Saturday, April 11, 2015

All Sorts of Excitement!!!

The first full week of April brought some very exciting events!  Yeppers, it was a busy week, but full of excitement!  Many long days at YISS, but I enjoyed delightful sleep!  One of the thrilling things this past week was that the sun came forth and Spring has arrived in Seoul!  One of my favorite times!  As I walk up the sidewalk leading from the main street in Itaewon to the campus of Yongsan International School of Seoul, I love the Cherry Blossoms and beautiful flowers. The Cherry Blossoms are out in full beauty and the very colorful flowers are just starting to bud!  I had to take a few minutes to pose for a photo among the Cherry Blossoms this past week!

A picture from the top of the drive leading up to YISS.

Another picture with the Cherry Blossoms near the top of the drive coming into YISS!

Quarter Four After School Activities has the highest number of activities and students involved in those activities ever since I have been at YISS!  Abby Williamson, who has been assisting me part time with the organization of the growing program, and I spent many hours during the days putting everything together for over 500 students involved in the 35 activities.  Some are registered for multiple activities.  It is exciting!  There are always a few glitches, but all is working out well. Thanks for your prayers.

On Wednesday there was much excitement in the Elementary School as we celebrated the engagement of one of our Kinder teachers, Ms. Dyanne Wheat.  We are all so excited for her as she plans to marry a wonderful Christian young man, Jason.  Wednesday after school one of our other Kinder teachers, Ms. Sarah Regnier, hosted a celebration party for Dyanne!  We had a delightful time of encouraging Dyanne and celebrating with her.  She and Jason plan to be married on July 19 in the Boston area.  

At lunch the next day Ms. Wheat related the following incident that happened in her Kindergarten C class on Wednesday morning.  I love it!!  I hope you enjoy it!  Here is what she related to me:

So I told my kiddos on Wednesday morning

Me:  “Remember my friend, Jason, who came and read you a story a few weeks ago?”
Kids:  “Yeah!”
One Girl:  “Your boyfriend?”  (with a huge grin)
Me:  “Yes!  Well, he’s not my boyfriend any more.”
Kids: (Sad faces… confusion)
Me:  “That’s because over Spring Break he became my fiancé!”
Kids:  “What?”
Me:  That means we are going to get married!”
Kids:  Screams! Squirming, rolling on the floor, laughing, covering faces!  (priceless)

Later that morning I heard some gossip and all the kids were gathering around the green table. I asked what was happening and they all pointed to one boy and said, "He said it!" I called him over and asked him what he said.
Through a big smile and laughing he said, "I told them that if you get married, you might lay a baby and won't be our teacher anymore."

And now some pictures from the Engagement Celebration Party:

The bride-to-be, Dyanne Wheat, with her colleague and the hostess,
                                         Sarah Regnier!

Ms. Wheat and GGG at the Party!  

All three Kinder teachers (they are so wonderful) along with their
teaching assistants (also wonderful) and GGG at the Party!     

Thursday after school the 4th and 5th grade boys and girls who were involved in our basketball teams for two Elementary Jamborees in Quarter Three had a closing party.  It was so great to see them enjoying one another and to see the growth in their character as well as basketball skills during this time.  Ms. Buster and Mr. Resende head up this program after school with the assistance of two other teachers, Ms. Moncada and Mr. Bennett.  The kids had a great time receiving their certificates. eating delicious pizza, and hearing from their coaches.  

One parent wrote the following to the coaches and me in an email the following day: “Thank you Coaches for a wonderful season!  I think the ES sports program is one of the best run programs in all of YISS.  We can definitely see the dedication and enthusiasm from all the coaches and I know the kids see it too!  We know this is your extra time you put in with our kids and we are all so thankful!!!”

     This young lady has been a tremendous blessing to the YISS 
  community this year!  Ms. Buster came to teach Elementary P. E.
   in the K-2 grades, but has done sooo much more.  She organized 
  our 4th and 5th grade boys and girls on four basketball teams and
organized and carried out the first Elementary Basketball Jamboree
   that was hosted by YISS!  Here she is giving directions for the 
                              Pizza Party to the players!

