the pleasure of meeting one of my former SYME students and great friends, Jae Hong "Dr. Fred" Park.  Jae Hong is studying in Australia to be a nurse.  He came back to Korea for a little break and wanted to meet up.  We have stayed in touch with each other while he has been in Australia and he wanted to catch up and talk about a few issues.  I was so happy to meet with this young man.  When I arrived in Korea at SYME in late August of 2008, Jae Hong was the first Korean student I met at SYME.  He didn't know I was coming around Midnight and he was asleep in my little room in Dorm 404! :-) We enjoyed a wonderful time at Los Amigos in Itaewon.  Please continue to pray for Jae Hong as he prepares to return to Australia near the end of April to begin his studies.  he is also studying for some English tests he needs to pass in order to continue these nursing studies.

  GGG and Jae Hong at Los Amigos on Saturday evening!  What 
                        a great time we enjoyed together!

Jae Hong preparing to enjoy some yummy Mexican food!

Thanks for all of your love, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and support.  On Sunday after church on my way to catch the #400 Bus, I went sprawling along the sidewalk, as I tripped on the ever-present uneven sidewalk in Korea!  No broken bones that I know of, but there is some very strange growth on my left knee that seems to be swelling.  I am icing it today and if it is not better by Monday morning, I will head to my friend, Dr. Kim.  Thanks for your prayers.  Spring is almost here!!  I am ready for it!!

Love, Gregg

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