Two special 5th grade buddies of mine being silly!  Teo and Ryan always make me smile.  When I began at YISS, Ryan was in Grade 2 and had quite the temper and was in my office a lot. Through those times of discipline, we have become great friends.  He is growing into a great young man!

     Mr. Resende's  4th and 5th grade boys' team!                

Mr. Bennett's 4th & 5th grade boys' team!

                  Ms. Buster's 4th & 5th grade girls' team! 

Ms. Moncada's 4th & 5th grade girls' team!

Friday was a very busy and exciting day!  In addition to three Chapels and an OASIS Assembly with lots of excellent and enthusiastic singing, I was involved in the Kindergarten C's Publishing Party and I took time to enjoy one of the great highlights at YISS for me each year - the YISS PTO's Teacher Appreciation Luncheon!  Friday was quite busy and exciting!!

Some of the parents listening to their children reading their "books'
                           in Kindergarten C on Friday!

A mother being read to by her son.  Seth reading to his younger sister who loved being with him in KC on Friday at least for about an hour!  She wanted to stay!

I had such a fun time with this delightful cherub!  I am writing a 
post-it note to place on her "book."                    

Alex read his "book" with such excellent expression and had great colorful drawings!

Seth and his sister wanted me to listen to his "book."  He did such
                                            a great job!

Here are some pictures from the PTO Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.  These volunteers did such an amazing job of preparing a fantastic, delicious, and abundant luncheon and gifts for all of the teachers and staff!  I love the YISS PTO.

Above are some of the beautiful people who helped make the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon a huge success and highlight at YISS once again this year!!

       Some of the yummy desserts provided by many parents!

Some of the main dishes - also prepared and provided by many parents!

More main dishes!  Oh, soooo delicious!!                  

More desserts!  Of course I had to have some of that strawberry cake with whipped cream!! :-)

And some more yummy desserts! I especially loved the Brazilian
                            pudding on the far right!!

Another very exciting event happened this week!  Many of you have been praying for almost five years for Matthew, a student I met my first year at YISS.  At that time Matthew was in the middle school.  He will graduate from YISS this year!  During this year, Matthew has been enjoying life much more.  He is not struggling with his depression nearly as much!  He came to me and informed me that he was accepted to California Baptist University in Riverside, CA!  He was all excited because this university also has an ROTC program in which he will be able to be involved!  Thank you for continuing to pray for my dear friend, Matthew.  I am really excited for him and we are planning to get together for another meal soon.

A recent picture of Matthew and GGG having dinner together and catching up on all that is happening in Matthew's life!

Some exciting events coming up in April involve our Spring Book Fair and an Author Visit from Bill Myers.  I have attached three posters informing you of these special and exciting events!


On Saturday I had the pleasure of meeting Daris and his wife, Clara!  I was excited to meet Daris about a month ago when he came along with my dear friend, Gunmo for a Saturday lunch visit. Daris has stayed in touch and wanted to meet again and introduce me to his wife, Clara.  Their desire is to some day get involved in education in North Korea.  Daris would particularly like to teach at a North Korean university.  Both Daris and Clara know several from other countries who are teaching in North Korea and have seen some come to know Jesus Christ.  We had a great time together and as you think of this delightful couple, would you pray for them as they seek to serve the Lord.  

Here I am with Daris and Clara at Los Amigos getting ready to
                              enjoy our yummy lunches!

Clara loved finding Los Amigos!  She grew up with her parents in Spain where they were missionaries for  a number of years before going to serve in Cuba and Mexico.  Clara tried the Baja Burrito and she said it was wonderful!!

The happy couple about ready to eat lunch.  On April 29 they will  
celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary!  Such a wonderful couple!

As always, I just want to thank you for your love, encouragement, prayers, notes, and support.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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